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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I'm wanting to change the color of a group on a model, in the chor. When i click on the color chip no color i set gets accepted and the RGB channels for the color do not resemble the values shown in the color picker. The red and green are actually below zero. Is there a good reason these are not corresponding to the color picker? I dimly recall seeing something like this a long time ago but don't recall if it was intended or not.
  2. That turned out well! I'm wondering about the flesh colored flaps on her hips... what are those?
  3. Camera Mapping, actually applying the image as a decal while looking through the camera, is the way to get the image to stick after the camera moves to a new location. Front projection/rotoscope can't do that.
  4. An object is in your camera view.... Select the object in the Objects folder and >New>Decal The decal will appear in the camera view for you to position and apply on the object. The bounding box is very jittery in this view. Drag an image onto a light and the light will project the image like a slide projector. Good also for making non-circular light patterns.
  5. Really, really, really close now. Mark, how are those shadows doing?
  6. robcat2075


    I'm trying the Stanford Bunny OBJ right now and, yeah, Windows says "Not responding" but I've done it before and I know if I wait long enough a bunny will show up. Try something over night. Once you resave it as MDL it doesn't take so long to load. Just to make sure it's an A:M readable file try importing it as a polygon "prop" first Be warned that anything over about 10,000 patches in A:M is asking for very tedious waits when editing splines.
  7. robcat2075


    It's not really freezing, you just have to give polygon import a long time. The progress bar will look like it's stopped at 60% but inside it's still doing stuff. It's still like that but people have success letting things run over night sometimes. But most polygon models are poor candidates for conversion to splines. Learn A:M's spline modeling and avoid the trouble all together.
  8. that's a limitation of the technique... in any 3D program. If the camera needs to move so much that uncovered surfaces become an issue then they start painting something to put there, possibly cloning from the original image, and apply another decal.
  9. I'm looking at it and I'll try to come up with some picks.
  10. Generally animators will just manually animate objects so that they don't pass through each other. However, you're asking about simulations. the Newton plugin handles most rigid object situations like a hard ball and the ground. Look for "Newton" Cloth can be used for floppy body dynamics like this although it takes much trial and error and testing to find good settings for each particular situation.
  11. Thank you for keeping the plates in the air!
  12. robcat2075


    Your biggest variable may be your video card. Most work fine, some don't, not sure why.
  13. robcat2075


    I have my 32 bit v15, my 32-bit v16 and my 64-bit v16 running fine on my 64-bit Win 7
  14. Maybe those wooden beams could be more rumpled to go with the windows?
  15. Walking_Lower_Body_S1.mov When I look at this short clip with QuicktimeX on my desktop all I see is the brown ground, black background, and green line around the model. Why it displays correctly when I view it on line is way beyond my simple understanding. That one is in Animation Codec again with an alpha channel, possibly because it was rendered with "Millions +". i see brown ground, green sky and the walker model. Choose a different codec in your render settings under Format>Save Options>Set
  16. "Animation" codec in quicktme supports an alpha channel and you got one. In "buffers" in your render settings turn Alpha OFF.
  17. As always, if you can repeat it, AMReport it.
  18. robcat2075


    I don't believe they offer a USB dongle option any more.
  19. Where is this again? On my work PC I have video card issues new to V16 that will amaze you... I've been chasing drivers and fiddling with settings and 'living with it' for months now... usually a save-restart gets me going again, but for how long...? That is on my WinXP64 Nividea Quadro FX 3500.I've updated the driver, updated OpenGL even. A:M 64 is much worse- but the 32 is bad too. I'll take any lead I can get. Maybe I'll do a screen capture for the forums entertainment. on the icon on your desktop for A:M and choose "Properties". Anecdotally, it sounds like people have more trouble with the "Quadro" cards than any other.
  20. And of course, we always ask... "Are your video card drivers up to date?"
  21. Pssst... If anyone asks about the "Don't Disable Aero" option, tell them i had to kill you after I told you about it.
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