I don't know how your lights are set so it's hard to say what that's so contrasty, if that's what you don't want.
IF.... if... the original actions don't have any sliding in them, then perhaps your model bone is sliding around when it shouldn't be.
Here's my tentative distillation of what was in the first version. My goal was to pick the shots that would make the best impression in 60 seconds. All of these would benefit from further polishing and on many , lighting changes should be considered.
If you want to pick some shots to work on I can offer ideas for polishing.
I put a few frames of black between each shot to help convey that they are not originally contiguous. Sorry the sound is so glitchy I'm not sure why that is.
That is somewhat similar to what I've been doing. William's book is a great resource, I think you could get just about everything in the first two quarters of AnimationMentor from TASK also. It's all laid out there but 3D animators seem to have trouble putting it into practice. Of course, a book can't tell you if you're really getting it right, which hopefully a live teacher would do in a class.
Steffen has said these mac interface problems are difficult to solve because they only happen in the final compiled version and not in the "debugging" version where his software can track all events in the program. Something like that.
You haven't done the exercises in "The Art of A:M"? That comes with A:M? A lot of questions get answered there.
Welcome back none-the-less!
Patty Duke: introduced the concept of "identical cousins" to science.
Yes, place the model bone once at the beginning of the shot and animate the skeleton from there after.
This one doesn't work anymore?
Load it, try it, it worked before. Then change ONE thing only and try it again. Do not change a bunch of things at once.
You'll be disappointed in how little I cover in so long a time, but here are some comments:
Remember, as I say in the screencam, the screencam doesn't really capture the motion well so you need to watch it in this PRJ to really see it:
How to get Service Pack 3 for XP
I would think it's still available in some form somewhere since XP is still a supported operating system.
I have a 2000 CD that has an "Intel" installer on it and that seemed to run and install fine on both my Win 7 and XP partitions. That's version 8.
Somewhere around here I have a 1999 CD but couldn't find it. That would be version 7 I guess.
A:M interface has changed quite a bit since those days and A:M is dramatically better. If you can't get the installer running I'd say make the jump and buy a subscription to the new version.
Print quality file for the fabulous BUS STOP movie poster can now be found here:
The perfect addition to your bedroom, office, den, cavern, hideaway or lair!
Now you're a big deal... your name is on a movie poster!
Here's a JPG image that you can print out for your bedroom or office wall. It's 5550x7050 pixels so you should be able to use that for anything from an 8x11 inch sheet all the way up to 2x3 feet without serious jaggies.
If I've misspelled anyone's name, let me know and I'll fix it.