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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Art Nouveau Poster


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I've set a deadline for myself to finish the CD I've been talking about for over 20 years.


August 12 will be my 61st Birthday, and I've booked the Aladdin Theater in Portland, Oregon, for that date. It's an intimate venue (only 600 seats) where national acts perform regularly. I'll post a few pics of the venue a little later.


My friends "Sneakin' Out", (Who performed at Carnegie Hall last summer) are booked to be my opening act.


Here is the Poster that I've made to Promote the Event.


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Wow! May it be a successful venture!


Thanks, Rob. There is a realistic hope that we could be sold out by mid July.


Wish I lived closer!


Yeah, it's a pretty long commute from the moon, 'specially with those NASA cut-backs. Too bad, too, I think the music is right down your alley. who knows, maybe we'll be successful enough to do a "Satellite" tour. :D


Here's some shots of the Aladdin.





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Here is the Poster that I've made to Promote the Event.


So....you like billiards? :rolleyes:


Great poster, by the way. Good luck on the show, I know what kind of pressure cooker doing that kind of promotion can be...done a few myself.

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Thanks all,


I'm totally stoked for this. It is indeed my intention to get "GeneSpleen The Animating Machine " up here from Houston for the show. I also hope to have animations playing on a screen above the band as we do some of the numbers live.


Sneakin' Out will open, then my band will do "The Album". For the third section of the show, I intend to have various musicians that have played with me over the years rotate through a "structured" jam. That should end the evening with a loose, party like atmosphere. The refreshment stand does sell "adult" refreshments.


With luck we'll have a couple of videographers there, so there may be a few live video's posted on Gene's utube channel. There may even be a shot or two of me in there if they have an extra strong double wide angle lens. :D


To be Continued . . . . . . .

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  • 2 months later...

The CD is done and in duplication now. I should have product in two weeks, about two weeks before the release party.


After I booked the Aladdin Theater I found out that the cardinal rule for CD release parties is to not book the party UNTIL you have the CD in hand, and I found out why that rule is in play. The deadline forced me to accept some mixing flaws that I didn't have time to redo.


C'est le vie.


The Nice Rack girl was painted by Peter X. O'Brien, from Portland. The rest of the artwork I did in A:M.


Here is the Title cut, the CD artwork and inserts. Also the T-Shirts that I'm getting made.











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LOL Thanks guys. Holmes, the fun part has been sorting through the volunteers to model the T'Shirts. ;)


My Backup singers are going to be wearing them and at least one of them has ample qualifications for displaying the product.


As a matter of fact, there almost seems to me as much interest in the girls t-shirts as there is in the CD. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. :D


But it's promotion time, and they say that there's no such thing as bad publicity.


In a couple of weeks the T-Shirts, CD's and some posters will all be available from my soon to be re-constructed website.

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  • 5 months later...

I've been lurking quite a bit but haven't been posting much. Getting ready to rig Knuckles McGurke soon and get busy on my animation project. I have been occupying my time tho.


I've just released a 2 disk DVD of our Aladdin concert last August.


Here is an excerpt from Disk 1. the Opening Act, Sneakin' Out:


Here is an excerpt of Disk 2:

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