sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I'm am surprised to discover that it is still there! on the Chor. I don't have a way to test SWFs anymore. Browsers don't support Flash anymore. If it works for you, great... If it doesn't, you can run versions back to v15 with your current license and you might try those.
  2. Ideas for your mo-cap entry... A dance step 🕺 An exercise 💪 A sport 🏌️‍♂️ A household chore 🍜 Any outdoor task 🛠️ ??? 🤔 Don't let Summer run out without giving this mo-cap thing a try!
  3. She is done with that relationship!
  4. The animation works because Eugene is on bones that are Path-constrained to the middle of the long spline. Only the start- and endpoints of the spline are animated; the constraints keep the bones at wherever the middle happens to be. A description of the PRJ (attached above) I wrote up for a bug report...
  5. More Eugene on a spline controller... EugeneTest031.prj
  6. I used the Transfer_AW plugin to move the weighting of the spline-controlled lo-density tail to the higher-density Eugene model.
  7. That tut presents a work flow to arrive at efficient settings and makes the unwanted results less mysterious to solve.
  8. Have you tried Yves' tutorials on making settings for radiosity? https://forums.hash.com/topic/50594-yves-radiosityphoton-mapping-pages/
  9. Yeah, but the computer can work while you sleep.
  10. If you want a characteristic florescent tube light effect you can path constrain a light on a spline and use multipass.
  11. And is it a crash or a freeze?
  12. @pixelplucker Has an AM report been made of that? https://reports.hash.com/login_page.php I don't have much of a network to test such a thing but I recall being able to open PRJs over my LAN at some time in the past. To write that up I think you'd need a test case and a very clear depiction of the network... what's getting loaded and from where.
  13. Version Trouble I just discovered that v19.0 and the v19.5 betas I've been testing were importing BVH files incorrectly! If you have watched the "Constraining" video above you see the mocap bones coming in looking like this... It's a mess but I presumed it was a problem with the BVH file and worked around it and still got my mo-cap done. However, today I found out that that is a broken result. If you use v18.0p you will get a correct import that looks like this... Much better! I suggest you use v18 for the BVH import step until the fixed version of v19.5 arrives in a few weeks. You can get the v18.0p installer from the Hash ftp site. You will need an ftp program like FileZilla to go to... ftp . hash . com/pub/updates After you install v18, copy your master0.lic file from your v19 folder to your v18 folder to enable it. If you're not sure about any part of this... ask me!
  14. Ouch! Best wishes for her full recovery!
  15. DeepMotion had trouble interpreting this high-angle shot but I think I can use some of it. Maybe if I had chalked some grid lines on the sidewalk it might have done better? Run&ThrowTAke2DeepMotionPreview.mp4
  16. @WildsidedIs that all FK... you rotate each bone into position individually? Then it is exactly what you want! If that has some IK constraints on it, turning those off would probably do it. If you have more doubts, ask. If you want to bring that to Live Answer Time we could look at it there also.
  17. DeepMotion gives you three free mo-cap conversion per month so there's no reason to not shoot some experimental test now instead of letting them go to waste, even if you don't use it in your final project. Don't wait til the last minute... Summer ends in September!
  18. @AmXPWith the current license you buy at the Hash store you can run any version from v15 through v19. You can get the installers for those old versions at ftp . hash . com /pub/updates/windows I seem to recall I was still on Windows 2000 during v15 and v16 so i presume Windows XP, which came later, would run those also. I think the scenario would be to buy the $79.99 license, run the v15 installer on the XP machine you intend to use and enter license key that was sent to you in email when prompted for it. The generated master0.lic file in your v15 folder can be copied to any other later version to enable it. If you still have your CD from v12 or v13 that should still work in Windows XP and you could get the last update for that CD version at the ftp site also.
  19. I like that last little flail of the arms before he falls .
  20. Most of the commercial 3D printing services like Shapeways have an option to upload a file and they'll tell you if it is printable and for what price. Typical they will take an OBJ or STL, both of which A:M can export. If the model can't be printed and needs some alteration then you'll need someone who knows more about this to advise you.
  21. Thank you. It's a lot of path constraints. I'm working on a better way to control lips. There's still more to figure out.
  22. Would you believe... I've been trying to figure that out for more than 10 years.
  23. After you are sure you've quite Net Render go to your Task Manager and End Task all these things...
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