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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. Pretty good John. There's a DarkTree texture you can put on that for a somewhat smoke and fire appearance. Don't ask me the name.
  2. Here it is, only 2½ months into 2011, the 2010 A:M forum collaboration project... BUS STOP! Download it to your computer to view with Quicktime. BUS_STOP_the_2010_AM_Forum_Project.mov A big "Thanks" to everyone who took part, there's a lot of great ideas in here and I think you'll enjoy showing this to your friends. And thanks to Mark (mtpeak2) for making the fine set that tied it all together. If I made mistakes on anyone's name or messed up their clip (or left something out?), let me know and I'll try to fix it before I put this up on Youtube I apologize for not completing this sooner. 90% of that is just me not getting my segment done on time. But that's the perk i get for organizing it, no one can call time on me. So... our 2010 project is in the can. Who's going to organize 2011? Get the print quality version of the poster here.
  3. You'll have to speak to the sign manufacturer about his non-uniformly weathering ink.
  4. Don't worry. 2011 and another forum project are just around the corner!
  5. "SEE" is an essential part of the bad movie poster form. It cannot be omitted .
  6. I don't understand the event entirely from your description, but perhaps the solution would be to not have a hook in the ambiguous area but to continue the spline on farther? I can recall one instance where a hook created by a copy paste mirror maneuver behaved differently from its mirror twin. But i dont' recall it real well.
  7. After a few tests it doesn't look like you can copy all at once. You'll need to copy/paste one frame at a time.
  8. It is possible sometimes to copy keyframes from/to copies of identical objects in the chor. Set the time cursor to the first key, Select the first Dust, then select all the keys you want to copy and copy. then select the other Dust and try ctrl-v to paste. you will need the translate, scale and rotate filters on and probably the ETC filter also.
  9. Polygons in A:M! And still the Republic stands. And Canada too.
  10. I had a banding problem with a project being edited in After Effects and there the solution was setting AE to use 16 bits per channel rather than 8. But ultimately it still had to got to a 8bpc codec so it's a mystery to me why that was better in the end. Does FCP have a forum, perhaps? This is probably something they've all encountered.
  11. OK, I changed it, but if this version doesn't pack 'em in you'll never work in this town again.
  12. See the finished BUS STOP movie Original layout: 2nd revision: 3rd take:
  13. that's lovely! Is there a hole in the top of that egg?
  14. I does look like odd behavior. I either can't turn the Skeleton mode button on, or if I can his bones don't' show anyway. Is that what you are describing?
  15. I fixed that a while ago. thanks.
  16. Hi Paul, i just caught your note about your back. That's very disappointing news to hear. I hope there's a way to turn that around, for your sake and for us as we all do value seeing your work and your input on the forum.
  17. Me... I'd just keyframe the Dust thingy to be where the foot is when I need it to be there instead of constraining it to the foot. Then it could hang around as long as I wanted after the foot left. In the TAoA:M tut I think they were trying to incorporate the Dust effect into a Walk cycle action.
  18. >Curve>Interpolation Method> ... sets either Spline, Zero Slope, Hold or Linear as the new default behavior for your curve the original default behavior is Spline (but under some circumstances A:M will make a Zero-slope CP. I'm not sure of the rules on that)
  19. To set the default interpolation for a whole channel, select any CPs in it then >Curve>Interpolation Method> your choice If you >Interpolation Method>Your Choice your are setting interpolation for just the selected CPs. These override whatever default you have set. If you want them to observe your new default, select them and >Interpolation Method>Default
  20. I forget if there are dramatic differences. Try a few and render a few frames to see what happens. In the "Eat My Dust" tut in TAoA:M the picture of teh knight with dust at his foot shows some turbulence being used to give it a varied look.
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