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I finally got some time to string our PTB movie together...all told it's 4 MINUTES! Please have a look to see if your video is missing or name is spelled incorrectly before I upload it for real, later this week/next. Great work by over 20 A:M animators! ENJOY!


AS OF WED 6/17/2009



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oooooooo....EXCELLENT! The clips are terrific !


Matt - You did a fabulous job on sequencing & stringing the clips together, the music track is perfect & the sound effects are absolutely FUN FUN FUN - Super Wondeful!


Bravo all!


Great job, everybody!


Nice work roping them all together, Matt!


How does the number of entries and time match up to the original?

  • Hash Fellow

Hey, i'm impressed at all the good ideas! I'm glad I got to be a part of that.


Is that a temporary music track?



Can I get the é in Holmén?


ALT-0233 on a PC


e, option-e on a mac


Thanks everyone...GLAD it is liked.


Rob---I'll try that punctuation. Yeah- I guess it is temporary...up to the point when it is replaced or becomes permanent I suppose. Have a track in mind?

Largento--- I don't know how similar it is to the original, I don't think it matters...does it?


The clips were arranged in a 'random' fashion...with minimal rearranging.


Great Job Matt!! All the way a- :lol: "round"!


Nice Clips Everybody!


Fantastic Matt!


The credits roll by very fast, is that because the sound track was ending or just because it's not that interesting to most viewers?

  • Hash Fellow
Yeah- I guess it is temporary...up to the point when it is replaced or becomes permanent I suppose. Have a track in mind?


The music is not bad in itself, but repeated too many times for 4 minutes. Maybe you could put some contrasting music in the middle, then return to the opener.


wasn't someone on the forum going to create some music?


Looks real good, and great to see some works I hadn't downloaded.


If it's not too much trouble, could you please change my credit from GizmoMkI to Heller Couch? I've taken to using that as an onscreen credit in other works since it's sort of my real name.


Just curious about the numbers, Matt.


From a quick pass of the original and the new one, it looks like:


PTB 2006---Time: 2:00---15 contributors---21 sequences

PTB 2009---Time: 4:00---20 contributors*---29 sequences


So we doubled the length and had more contributors and sequences. I'd say that's a terrific turnout considering that the forums aren't nearly as crowded as they once were!


*taking your word on this one. The credits roll by too quickly to count. Would it be too much trouble to slow them down?


Hey Matt ...


That looks really good ... the music works fine for me. Thanks Matt for taking the time to put everything together. Congratulations to all the "Pass-the-Ballerinians" that participated. :lol:





I volunteered to do some music, but then I got side tracked with a few other things, (like animating, working on my CD, etc.) and I never got off the ground with it. I like the music in the movie, but perhaps it could use a little Strauss somewhere in the middle there just for contrast. I wonder where it could go? But I don't know how much trouble it would be for Matt to re-edit.


That was great.


As for the music... I can't speak for the man himself but with Premier Pro changing the music is really easy and basically requires about five minutes and a rerender. So hopefully that won't be too much trouble for JB because... the music is a bit... much.


What happened to the frankenstein kung fu entry I saw on the forums. It looked prety cool. Did it not get done in time?


thanks to comment my entry Rob T...Hi Matt..I miss my entry, :( sorry I was a little sick, I was out to the forum for a week, I just come back today, so I could not send my entry to your mail..may I do something to be in?...by the way the video is awesome :) ..greetings


Thanks a lot Matt, I am grateful for it very much :) ...I´m very glad to be part of this project...just a little mistake at my last name, it is Jauregui...so, it doesn`t matter, is ok...nice editing ...cheers


Yeah... I'm going to do 1 more cut...fix cemetery... and tweek the guitar sound-effect that is a bit overbearing in the beginning. I'd like to see if Hash would like to have it on their Youtube page, but don't know whom to ask... Rodney? Then- I will make a 720 X 480 version (Letterboxed, for DVD/TV) and put it up on one of those freebie file share websites along with the full 864 X 486 version (any recommendations?) and make the passwords available to everyone.


Anyone have any ideas on press-releasing/contests/festivals...?


Wow! I finally managed to see this. That was really pretty good! A big applause to everyone involved, especially to Gene the Spleen for getting the ball rolling and of course to Matt Campbell for some superb sequences and very considerate editing! Top job! :)

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