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Everything posted by Zaryin

  1. Well I think I'm going to write Steve an e-mail and tell him to take my entry out. There's just no way I can beat that entry, Colin. *goes off in the corner and cries*
  2. Hey Jess, it's coming along great. The new probe is fantastic.
  3. I love this guy. He seems like the perfect character for a short. He does seem slightly stretched in places, making him look a little in need of some food, but that seems to work for him to me.
  4. Wow, that's looking real good. I think the plated could use some work too. ALso, don't forget to close the holes on the top of the antenni.
  5. Can't really help with the rigging, but it's really coming along nicely. I really like it so far.
  6. When doing mechanical -- and in some instances organic -- modeling it is not nessacary to join splines. Especially if it's not doing to stretch. The original version of Vic Navone's Blitz didn't have his arms attached to it's body. ANd we know how far that character has gone.
  7. The pants are WAY better. I love the rim lighting effect you got with her hair. It's beautiful. I am never able to make hair look that good. Whip up a tut!
  8. Very creative use of squiggle . It's like painting with a few brushstrokes. Most painting are not meant to be viewed close up, but from farther back you get the illusion.
  9. I like it so far. It is an Oselot?
  10. Hey Gene, the stuff you've been posting is great. For less than two hours work this looks great.
  11. You do have little artifacts with the alpha. With big crowd scenes though, I don't think it would be a problem. Especially if they are veiwed from farther off.
  12. That is freakin' great! I also love the way the hiar looks while animated.
  13. It's looking great, but I just noticed the thumbs. They seem a tad too big to me.
  14. I haven't tried anything like that since v8.5. I didn't work well for me then so I just assumed -- and you know what they say about assuming -- that it still didn't work that well. This is great news, thanks alot!
  15. That is great. I think I like the feel of the second one better. It probably has something to do with the rain like John said
  16. Wow, that's really turning out. Can't wait to see it textured and posed and put into a cool scene and animated and then a short movie and then maybe a full-length feature and then...*passes out from lack of air*
  17. Hey Will, that's a great looking tree. THe only problem I have is the "sameness" pf the end branches. I'm assuming the leaves will cover that up, however.
  18. You can actually get the facial poses to cross over after that much change in the mesh? I find that impressive.
  19. That looks fantastic. Now get some sound effects and destroy a farm house, mwa hahaha!
  20. That looks great! -- um, can someone explaint to me that bone setup .
  21. From what I can see the texture looks great. I wish you had it in a scene though, so we could see how it reflects -- and caustics if you add those.
  22. Yeah something need to be done with that painting look. Do you have shadows on? Also, try changing the spec size and intensity. Otherwise, it's looking great.
  23. I love you realistic night lighting. I would have gone the coward's way and went for movie night -- that's why yours is good .
  24. Thanks for the comments, guy. Pengy: Like most everything else I work on it's in a folder somewhere collecting dust because I never finish anything *sigh* Hutch: I know how you feel . This is from another project that fell by the wayside. I might still one day finish my Elric model -- maybe .
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