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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Maybe you could give him socks?


A lot might depend on what he's going to be doing.

For instance... if he skateboarded around... hey... he's a walkin' brain... why can't he skateboard... knee and elbow pads might be neat.

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Thanks for the comments and ideas. I can't put pants on him unfortunately, because at the end of the animation he needs to be just a brain, so I don't want to have too much dissapear (I already have to get rid of the arms and legs somehow)


Update on texturing...I'll be working on the set soon.



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Could you darken the channels in the brain? Also, how about some slightly reddish veins?

I think the one with the spec. shine was more brain looking...

changes or not, looks great

Mike Fitz


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Nice looking brain you got there :D How did you approach your splining? Like, when I starta model, I always have a hard time to figure out where to put the first spline :D

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It'll be a test of your animating abilities to show emotion and character in this guy.


This should be very interesting. Animating characters with missing parts can be a great way to learn how to get more expressiveness out of the remaining parts. Hands can express a surprising amount of emotions.


Bill Gaylord

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You've really got to come up with a solution to the brain stem problem otherwise you might be looking at an R rating or worse!


Otherwise, it is great! It's truly a character (not just a brain with legs and arms).


Keep us "posted"!



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Yes, you can definitely see that it is a "male" brain...


Yes "he" needs to wear pants... or... include more of the spinal cord and make it a tail... that could get very creepy though...


Or just eliminate the brain stem... no one would really miss it... I don't even use mine much... I don't think...



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Yeah, unless the brainstem is a part of their logo you could probably do without it. The animation looks great, and the still of the stage set really shines.


I also had some thoughts on the arms and legs, but in the end I think it's better to just leave them "cartoon-style" like you have.

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I give this... two thumbs up!


What I find very funny... or interesting... is that... for a moment at the end... he almost gives the impression... of a guy in a big brain suit... I could almost imagine someone in there... saying,


"Hey? Where is everybody? I can't see anything in here! Hellooo?"



Vernon "Sponge Bob Brain Pants!" Zehr

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Very enertaining. Liked it better without the brain stem. That along with the two lobes in the back is too "suggestive". Lose the brain stem and I think it will be less distracting.


Looks like a fun project.



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Hey Mark,


This looks really cool so far, but if your looking for some C&C here are a couple of small things that kind of stuck out for me. The first is when he pulls the rope and starts floating there. Are you going to add some kind of effect maybe a electric jolt or something before he just starts floating? Maybe it's just me, but I watched the clip a few times and each time just wondered why pulling a rope would make him float for no apparent reason. Granted, that's probably a stupid thing to wonder since we're talking about a brain with arms and legs here. But have you tried having him pull the rope, having the pieces of neon drop down and start to glow with maybe a little electric burst, then having the letters float up into place and then the brain? Maybe have him slowly get sucked into the air against his will and have him try and fight it a little bit? This is probably a really stupid suggestion, but for some reason having the brain float there by itself for a few seconds just looks too weird.


Also, his hand movements at the beginning seem a little too symmetrical. Are they offset at all? Anyway, great job so far and keep up the good work.



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