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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by johnl3d

  1. If you are not seeing it in the render are you sure you have particles turned on If nothing else read and do the chapter smoke,wind and fire in TAO
  2. Loop is not perfect because I was moving the paths and didn't set it to cycle..
  3. Sorry I'm on vacation ..sort of this week...painting parts of the house and garage...in heat and humidity ...obviously warping my brain ftest.mov V14 project file beta 10 flaresinspace.zip
  4. The smoke i was using was a material and not a volumetric effect. You add it to a group on the model. Let me see if i can do a quick sample or find the one I posted. Could not find what I posted above so threw this together...not pretty v13smoke.mov v13 project assumes cd on drive d simple model with an expression for rotation and the material smoke v13smoke.zip
  5. Also where are you renderig it in the model window ,, in the chor ?? In bones mode ?
  6. Not sure why it would say file is invalid. You're importing the material not just the sprite?
  7. Thanks for the info ..This was a quick idea since I have never tried radiosity before..lots to learn ..will have to play some more pumped up some of the values and got this mini qt flare.mov
  8. Yes the bluish light in the picture is a lens flare and the only light
  9. Not sure why you had a lot of extra steps but after selecting the image of the leaf ..open channels menu chosse new channel fill in leave outline with white alpha is done save . At least this is the way I usually do it Also when you have the leaf shape selected you can select path menu make work path and then export the path as illustrator file. New model in am use ai wizard and you can get leaf model...sometime if shape is too complex it might not be the best Your tut is probably easier to follow than mine.
  10. Had never tried radiosity so decide to try to see how it would react to a flare...part of the weird results might be the ball is reflective but definite not real results
  11. This is with multipass two passes This is without multipass aflare.zip I did this in V13 because ( v14 didn' t like flare light added to model) a reported problem.
  12. Did this in V13 got a model started a percentage pose and at 0 ,25,50,75,100% I changed the color of each group I put 5 copies into the chor and animated their position and size and set the pose to different values for each one at 0 10 20 and 30 frames posec.mov posec.zip v13 project
  13. I sometimes get ideas from the forum. Sometimes I get emails asking questions which I try to answer on the forum. Sometimes something I see something on my commute that gets me to try an idea. Hey AM is a great Doodle Pad. Oh and I was going to have the ball/planet explode at the end but ran out of time. Tinkering johnl3d Gnome
  14. Nice now everyone will be playing with cloth..
  15. You're all too kind... Except I didn't need another nickname... Toe Singing Cow Tinkering Gnome...
  16. Eric one of the sample I posted was a patch image with displacement you set it at the image settting
  17. tes.mov just testing an idea tes.zip This is a v13 project file with the decals (which I just had from playing with photoshop)
  18. I knew how bitmap works but since it wasn't working as stated above I offered other ideas. I am using the latest version on AM for most things as I was when I checked this out. Hopefully the problem will be fixed.
  19. Since it wasn't working for me either...I see your current post I was wondering why you couldn't just apply a normal decal and or patch image as I did here displaced.zip project and decal I used .....once as regular decal (right) and once as patch image (left) let us know where to find the new version of bitmap since its not working in AM v14 per my tests
  20. Threw this together endlight.mov animated the material with an expression in an on/off pose endlight.zip
  21. Threw this together endlight.mov animated the material with an expression in an on/off pose endlight.zip
  22. Yes you set the displacement % as part of the material settings
  23. did a slight change in material red.mov red.zip
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