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Everything posted by Zaryin

  1. Just painted the sprite real quick... REAL QUICK! That still looks better than any landscape I spent more than a week on .
  2. I really like him so far. No other comments that others haven't said.
  3. I love the newer version. The only thing I don't really care for is the reflection on the table. It seems a little too sharp and strong to me.
  4. You're welcome. This is looking way better than mine ever did. Are you planning on adding cheast plating?
  5. If you want to get rid of some of that creasing I would redo thge eye ring. Delete the original eye ring. Get rid of any connecting splines. Lathe a spline with the apprpriate amount of cps. Tweak it into place and attach that using new splines.
  6. It has something to do with the no thickness patches of your membrane and the shadow type you are using.
  7. Watership Down is still one of my favorite books.
  8. I agree with Josh in wanting to see a cooler color -- but that is fantastic. I would also like to the the particle last a little longer.
  9. Hey, that's looking good so far. Minor creasing, but hair will cover that up. Nice looking bunny.
  10. I'm really liking how this is coming along. If your style of modeling works for you, keep at it.
  11. Damn, how'd you get that BVH so smooth with your model. It is great looking.
  12. I liked the short episodic use. Very nicely done.
  13. Yeah, I usually do, but when I was about to save this one out -- well, that's when it happened. I already viewed the project file in a text editor, but don't know what's good or bad *sigh*. This has turned out to be a crappy day for me. If anyone knows how to help me fix a project file let me know. If it works I'll give this model up for free to the Community when I'm done with it.
  14. Thanks everybody for replying. I would say more, but my Project file has been corrupted and I lost everything right before I was going to save everything to seperate files. Unless someone knows how to fix corrupted project files, and I have know idea what happened, it's gone. Just to let everyone know. I try to open the project in A:M. The very second it hits 100% loaded in, it quits to desktop. I think I'm taking a break.
  15. Nice character, I love that look. Make sure your normal are all facing out to get rid of the crud look with procelain that's what you need to do. Just re-open the project to get rid of and artifacting after that.
  16. Wow, he really does look like him. When do you start the body?
  17. What I like is that design on top of the table. Looking good.
  18. Hey Jim, she's looking real nice. I think the low-res jeans shows what hi-rez is going to do, and it's going to look sweet.
  19. Ok, I got another new character I am working on. It's a different take on the merman. I have a simple color, gradient and Yves' Skin Shader apllied to the character. I will be adding fins to the forearms and webbing between the fingers. I would like to ask all of you if I should add anything else? What should it be, and where? I could also use some advise on texturing, since I am getting close to doing that. Any comments are appreciated. Thanks.
  20. Man, that is crazy. How'd you get the hair and texturs to look so good.
  21. What David said. I think that's what's causing the slight distortions in length. I meant neck to chin.
  22. Haha, nice story. I like the model so far too. The texturing is great.
  23. I agree with David's remarks. ALso, the front jaw area looks a little short to me. That is a great head. I especially like the laugh line area.
  24. Nice! Great work on that texture. That's something I will have to work on.
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