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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I know ya'll like these so I'll post this as bad as it is.


There are a bunch of things to fix on it.


- the spin of the green car

- how the truck sits wonky on the side of the road

- green car noses too far


The spin and directions came from the Accident Reconstruction guy, I just need to make them look more believable.


I can post this cause you really make out the details from here.





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There are a bunch of things to fix on it.


- the spin of the green car

- how the truck sits wonky on the side of the road

- green car noses too far

I would say this...


- the spin of the green car -- seems actually pretty close, just the nose is down too much in the front after the impact. The center of the spin seems just fine.


- how the truck sits wonky on the side of the road -- it doesn't really sit 'wonky' it's the slope of the road to the grassy area that brings the front driver's side wheel off the ground. It seems more that the chassis is kinda stuck or locked on the suspension until just after the truck stops... this is what stuck out to me more than how the trick was sitting 'wonky'.


- green car noses too far -- probably what you mean by the nose stays down during the spin more than it should. I would probably start to bring the body more level just after passing the 90 degree mark after impact. Not completely level, still slightly nose down, just not down as far on the passenger side. (leveled out side-to-side)


I would also ask, does the green car hit a tree on the side of the road? it seems to stop kind of abruptly. If so or if not the body of the green car does not reflect the type of stop (impact or braking).


Hope that helps David


Excellent work as usual!


WOW realy nice. You made the green car in AM but the rest is real right? The green car looks to me it has no driver. if you fix it up then it will be a realy good animation other then thats awsome work. B)

There are a bunch of things to fix on it.

- the spin of the green car

- how the truck sits wonky on the side of the road

- green car noses too far

None of that looks horribly wrong to me. The only part that I find doesn't ring true is the veering of the green car before the impact - it seems to accelerate once its front wheels have crossed the yellow lines. (But then, maybe it really did that.)


Nice lighting - a touch of film grain and blurring (on the vehicles, not the real-world imagery) would really make them blend into the scene.


- the spin of the green car -- seems actually pretty close, just the nose is down too much in the front after the impact. The center of the spin seems just fine.

I agree, the center of mass on the car is spot on.

- how the truck sits wonky on the side of the road -- it doesn't really sit 'wonky' it's the slope of the road to the grassy area that brings the front driver's side wheel off the ground. It seems more that the chassis is kinda stuck or locked on the suspension until just after the truck stops... this is what stuck out to me more than how the trick was sitting 'wonky'.

I think I have the truck moving too far off the road, which would cause it have to climb the hill as opposed to coming to rest on the shoulder.

- green car noses too far -- probably what you mean by the nose stays down during the spin more than it should. I would probably start to bring the body more level just after passing the 90 degree mark after impact. Not completely level, still slightly nose down, just not down as far on the passenger side. (leveled out side-to-side)

Yes, it should level out sooner, but there was a pronounced lean and higher degree of damage on the left side.

I would also ask, does the green car hit a tree on the side of the road? it seems to stop kind of abruptly. If so or if not the body of the green car does not reflect the type of stop (impact or braking).

Agreed (again) that is the same impression I got from it. The car actually goes into the ditch slightly but the motion needs to slow before such an abrupt stop.


Thanks for the comments,




There are a bunch of things to fix on it.

- the spin of the green car

- how the truck sits wonky on the side of the road

- green car noses too far

None of that looks horribly wrong to me. The only part that I find doesn't ring true is the veering of the green car before the impact - it seems to accelerate once its front wheels have crossed the yellow lines. (But then, maybe it really did that.)


Nice lighting - a touch of film grain and blurring (on the vehicles, not the real-world imagery) would really make them blend into the scene.



It looks like it did accelerate and "squirt" across the intersection, but in reality it was an ubrupt change in direction.


The lighting is one of Yves' light rigs and a single sun if you can believe it. I like it a lot and it renders faster than AO.

Can I just add film grain to the vehicles without compositing?


Super David!!!! that was cool.......its so real looking I kinda get sick and hoping no one was badly hurt, then I think, your probably doing this from a real accident, ........I wont inquire any deeper



Can I just add film grain to the vehicles without compositing?
If there's a way, I don't know it. Maybe it can be done with materials, but materials are a bit of a black art to me.

Great clip David. Im very impressed on how you manage to animate cars! Kudos



Nice technical sample...that green car really got what was coming him! Why did he swerve? Was alcohol a factor?


My eye was drawn to the 'speedup' the green car did before the impact, did he hit the gas?


This is interesting.. the truck ('mater) WAS in the wrong lane. Then, it was in the correct lane. The driver of the green car jumped out before the sequence takes place because he "just knew" it was gonna end this way. And the green car, not having much of a mind of it's own, attempted to avoid the accident by going where the truck ('mater)wasn't (at the beginning of the sequence) and ended up hitting the truck anyway.


Is your guy representing green car or 'mater?



The truck driver was sited for not maintaining his lane and is at fault here.


The green car was trying to avoid the truck in Her lane.


The speed up of the green car is a bit of an illusion as right now I have her veering quickly and it looks like she speeds up.


There are no passengers at this point.

No alcohol was involved.


The driver of the truck looked away from the road to grab his soda bottle (we need to show the inside of the truck and the bottle rolling off the seat).


The truck also ended up more parallel with the road so I am going to adjust it and re-render.


(I knew you were all going to get into this :lol: )


The truck driver was sited for not maintaining his lane and is at fault here.


Yeah, but when the accident occured, he was in the correct lane? Did he fess up, or were there skid marks where he jerked back into his own lane?


I was only kidding about the driver getting out...


(I knew you were all going to get into this :D )


Of course we would!


Based on what I see, were I a juror, I might have trouble convicting the truck driver, as the green car assumed that he was going to be in the wrong lane when it arrived at that point and steered into it. My race car training tells me to aim for the spinning car in front of me, as it will probably be gone when I get there.


Charlie AKA "Bubbabob Geargrinder" (who's not fond of NASCAR, prefers road course racing, has never had race car training, but wishes he had)



There were 75 feet of "yaw" marks left by the truck, with 60' of them in the green cars lane.

The truck driver did "fess up".


It is considered a natural reaction to avoid an accident.

I don't know what I would have done, but I have to tell you I drive very differently after working on these cases.


The driver of the green car was hurt pretty badly, and the driver of the truck wasn't hurt at all.


There is a big smear from where her make-up left a track across the air bag.... ouch



...but I have to tell you I drive very differently after working on these cases.


Having been in an accident that I was trying to avoid (by, oddly enough, going into the wrong lane as she did), I can certainly relate to that... took me two years (and ten sugical procedures) of recuperation before I could work again. No airbags on "donorcycles" (which is what the orthopedic floor calls motorcycles).


So, I would probably have done what she did, and gotten hurt, too... What I'm "seeing" though, in your reenactment gives me the impression that there was enough time for her to stay in her lane and be okay.


That said, David, please realize that I am talking only of what I "see" with no narration or explanation from the juris doctors... He fessed up, he was cited, those factors alone should convince a jury... Her part in the accident was only her natural reaction in trying to avoid an accident.


Again, having been in such an accident, it is amazing how things "slow down" like "bullet time" in a Matrix movie while the accident is occuring. Showing that, of course, would make it seem as though she even had more time...


gives me the impression that there was enough time for her to stay in her lane and be okay.

We will show a modeled version with the view from her seat, right up till when her view is obstructed by the airbag.



I don't know what I would have done, but I have to tell you I drive very differently after working on these cases.

Hey David, if you have any sage advice you'd care to share with the rest of the class...


I don't know what I would have done, but I have to tell you I drive very differently after working on these cases.

Hey David, if you have any sage advice you'd care to share with the rest of the class...


I don't know about sage advice, but I triple check intersections now, double check blind spots, and am constantly do the "what if" scenarios in my head.


I try to prepare myself (and even assume it will happen) for the guy running the stop sign, or the person who doesn't see me slowing down for the bike rider.


Driving in Atlanta is a challenge all it's own, not unlike any other large city.

Atlanta has the highest average driving speed (illegal) of any major city in the US. At least that's what they say in the media.




The "touch" doesn't seem hard enough to me. It looks great. I love what you got so far.




Primarily what I was referring to as far as the movement of the vehicles when they stopped was the body roll/movement on the suspension (weight shift).


When the green car comes to rest, you said in a ditch, I presume the brakes were locked, so the body would tend to do a minor see-sawing effect upon the wheels ceaseing to move.


The truck would also have this see-sawing effect upon stopping. Again, I'm presuming that the drive had his foot on the brakes hard.


Last tidbits about the green car.


Everyone else is right, the last 9 or 10 frames just before impact with the truck, the green car accelerates. I would check your ease of the shot.


When it impacts the truck it seems (with the weight shift forward at the last second before impact) that she hit her brakes late. Is this the case? If she was full braking when she swerved, the body would tend to shift forward earlier and then upon impact would scrape the ground for that first 90+ degrees of rotation. Only after that would it start to come up off the ground and begin to level out by say the first full 360 degrees.


Hope that helps.


Here is the latest installment.


Modified since the last version:

- green car flattens out sooner for a more natural spin

- "squirt" of the green car crossing the center line has been mitigated

- Hill on left side has been modified to provide a flat area for the truck to drive onto

- crumple has been added to truck front end

- slowed the spin of the green car too


Fixes needed:

- The truck looks like it floats after the impact and takes too long to stop.

- Left Rear tire on green car goes through pavement.



EDIT: this only took 28 minutes to render on the farm... 720x480 9 passes, 211 frames..... Live action rocks




- "squirt" of the green car crossing the center line has been mitigated
A little too much...? [sFX: Stuart slinking away]




I did notice other things in the views I rendered out last night.

This is one of the phases of these types of the project where I get "animators block", in that I'm not really happy with the chapter and keep tearing it up and starting over.


I spoke to the Accident Reconstructionist this morning..... he is initially pleased with what he has seen.


Back at it............



I spoke to the Accident Reconstructionist this morning..... he is initially pleased with what he has seen.
Good! We can discuss the subtleties until the cows come home and still be able to pick holes in each other's work, but the bottom line is whether or not the customer's happy.

I spoke to the Accident Reconstructionist this morning..... he is initially pleased with what he has seen.
Good! We can discuss the subtleties until the cows come home and still be able to pick holes in each other's work, but the bottom line is whether or not the customer's happy.


The AR guy is the expert, the lawyer is the customer.

Sometimes we get all done, the expert is happy, but the lawyer wants "something else", more drama etc.


I was surprised no one noticed the truck not touching the road in the begining of the clip.....


Fix, rip, tear, splice.... re-render....




a wow there has still got to be damage like smoke beacause look at it this way head on reck ouch the car would be getting to the engine in damge of course but yeah you are going great so far


a wow there has still got to be damage like smoke beacause look at it this way head on reck ouch the car would be getting to the engine in damge of course but yeah you are going great so far


Thanks, I think........... translation please.....

I was surprised no one noticed the truck not touching the road in the begining of the clip.....
That's because we all thought it was a time travelling truck similar to the car in Back To The Future. Hey, that could be a great defence:


Defendent: I was just coming back from 1953 and it's not easy to keep on the road as the earth's rotation has a slight random wobble that accumulates over all these years.

Prosecution: You have a time travel machine in a truck? Why d'you build it in a truck?

Defendent: Cuz DeLoreans are hard to get a-hold of these days!


David could you show brake lights coming on on the green car ,it looks to me like it just travels along doese a bit of a left turn when he realises the truck is on the wrong side ,no braking ,or maybe thats what happend .Just giving what I see




This is getting better and better. Very nice. You are just amazing.


I can 'feel' the impact. The apparent weight of the vehicles is very well done. I can see very well what happened. I would like to know when the brakes were applied. When do the brake lights come on?




Edit: Steve beat me to it. :-P


"Feels" much better to me now, David... I am less likely to blame the lady in green now... Interesting, how the tweaks have changed my take on this...


Thanks for all the compliments.

There are 2 more views that I don't know if I can show.

The truck has brake lights that come on, I still need to add them to the green car.


This version has a little different motion on the truck which I like better, but there is a wonky "click" on the LF wheel that I have to fix.

The truck no longer flies at the beginning.

The green car still looks a little like it goes into the road.


More tweaky, tweaky.....


This was rendered at 1024x768 16 passes, 200 frames in 2 hours using 5 slaves. NR rocks!!


Let me know if it plays OK for ya'll, the first part skips when I view it online.







Heheh, now I can see that you have no hill in A:M to block the truck in the first 6-10 frames... so it appears in front of the edge of that hill.


Other than that and the brake light issues... it looks MUCH better... way to go David!


Right at the end of the animation both vehicles seem to 'bounce' back to normal. You can see this on the front suspension of the green car, passenger side. The truck moves at the end slightly as well.


I just talked to the AR guy (he works wierd hours too).


He doesn't like the spin any more, and would rather the green car only spin 275 degrees CCW. (I tried to talk him out of this early on).


He also wants her to "squirt" over at the last second when she realizes the thruck is in her lane.


He wants the truck to be farther over, at the far extents of the green car's lane.


Looks like I'll be scrapping a bunch :(



Here is the version with only a 275 degree rotation on the car.


The tail lights are supposed to switch to decals with the brake lights on, but evidently that is broken (think it's fixed in V13.0c) as can see the lights disappear all together. It works in the project file, and there were no errors in NR so I am at a loss.




Once I get the OK from the AR guy I'll add some parts flying.



EDIT: I just noticed the abrupt stop on the car, so I need to tweak that.


That one would actually make me less sympathetic to the driver of the green car. She appears to veer sharp left *after* the truck is back on the right side of the road, such that she increases the chance of an impact. Maybe that's how it really happened...


agree with Stuart on this one (again)... Truck appears to be in wrong lane less time, and well into correct lane when she "reacts" and veers into his lane...


got to make it seem like she was trying to veer into his lane at the same time as he was going back into his own lane and the collide together in the middle

at least i think thats what might have happened


The way the accident happened, was the truck was in her lane but was trying to get back in his own lane.

As she realized he was in her lane, she applied the brakes and tried to veer out of the way but they collided just over the centerline.


We see what the AR dude says, and I'll let you know.



I talked to the AR guy today.

His take on it is both vehicles look like they speed up a few frames before impact.


Other than that he likes it.


Better fix that perceived speed-up.


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