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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

STAR WARS: The Battle Of Mygeeto

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Great work guys, I've been meaning to comment on your models for a while but never got around to it. Great stuff! My only comment would be with the hands (as others have mentioned). The fingers look too long and too much like plain old cylinders. Other than that amazing work. Can't wait to see more. Oh, and another vote for the setup machine/anzovin rig.



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btw the hands have been fixed.. just not in the picture.. and yes im modeling in T position.. i just put them in that pose for show.


also the fact with rigging is me and woloshyniuk are to bussy with modeling at the moment to rig. and dont have the time to learn seeing as we not the best at it lol thats why we are asking if anyone who knows riging well wouldnt mind helping us out lol

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yes well obviously we're not allowed to sell this stuff. And were not considering selling any of it, were just doing it for fun basically. We may however enter it into a film festival or 2 just to get it out there.



The models are looking great, and I'm sure you're aware of this, but just in case...


If you use any of the original Star Wars music, your entry cannot be submitted to standard film festivals without the proper rights being released and that means $$$. Usually the FanFilm based fests are ok. Another thing to be wary of, is that if you do submit to festivals (using your own music or royalty free music) and you win in a category that awards a monetary prize, you have just violated the terms that LucasFilm allows fan films under, and you can be sued. Uncle George has been very clear that you're free to play in his backyard with his toys, as long as you are not making money off it! :)


Again, just wanted to point this out. Nothing better than to complete a project, get it submitted, and then be told you're in the wrong and have it shelved for no one to see again. I've watched quite a few Star Wars related films get shot down after they were completed, because of money coming into it somehow...


Best of luck with this, I can't wait to see it. Next June, eh? Shoot for a June 6 release... That'll be a great b-day present for me! :D

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Wow we went almost a whole week without giving a new model post :o


ok so iv been working on this since tuesday. so thats only three days to make its still needs a bit of editing but its practicaly finished


I give you.. The Droideka


Edit: Now with coulor lol


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Dark Jedi and myself are no longer working on the starwars project, atleast not until june probably. We are getting a bit bored with it because it doesnt take too much creativity. We may be starting on another project which we will make up entirely by ourselves. Sorry to all of you who were excited to see it, but you havent seen the last of us. Hopefully we will have another short film well on the way in a few weeks.

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We may be starting on another project which we will make up entirely by ourselves.


I'm glad to hear that... Don't get me wrong, I like SW but with this kind of talent, you ought to be working on your own stuff.


Any idea of what your thinking of doing?

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Sorry in a way to hear that the Star Wars movie is on hold. Gotta love it when Star Wars fans get together to make their own film! It is good to hear that you are working your own ideas though.


Concerning the calls for models (from your fans) and rigging (from yourselves) I hope you'll consider adding your Star Wars characters to the Extra DVD. With the healthy donation of Star Wars models already donated (thanks Dan!) it is almost certain that when you get back around to working on the movie you'll have (at least the best of them) fully rigged.


For now I remain... disappointed... because I was looking forward to seeing your Star Wars characters in action but also very encouraged by your obvious skills and talent.


Best of luck on your endeavors.



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I will consider donating the models to the extras CD


And as for our Star Wars film, what we did had to be done. because we were aiming for submitting for a film fest yet we couldn't put in starwars due to the whole copyrite stuff.


I am truly sorry to all of you who were looking forward to seeing the film completed (including me lol)


but if our loyal fans keep watching out for us.. you will spot a come back of the film sometime in june.

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Bummer you guys had to stop but those are some stunning models! Hopefully you put them on the next extra's CD. They would be a great gift to the community and certainly garner you an extremely large amount of karma points!


Look forward to seeing what you guys model next. I am sure it will be amazing!

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  • 4 weeks later...

WOW. You crank those things out faster than a politican's mouth! (And the detail! Have you considered ILM? ;) )



Bummer you guys had to stop but those are some stunning models! Hopefully you put them on the next extra's CD. They would be a great gift to the community and certainly garner you an extremely large amount of karma points!


Look forward to seeing what you guys model next. I am sure it will be amazing!


Ah, yes, Karma points. I keep forgetting to stock up. :lol:

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  • 6 months later...

It's my understanding that Lucasfilm has an informal arrangement where they turn a blind eye to fan films that do not seek to be commercial ventures. There are also Lucasfilm-sanctioned fan film contests. At the least, it could be finished to submit to one of those. As much as I can remember they usually require there be no copyrighted materials in them (like the music).


It does seem a real shame to waste all the time and effort that's already put into it. Especially when there seems to be real interest in the project.

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Dark Jedi ran into copyright infringement and had to halt production.

Before people make decisions to halt production on a fan film (or any project) due to perceived "copyright" issues, please consult with me first.


Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

Patent Bar #59431


We can get most "fan" films through - even ones that have commercial aspirations.

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Wow! it was a shock to see this back on the front page


I wanted to remind everyone.. that when it was said that this project will be put on HOLD for us to do a random film for a film fest.. then once thats complete this one would be back on track :P


To be honest I was just thinking about this one. I can assure you, you havnt heard the last of this film :P

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Yeah I think with all the fan films of SW out there (its got to hold the record) that they'd have a very hard time going after you for making one more, especially when you are only doing CG and not actually using any of their footage.


Perhaps if you changed the name of the battle to the battle of Magreedo and changed the names of all the parties.. then you could put a disclaimer that said.. All of these characters are fictional. Any resemblance to characters real or unreal is purely coincidence ;P


sigh.. lots of cool work in this thread. its a shame to see it die.

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