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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. If I recall, I believe others have used a background model (eg flat plane, cylinder, dome) to obscure the empty "sky". Perhaps that might help? I tried that but there was still a non-toon area at the top.
  2. You wouldn't even have to back out, just pan. Lets see here... The first part of the mystery form is a series of scenes where everyone has a reason to hate one particular character. That much would be easy to do. Then the character shows up dead. For the rest of the film people explain why they couldn't have been the murderer , but clues also come to light to cast doubt on their alibis. Finally the detective puts it all together and identifies the real killer.
  3. I tried it in v16 and the top still loses its toon lines. I recall this being noted before but I'm not sure if it's been reported. The cutoff line seems to be the top of the tree in the foreground. If I move it higher the toon lines reach higher on the birds. A temporary work around might be to include a thin dummy object near the side of a scene that can be cropped out later.
  4. That PRJ didn't have any of the models included (you have to Project>Embed All) so i couldn't test it, but i suspect that may be a v14 bug. I'm not sure. Does every shot you try to toon render do that?
  5. Something that could be stereoscopic might be considered. All the kids are talking about it.
  6. I dimly recall someone having that before. What version are you using?
  7. probably so that there are two different particle appearances instead of all looking the same. Compare all the parameters of each.
  8. is 2 a child of 1 or a sibling?
  9. Firefox Beta 4 is working well. Irony of ironies... I had to use IE to download Firefox 4 because Firefox 3 couldn't get the download started.
  10. My Firefox just updated to 3.6.16 and it now crashes as soon as I go to this thread.
  11. Somehow that didn't sound Scottish to me. A-ha! It's "Watson" Found it in my old emails. That will go into the final edit for Youtube.
  12. Ideas that require no dialog are particularly encouraged.
  13. I should note that I'm not proposing we start now on a forum project or that I should organize the next one. It's just idea time here.
  14. Since we have forum projects fresh on our mind maybe we could brainstorm here on what form the next one might take. What's been suggested so far... 1) Next Room. A character walks in to a room, does something and then either he or some other character exits to the other side. Then the camera shifts to pick up what happens in the next room. (I'm not real keen on this one anymore) 2) Rear Window. Peering into rooms in a hi-rise office or apartment complex. Things we've done before: 1) Ani-Jam. We had some limited success with where you pick up exactly with whatever the last animator did, but many people found this difficult. 2) Pass the ball. I think we've done this twice before. Other ideas I've had: 1) Commercial block. Everyone makes a 10 second commercial. ( or 5? Or 15?) 2) Who dunnit? I've been watching mysteries lately and they're all basically a bunch of seemingly unconnected events until they get wrapped up at the end. Is there a way to make a collaborative pot-luck project out of that without prescripting it too much? 3) Previously... on "Dynasty". Everyone does a scene that is like a recap of what happened last week on a soap opera. 4) Olympic event. Everyone's character does the same event, like the shotput, or high dive or... Other ideas? Fire away!
  15. May your next year be bright not dim.
  16. robcat2075


    You can set "Draw Camera Cone" OFF in its properties.
  17. That was cute! I actually laughed out loud. It was more of a snort really, but it was an audible reaction.
  18. Hi Steve, It's hard to judge the legs from the front but I can tell the arms are too rigid. Here's a brief example of how overlap will loosen up a shape: Arms_H.mov The left arm is holding the same shape through the whole cycle, much like yours. That looks very stiff. The middle arm is has a different shape for the front and back keys. This looks a little better. The right arm was keyed in the same positions as the middle arm, but the rotation of its Upper arm lags behind the translation of the shoulder, and the Lower arm lags behind the Upper arm and the Hand lags behind the Lower arm. Every bone is a bit behind the bone it is attached to which is typical for a chain of bones like the arm. If there were fingers on this arm they might lag behind the hand. I've exaggerated everything here but without overlap CG models look very stiff and weightless. The mass and inertia of a bone (in real life) is what makes it resist any change of motion by the bone it is attached to. The animators challenge is to move the character as if that mass and inertia was at work even though a CG model has no mass or inertia.
  19. I'm looking in my description for where I may have said that... I guess i misread the text at the end
  20. I'm looking in my description for where I may have said that... I guess i misread the text at the end
  21. I'm holding off for any remaining corrections on names, then i'll put it up.
  22. One of the things you can all be proud about is that all the segments are visual stories, there's no dialog needed. Anyone around the world can watch BUS STOP and understand it. In screenwriting they say "don't say it, show it" and everyone did that!
  23. Another fine Spleen-imation! In the shots of the speakers blasting it would have been cool to have the other props, like the guitars, rattling too. The band doesn't like it? Oh well. I went to Youtube to see if they have any other videos already. I'm guessing they're not
  24. Someone needs to teach those giraffes about silhouette and composition.
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