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Everything posted by 3DArtZ

  1. SEVEN!!!!!! Dude, at least admit that you are the poster previously known as Seven. Try and keep it real, 3d real.
  2. No, there is no surprise here. This is definately Seven. I mean, no one could reproduce his wierd crazy style of animation and voice as well as these samples show. Don't get me wrong, welcome back crazy man!!!! Just keep it real..... 3d real. later
  3. Okay, I want to be acknowledged as spotting the return of SEVEN before anyone else did!!!!!
  4. I was number SEVEN to download this!!! Nice start.
  5. Much improved!!!! I like the whole clip. the guards right arm bothers me a bit as he is kicked up against the wall and then slumps down it.... But I'm not sure what the arm could be doing. It looks like it is sticking straight out. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  6. Right, I feel the full kick is too late.... it maybe should be in 100% kick at the top height of the jump... very nice work, though, as that's complex motion Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  7. FredFrid, You seem to be very familiar.... I can't place it, but I've only thought about it for maybe seven minutes or so:) Nice job.
  8. Well... i dont think that works. When you render only lines you dont get any of the color map data. Maybe i should just make him toon shaded. AO works great for that. I should probably make a black shape to go behind his eyes though, and change those bump maps into color maps. REALY!! i'll have to find an article about that... or maybe you can send one my way. Dan, no what I meant was, make a texture map of the detail that you wanted as lines. then apply that, with appropriate alpha so that it looks like the detail on the surface. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  9. Looks cool! If you're planning on animating him, especially in the eyes, I'd go with the completely round eyes with the pupil placed on the surface, Then set up an eyepose with the eyeball scaled by the root eyeball bone so that the pupil always stays on the surface.... Look at the keykat model for reference Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  10. Why does it have to be a bump map? Why not just black lines. You'd definately get away with it in toon mode. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  11. Why is QuickTime telling me I can't view this and that the software needed is not available on the qt server? Any help, I'd really love to see the clip too!!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  12. aaver, that was just great!!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  13. A great way to make folds in clothing too. I hope we can have bone rotation drive the strenght of the map. So when an elbow or knee bends, the clothing can fold and we can all feel good about it!!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  14. Must upgrade soon Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  15. I wonder if you used a surface constraint.... that said "tree" might follow the surface where ever it went.... in a "Boldly" type fashion..... I don't have v13 yet so I can't try for myself Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  16. John, nice! I was messing around with the same thing, but alas it went by the way side...... Nice again! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  17. It's BEAUTIFUL!!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  18. Hey Luckbat, Very nice looking, I could imagine seeing this on TV for sure! I didn't read everything in the thread(s) on this....but It appears that the very begining of the action when the man turns and grabs the "mummy's?" arm is too slow.... I think the speed is just fine in the rest of the clip. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  19. Yeah, I agree! THANK YOU DAVID!!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  20. Yeah, that vid has gotten itself a permanant place on my hard drive.... I've watched it like 1000 times! Really wow! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  21. Hey guys, thanks for checking it out. Can't believe that I've paid no mind to the sprite system for so long. As for the pop, easy to fix with all the control one has over the system. I scaled the fire's life smaller, so the visibility of the smoke sprite shrunk in relative time to be quicker, and I think that's why it just turns off instead of a gradual like it does in its unscaled lifetime.... so many controls, it's really a great feature of the software! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  22. Ofcourse the server didn't restart.... always seems to happen when I post something.... Anyhows, it's back up now:) Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  23. One more, fanning the flames! http://www.vrcops.com/vids/HuffnPuffA.mov Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  24. Hey guys, I wanted to give the sprite system a run and built a fire. Still some adjustments I think on every aspect, but I'm really impressed with the sprite system... http://www.vrcops.com/vids/FireFire2A.mov Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
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