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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • *A:M User*

Thanks Gene, Robert, David, and Steve


He is well on his way to being completed. I have stole some body parts off my other models and now it is time to stitch him together.



  • *A:M User*

Body is all on and now for the clothing. He will have a blue sweater and jeans with penny loafers. Here are two shots. The transistion came out ok some of the things I am not happy with will be covered with clothing.





Body is all on and now for the clothing. He will have a blue sweater and jeans with penny loafers. Here are two shots. The transistion came out ok some of the things I am not happy with will be covered with clothing.




Very nicely done... you may want to increase the density of SSS a bit so. Dont know what you are using now? 100%? Try 200%.


See you


Trying to get a polyester fabric look


More shiny! We need to hear the swish as he walks!


Oh yeah, Ted's a cutey in a squeeky-geeky clean way. But perhaps his arms are too "developed" for someone who probably sits at a desk, nose to the monitor all day. And maybe he could use a more developed pot belly muscle? I'm assuming he transforms into Hunky-boy Polyester Man?

  • *A:M User*

Hi Nancy. I used the same form on Ted and Kurt and had not thought about the arms. I will shrink them down. Ted will be one of the guys that is hit with a Cupid arrow that has missed the mark. He will chase after the girl with no luck.


Thanks for looking and the input!



  • *A:M User*

Had to change the hair. Had built it in an earlier version. Then imported it into v15. The file began to crash and and when it was not crashing the render views were all messed up. After deleting the hair material and then recreating it in v15 no more crashes.






Here is a shot of the hair and I have reduced the size of the forearms by 20%


  • 2 weeks later...
  • *A:M User*

It has been a few days and I finally got a chance to work on Kurt. I have always loved the hair on Woot in TWO. I tried to emulate the hair on Kurt.


Here he is and the only thing left to do before rigging is the denim jeans




  • Hash Fellow

Good looking hair on Kurt.


It used to be possible to fade in the transparency on hair to give a softer look to the roots, but there's bug in that now.



Had to change the hair. Had built it in an earlier version. Then imported it into v15. The file began to crash and and when it was not crashing the render views were all messed up. After deleting the hair material and then recreating it in v15 no more crashes.


If you could post the old hair material and the new hair material it might be interesting to see the difference.

  • *A:M User*

Thanks guys for the encouragement. Its funny I hit a pot hole in the road this week and it caused me to slow down a bit. But I am back at just have to manage my time better.



  • *A:M User*

Nancy, I thought maybe you had done the texturing and the hair on woot. Loved the little one.



  • *A:M User*

Jean decal is on but I will keep working on this later. Heading toward the second girl then the dog and then finally sets and props




  • *A:M User*

Started working on Cindy again. Reduced the patch count from 5900 to 4500 and reworked shoes and legs and will need some tweaking on ankles but I am much happier with this. I have also changed skin tone and worked sss and will go with this color. I will add some make up and skin tones to help with the sss. Here is a shot of the reworked Cindy. I will have some update shots with the hair in place shortly.



No wonder Cupid's arrows are flying around like crazy. After she gets hair it will be like that scene from "The 300". :D

  • *A:M User*

Thanks Myron, Steve, Jason!


I corrected the knees as well after uploading this picture. I hope to have some first run at the hair late tonight.



  • *A:M User*

I had a little hiccup with 15 g but all is well. Here is a shot of Cindy with a narrowed head and sss rework.


Jeff here is the shot of the face with the dark spot on her nose that I sent the email on.


Steve B)


edit: I took the pictures onto another computer and the shot appeared to be very dark. My question is, this shot dark to you guys?



I had that with the dark nose Steve ,no idea what it is but I moved the lighting a bit and made it brighter and changed the sss a bit aswell ,can't remember wich got rid of it .

Nice model and the lighting looks good to me

  • *A:M User*

Here is Cindy with her her in place. Need to add the color and fullness on sides but I happy with the placement so far.









I was wondering. Do you know how to keep from the hair looking too cartoony? I cant seem to get AO to effect it. Thats my biggest Allie when making something Photoreal.

  • *A:M User*

Jason, Here is a shot of the hair with all Muhair shader. Still need to work on the hair color. trying for more blond look.






Thats nice looking hair Steve ,I had a prob with the shine on it myself but found a setting that contrld it ,I will have a look see if I can remember


The only thing I can find is the brightsess under the emiter is set to 60% I am using IBL ,don't know if that efects it though.Did you try adding another emiter ,I done it a few days ago and it worked good ,I used a darker image with it

  • *A:M User*

Jake, here is the render with the correct sss settings. Less waxy.


Still having problems with hair shaders. Changed color of hair to see if I could get rid of the specularity. this is with black as base and black as spec, to give a shine but it looks grey?






Here is a shot of the hair and skull cap. Wierd shot but trying to calm down the spec.



  • *A:M User*

Just a blog statement here.


Back when Bolt and Battle for Terra came out I noticed that most of the human character design had some what of a theme to the main characters. When I began developing the characters for Cupid's Sick Day I wanted to incorporate this as well. If you hadn't noticed, all of the characters a have a lazy j look to the face. By that I have the jaw and chin extend out and a narrowed chin. I even have it on Cindy, the female, albeit it is less obvious. In drawing my sketches for the designs I started with the side view and drew a J with the vertical line laid back and no hook on the horizontal line. All the men started this way except for Tony, the hot dog cart vendor. He started with a j but it was filled in. Any way just wanted to throw that out there in case some of you had noticed.



  • *A:M User*

Thanks Gene! It has been a fun journey to learn the program. There is so much to learn. I am still modeling and rigging is just starting. Then there is animating lighting etc...



Still having problems with hair shaders. Changed color of hair to see if I could get rid of the specularity. this is with black as base and black as spec, to give a shine but it looks grey?


Muhair is deliberately shiny and I like the look that you have going there...(but I of course would make the spec color purple)


However - if you want to tone down the specularity of muhair - then set the primary strength to


hair material/hair emitter/surface/specular render shader=Muhair/primary strength=50%

  • *A:M User*

Thank you Nancy I had changed every settings both those.


Here is a shot of the finished hair will groom the bangs slightly and add the eyebrows




Thanks Gene! It has been a fun journey to learn the program. There is so much to learn. I am still modeling and rigging is just starting. Then there is animating lighting etc...



I love the camera work. lighting is fun, but I enjoy choosing camera shots and angles.

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