If you have multi pass on and motion blur set to 20% then you need to key your light change to happen from 0:00 to 0:00.2
Yes that's less than a frame and yes, you can type in fractional time values like 0.2 to set to cursor to 0:00.2
Does that clear it up?
If you got something that you know should work (it opens correctly in other apps) that would be a good case to send to AMReports.
Especially something that crashes, because those seem to have to most apparent causes (to Steffen, once he can witness them).
in the model window>Info
That will offer a "Patch" count which is the surfaces between the splines. that will be roughly near the number of CPs in a model.
A:M has "CPs" not "vertexes".
a 10x10 patch surface has 121 CPs but only 100 patches
Will is on the right track.
Here's some official detailed explanation of the things in the mtl format
Alias/WaveFront Material (.mtl) File Format
the Google has numerous other leads
Welcome to the forum!
There aren't exporters in A:M for those formats but OBJ export can do the mesh (and textures in the current version of A:M).
I'd be very surprised if Blender can not import an OBJ.
I think exporting to .X format will also include rigging. A:M users use that quite a bit for exporting game assets.
You might inquire if Blender can import .X files.
To use any export plugin, Right-click in the model window>Plugins>Export>choose format
also... use the "Glossy" specular plugin shader for the little spec of highlight that is on the lower left edge of the lozenges.
I made a brief test and the initial problem i had was getting the reflection of the underside of a lozenge to be dark rather than show a reflection of the bright topside of other lozenges.
sudden thought... there might be some application for that new reflection shader in solving that.
Hay, matt... part of the glass look in the image is a using a gradient for the reflection value. Surfaces seen more flat to the camera will have less reflectance and surfaces seen on edge will have more. Try that.
The edge detail is important too. if I turn up the refraction that adds some.
I'm not a lighting person. Do not regard me as the last word on what is possible.
This is interesting, however, in the Shaggy case I showed above, he doesn't have porcelain on him. My main suspect remains CPs weighted to more than one bone.