sprockets Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot Rodger Reynold's Architectural WIP
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Zaryin

  1. Thanks for posting the movie of the arm rig. I can't believe the set-up for the belt is that simple.
  2. Looks complicated. Can you post a movie of a close-up of the arm movment in bones mode?
  3. Great little model and your rig seem to work well. Two Questions: Did you do the Wireframe to SHaded render in A;M or was that a composite? And why not just use the hands to move your arms, why use nulls?
  4. It looks well modeled. My only crit is the hair line seems a little too far back on the head.
  5. This looks like a good idea for a movie. I say lengthen it and get a larger short out there. I love the characters.
  6. Hey, that turned out great. Congrats on finishing it. I think my longest render was something like 49 hrs. That wasn't because of radiosity, just a slow pc .
  7. I hope you get your data back. This character is real nice.
  8. He is looking awesome. I think I would add a few more "folds" to the cloth. I would probably add a little bit of cuff and hem also. The style is great.
  9. Wow, you guys are really coming along. Great job.
  10. This is a awesome idea for a project. Are you planning on trying to put all these building together into one project? That seems like it would be getting a little spline heavy after awhile...
  11. Hey John, all you mushroom tests are fascinating. I don't care if you do 100 more .
  12. Looking real good so far. Did you try Normal maps? They might work for you.
  13. HAHA. I think the only crit I could give is the arm movements still seem a little stiff and could a little faster. Other than that, I loved it.
  14. Sometime simple is way better. Can't wait to see what get from these guys.
  15. I like that new ending pose better. I think the close up of his face is good, but I think the head turns could be speeded up. I think it might be funnier that way -- although I could be wrong, haha.
  16. Yeah, the tri-laser needs to come out all together. And I would speed it up some. It's a great start.
  17. Love the new commercial. And I love that split pass rendering you do. I might try that on something new I'm starting.
  18. Thanks alot again everyone, especially you, Martin. It's nice to be appreciated. Anyone know who Martin meant by Paul? I didn't know colors could be copyrighted to characters. Will changing their names and the color of certain elelemnts be the way to go? Sorry for being stupid here, but this is the first time I'm donating some of my characters, so any help is greatly appreciated.
  19. Looks good, but I think the turb in the water could be more and smaller to give it a feeling of hugeness.
  20. It's looking real great so far. It seems a little dark ot me, like a cloud is going by the sun though.
  21. Hey thanks alot everyone. Yeah, I've been using Action Objects since I first started using A:M, and didn't think anything of it, so I didn't mention it. If anyone want's the Dr Suess models let me know about that here and I'll post them too.
  22. Hey Paul, this is really turning out to be a great walk. I love the way he's holding the pack. Ar eyou planning on giving him facial textures on not just leaving him a base color? Same thing for the clothes? I think that's really going to add to bringing this character to life.
  23. The animation and camera angles were my favorite in this one. Real awesome job.
  24. That was excellent! THe only problem I saw was with the artifact in the eye. That's the ONLY thing I saw that wasn't great. Congrats on this one.
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