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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I finally had a chance to watch the whole original reel. That's a lot of animation! I don't think I've done five minutes of character animation in my entire life. With an eye towards how everything could be polished, the two elements that strike me most often are: - lack of or improper use of overlapping motion. Things tend start and stop at the exact same time and move all together while they are getting there. For example a character might lean forward and the torso and head start and stop at the same time. - isolated motion. This is when some body part moves and the part attached to it moves not at all or moves in such a way that that they don't seem to be interacting naturally. For example, a character might be waving his hand and while the hand and arm move back and forth the torso remains motionless. These are not unique errors on your part. I can show you well-budgeted movies that have these same things going on. Movies that people who teach at AnimationMentor worked on. But while they will give their seven million dollar movie a pass on that because of its low budget they won't give your zero dollar movie a similar pass. In general your acting and staging choices don't bother me too much. I think a one minute reel is a good idea. I think there's enough here that we could identify a minute's worth of material for closer examination. I don't think it needs to have music running throughout or added. There are many shots where just better lighting would help quite a bit even though this is an animation reel and not a lighting reel. There's an overall flatness to it that bothers me. I'll look at this again and try to come up with some more specific suggestions.
  2. It's a lot easier to replace a CD than six years! the year-by-year license is a nice option vs. the CD but I got lots of work done with the CD version, never missed a deadline because of it and never lost one. It's like anything else of value that you carry around, like your cel phone or your credit cards or the pill you have to take at 3PM... you're careful with it. But the yearly-license version is there for you now! Welcome back!
  3. Mark, here's what to do: -replace the Land Proxy with one that does not have holes for the manhole or storm sewer -turn OFF the garbage Can, Park bench, sign, manhole, and Storm drain - got to render and load this Preset -you'll need to set the appropriate frame range, filename and destination -render Hopefully the buses were animated far enough to get the shadows off screen. EXRShadowBufferRender.pre This will render to EXR with Occlusion and Shadow buffers which i can extract in an A:M Composite thanks!
  4. That face bothers me a bit, but I can't put my finger on it.
  5. However, between Angelina Jolie and the tigers, people may be rooting for the tigers.
  6. I looked at that to see what was making the pop at the shoulder, but i couldn't make the pop happen. Problem solved!
  7. Good looking shot. Is that like "zoom blur"?
  8. You got the IK hands figured out, right? Those last two stills look very dark here. Here's some notes on the shot. Ilidrakeshot3_4.mov
  9. robcat2075


    Well, without seeing it, I'd still say robots are the prime candidate for Holmes' suggestion:
  10. robcat2075


    Show a picture of it.
  11. The work-around, when going to render, seems to be to load the scene fresh and not scrub the time slider. Just load it and render and then it comes out OK.
  12. Here's an example I just got in rendering These are from an image sequence rendered by two instances of A:M. the first instance was producing not-good splines and the second instance was producing good splines. Exact same pose in each frame but two different results. splinejitter.mov
  13. It's something more than a refresh issue because it will be visible after teh screen is redrawn for each new frame. I should note that this isn't something I'm getting during spline or muscle mode animation, this is in regular moving bones around animation. My suspicion is that it happens on CPs that weighted to more than one bone but that's just a theory.
  14. Occasionally when I'm animating the splines on my model will stop smoothly interpolating thru their CPs. Suppose several patches are twisted then straightened out. The CPs move to their correct places but the splines going thru them don't' quite adjust right it's as if the angles of intersection has frozen. like this. I've marked the corresponding angles with red green and blue arcs. So far, saving and reloading is the only sure remedy. Anyone seen this and know what causes it?
  15. Quicktime has great compression and almost everyone has it.
  16. Rendering_an_image_sequence_to_a_movie.mov
  17. Seeing that picture of the real wood object makes me want to try to get that look with A:M.
  18. 15J+ CD version, running on Windows 7 I got exceedingly few crashes with v15 and I did lots with cloth. If you got something you can repeat... make an AM Report on it. And if you're on the v15 subscription version you can be trying the v16 beta.
  19. robcat2075


    Exporter corrector? It worked for me on the first try. Here's an OBJ I made in Wings imported as an OBJ into A:M v11.1i running on Win 7 WingsOBJTest01__2_.zip If what you are trying to import is so complex that you don't want to remodel it in A:M it's probably got a lot of polygons.
  20. No, only the first chor action "needed" to change the color. However, when you "show more than drivers" to see "Groups" and then try to set a color there, it makes a difference whether chor action 1 or 2 is active even though you're not clicking on anything in either one. After you set that group color a channel representing what you have done also gets created in the chor action that was active. I didn't make a Pose to change the color since I didn't want to save a new version of the character to preserve the pose. Changing the color in the chor avoids altering the character file.
  21. What version are you using? Help>About Animation:Master... what version does it say?
  22. After some backtracking through the previous versions of this PRJ (there's only 378 of them) I find that the problem surfaces after I added second chor action to Shaggy. If that chor action has the green "active" check mark next to it when i try to change the color on a group i get the odd result. If I have the original chor action active when i try to make the change I get normal behavior. The second chor action was set to "Add" So this probably isn't a "bug" as much as A:M trying to accommodate two competing influences on the same element.
  23. I'm wanting to change the color of a group on a model, in the chor. When i click on the color chip no color i set gets accepted and the RGB channels for the color do not resemble the values shown in the color picker. The red and green are actually below zero. Is there a good reason these are not corresponding to the color picker? I dimly recall seeing something like this a long time ago but don't recall if it was intended or not.
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