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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by 3DArtZ

  1. Nice. I would have to say however, that the needle is way to big..... if it's a needle that would be stuck into a person..... But reguardless of that horror, the model looks clean and well thougth out. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  2. great looking clean looking!! Nice. I'd like to see some shaded wire frames if you can! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  3. 3DArtZ

    New Creature

    I think that the bugs echoeing yell does not go wit the light tip tap of its steps. that yell needs thumping steps, not tap dancing steps!!!! Just my opinion, and the above is not taking anything away from your great work on this!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  4. "Parody Video Games"..... that could be a HUGE market. You know, take the first person shooters that try to be all serious and stuff, and populate them with cute funny creatures.....but with real bad attitudes! Paul, the logo is great. Dennis, if you're looking for contribution models, maybe we could gather some from the community. Could you even use a model with medium to high patch count or would it be to heavy to use? could you give the frog character a tongue weapon, or utility to grab out of reach objects, special guns and stuff? Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  5. Dennis, very cool. Keep plugging away, you never know what could come of this. I'm thinking "Unreal" just with frogs!!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  6. 3DArtZ

    New Creature

    Hey that is really really impressive. that's the most realistic creature/animation I've seen here in a long time. I would love to see the shaded wireframe of the animtion, just to get a sense of how great the final renders can look coming from A:M! good work! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  7. Hey Noah, this is definately cool stuff!!! Tell us, how did you render this stuff? did you use multipass? how about the motion blur? congrats on the finished work! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  8. You don't need a program to set up lip synch animations... I "read" what shapes go in based on where in the timeline sounds are being made. I don't remember ever being taught how to do it, other than the LipSynch app that came with the earlier versions..... that I think stopped around version 7? 1997 or so.... Anyways, you load your wav file in and scrub through the sound file keeping an eye on where key sounds are being made. then drop your prestons in. practice does all that it is ment to do in this type of animation...
  9. I'd drop the particles and use sprites....
  10. yeah, I like the first one better too. I think he looks hateful angry in the second clip and it doesn't particularly make sense.... But still nice work! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  11. Nice looking work.... I could see it on a discovery, or history channel program!!! I hear that theres gold in them there mountains! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  12. all this stuff looks so cool!!! Keep us posted please!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  13. 3DArtZ

    New Creature

    What a cool looking model!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  14. That was good!!! This one of those things in my mind... if you were only able to see this one time through, like on tv, you would have seen nothing wrong with it and the audience would love it. But if you slow it down and watch it over and over and over again, you'll find that you could probably edit every little thing down to teeth and tongue position:) I like it as is, but you probably, as you mentioned are going make it even bette! Nice work Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  15. I think that the crunch should take place over 1 or 2 frames max. Like Will suggested. That will go along way conveying the impact of this..... Like the others, I think this looks pretty good, if not ready to go now. You might be on your way to "outdumbing yourself":) I use to do that alot. Something to remember.... if you make your effect too good, maybe the jury might only remember the effect and not the issues at hand.... kinda like in advertising, the viewers remember the commercial but not the product! Nice stuff! Very motivated!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  16. This is really great and inspiring!!! Nice job. If you get a big response, ElectricImage might come down on you for using the ElectricImage name.... ***Edit*** I see it's a different spelling, so no worries with that name I'd say Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  17. I want a tree house like that!!! so cool! How about some vines that one might be able to swing from or climb.... if the situation called for it! Nice stuff! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  18. patience grasshopper:) I for one love the toon render! Looking foward to seeing this section grow! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  19. That is great!!!! appreciate the splinage too! Nothing un-needed!!! I'm looking forward to seeing her move and groove for sure! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  20. Wow, very nice!!! Make us some cool animations!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  21. That was really good!!! ps - I can see why you had so many comments for my flip over the table animation! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  22. I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed again today!!!!! You guys are under the impression that I'm looking for crits.... would have put it in the WIPs then.... Anyhows, I do appreciate the comments, but the changes are in my eye are not substantial to make. For example, you would STRETCH you arms out when you are trying to reach for something. But you would PUT your hands with a slight bend in your arms if you are bracing for impact, as is the case in the manuever before the flip. It's the difference between paper law and trial law. I've now defeated my original purpose, with everyones help ofcourse of making this a fast painless excercise!!! Latr Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  23. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... nope, not convinced yet. show me some reference footage of you doing that. In tights. Well, instead of typing all those m's why don't you try and see if the push leg lags behind/infront/or inline with the other leg in the current video? But really, think about it, if you run at a table, whose top is at the height of your hips, do you have to jump up? I love when people offer crits as mandatory! So funny.
  24. Thanks TimeLord! I think it was just to give him something "to do" in the animation! Can't totally argue against that..... squash and stretch goes a long way. But do you mean the model physically squashes and stretches, or just body extending and contracting? What's the cushion position? The coffee I drink from that coffee mug is always better, and I'm usually more productive too!!! Don't be so sure Mr.Holeman! His push leg is the left leg which is a bit obscured in the clip. He has the energy needed to go to the table that is just barely above the height of his hips..... But you couldn't know that with out the side view, like you said. So, all the energy he needs is coming from his run.... imagine you are sprinting towards a desk that was hip/stomach high, would you need to jump up to make this manuever? Or just jump foward off the run. Yes, the "redo", has overlapping frames, but I feel like it helps the mind piece together what its seeing in some instances. I had it cut at the exact frame and it looked too sharp while I was watching it. Thanks for checking it out. Latr Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  25. Okay, I addressed only minor issues in the previous that some people mentioned... I didn't add any more anticipation before he gets to the table for 2 reasons... 1. I personally don't feel like there is an opportunity to put more anticipation there due to the physical scenario..... foward running speed, height of table, manuever being performed 2. It really would have screwed up the ease timing and "hand off" poses from one action to the next:) Which was more of a factor? I don't know you decide:) But I did finish of the action, as he pops up and runs off screen. I'll do a final render latr, but for now here is the activity cut up! RealTime Render about 1.1megs http://www.vrcops.com/vids/ODTest1A.mov Thanks for the comments, Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
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