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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hey guys, you've been quiet on this project for awhile. Just a voice in the dark saying not to give up now after ,what, a hundred pages of posts.


alot more really, theres another post that hit a thousand i think :P

  • 6 months later...

It's been a long time since I chimed in on this forum. I'd like to get on the bandwagon again. I, luckily, don't have school...just work. If you'z guy'z let me know what is next or lingering I am available to jump on it. I worked on Mario's head and shy guy model but I am good at getting backgrounds done fast. Let me know.


Thanks for wanting to work on this again. I knew this project could never die! Just take a look at the script and choose whatever you want to work on. We need people working on this. As for me, I'm going to start working on getting the animation ready (walk cycles, etc.).


Link to script:




Hey Guys.

well as i find my self becoming more and more bored at home i am using animation master more often.

If you guys wanna bring this project back from the dead then i would not mind working on it with yall.


does anyone wanna take control of the project.

i dont have the time to be in charge. and just wanna know if someone out there wants to be in charge and keep any one who is here on track.


and i want to let anyone know that if i work on the project. i havent updated in years. so i am sure that i will not be able to give my projects so other people can work on them. they can work on them but i cant use them if they want me to because its not backwards compatible that way.


Mind if I take over for a while? I'll TRY to keep everything running smoothly again, so if anyone wants to discuss how we're going to keep this going meet me at the A:M community.


A little progress so far. I used the model of Toad the black mage posted a while back.




Who's still working on this? Anyone who wants to join (even if you're not a member) can join. Right now we're looking for some good animators because it's just about ready to animate.


Here's a walk cycle I made for Luigi. Crits please.



Who's still working on this? Anyone who wants to join (even if you're not a member) can join. Right now we're looking for some good animators because it's just about ready to animate.


Here's a walk cycle I made for Luigi. Crits please.




Looks a little too fast and his strides look too long for walking. Good start though!


Oops. I called it a walk cycle instead of a run cycle. But you're right, it does look more like a fast walk cycle than it does a run cycle. So, with a few changes to the "run cycle" it is now a walk cycle.



Oops. I called it a walk cycle instead of a run cycle. But you're right, it does look more like a fast walk cycle than it does a run cycle. So, with a few changes to the "run cycle" it is now a walk cycle.





ok.. well im half asleep right now.

but his left foot seemed like it popped a little too unatural

  • 3 weeks later...
but his left foot seemed like it popped a little too unatural

Thanks, but I still don't see the pop so I don't know what to change.


Right now we have enough done to animate the start of the film to the peach's room part. I'll see if I can do the animation but after its done the project file will be sent to someone else who wants to do the lighting or any extra effects because I'm not so good at that stuff.

Here's a run cycle with Mario in it so any more crits would be helpful.



Also, I'll be gone for 3 weeks on a trip starting on wednesday so I'll start animation when I get back.


Well, nuns said he'd be leaving this project entirely and said it'd be okay if I took charge, okay.

Here's a list of things we still need:


An old couch and t.v. for bowser's room

A backdrop of super mario world so that the there's more than just a blank sky

And for the mysterious creature, I though we could replace it with the clown copter. Shouldn't be too hard to make.


Bowser: tido needs to finish him


So if you want to make any of those things or think we need something else say what you're making and make it. You don't need permission.


Also, there's a few models that i'll need for the animation:


Goomba and chalkboard


Princess Peach's Castle

Goomba and chalkboard

That one area with the hills and grass that looks like the place where goomba talks.

Log cabin

...and any others you still have

  • 5 weeks later...

Hey guys,


I was looking at the forums (bored at work) and saw that you were restarting to work on this...


I dont have the time to help much (work, school soon: Almost done with these studies..., training for track (ran 1:54 on 800m, I'm back baby!), kayaking and, over this, I'm building an electric bike with a 4,5 HP motor and planning on starting a business in a few months) but the bowser model(which should be on my external hard drive at home) was almost done... I could send him if you need it. pm me a email to send it.


In my free time, I prefer not to promess anything caus I know I wont feel like spending it on my computer modelling.


That's strange, the forum won't let me pm anybody. Oh well, just send me bowser whenever you're done with it to:



Also, I started on the bathroom scene a week ago. It's going real smoothly. I'll post the progress video next week.


I wasn't sure if I'd ever see the goomba again :huh:.


Yep, still need the goomba and chalkboard. I've got the bomb-bomb and bathroom already so email me everything else I'm missing.


Here's the first progress video for the bathroom scene. Well, it isn't quite next week but it got finished a bit early. Tell me if there's anything wrong with it, even if it's something small, or if it's too fast or slow, all criticism is very important.



Here's the first progress video for the bathroom scene. Well, it isn't quite next week but it got finished a bit early. Tell me if there's anything wrong with it, even if it's something small, or if it's too fast or slow, all criticism is very important.



Here's the first progress video for the bathroom scene. Well, it isn't quite next week but it got finished a bit early. Tell me if there's anything wrong with it, even if it's something small, or if it's too fast or slow, all criticism is very important.




IMHO you need to get more of an compresion pose and a overlapong pose going with that walk you have MArio feet both off the ground at same time and unless this is a run that makes him look like he is floating. I am going to try to attached a thread were this is trying to be taught to me. IF I can find it lol.

  • Admin

I know you are looking for critiques so you can make the shot better... but I just want to say... Looks great! :)


I confess I'm not that familiar with the pace of Super Mario's stylistic gameplay but I don't think you want the walk cycles and actions to be any more realistic.


This is a great project to exaggerate on.

Personally, I think it looks great. Very nice.


The pace 'reads' like he is going to the bathroom stall because he knows there is a message there waiting for him. If that is the intent... I think you've nailed the pace.

IMHO you need to get more of an compresion pose and a overlapong pose going with that walk you have MArio feet both off the ground at same time and unless this is a run that makes him look like he is floating. I am going to try to attached a thread were this is trying to be taught to me. IF I can find it lol.


Not quite sure what that means but I think I can make some improvements.


Yea, I thought that the pace was a bit too fast or unmatched with the speed. I'm going to try and make that part go a little slower.


I know you are looking for critiques so you can make the shot better... but I just want to say... Looks great! :)


I confess I'm not that familiar with the pace of Super Mario's stylistic gameplay but I don't think you want the walk cycles and actions to be any more realistic.


This is a great project to exaggerate on.

Personally, I think it looks great. Very nice.


The pace 'reads' like he is going to the bathroom stall because he knows there is a message there waiting for him. If that is the intent... I think you've nailed the pace.


Well, actually according to the script:

"(mario is jumping from one green pipe to another (he seems to have fun with his yohoo wa screams...) meanwhile, luigi is going toward the bathroom...We see mario jumping in another green pipe and he starts running in the pipe...We see luigi sitting on the toilet and opening a journal. Mario is still running. Camera closes up on luigi and, all of a sudden, we see his eye getting round...)"


...so luigi doesn't expect mario to run down a pipe and come out the toilet, which is an accident. In the final shot, the scenes will actually be alternating between luigi walking towards the bathroom and mario jumping from pipe to pipe, then running down a long pipe that leads to the tiolet, building up suspense. So I'll try to slow things down a bit so luigi is walking at a more casual pace.


And thanks for all the crits! Keep them coming.


Thanks for the help. Here's an updated version, rendered in lower quality to save some time. And there's going to be plenty of exageration and cartooniness later in the film, but I'm not sure how I can fit that into a casual bathroom scene.


Also, any criticism you can think of is important.



IMHO you need to get more of an compresion pose and a overlapong pose going with that walk you have MArio feet both off the ground at same time and unless this is a run that makes him look like he is floating. I am going to try to attached a thread were this is trying to be taught to me. IF I can find it lol.


Not quite sure what that means but I think I can make some improvements.



Sorry i could not find the exact post I was looking for but try this one




Look about 1/2 through this you see Robert fixing Scare crows hip motion up and down and you see the hips go lower after he hits the ground (not at same time) then same kinda thing in teh up part. wether hips lead foot or other way I can not think right now it too late :( Look through that thread more maybe you can see robert walking and show how to crate a walk this is were he explains about a compression pose and over lapping pose in short after feet hits ground the body compreses then after body hits high point it stretches there a delay in this motion that gives it wieght.

Guest Mon1018

Thanks for the info.

I'll check the link.

Excellent information.Many thanks!

  • 2 weeks later...

d34th5t4r, do you still have the shy-guy? I came up with a part for him during the scene at the beginning where mario is jumping through pipes. I'm working on that scene right now, then when finished it will be combined with the bathroom scene.


So if you have shy-guy email it to: jequed@aol.com

d34th5t4r, do you still have the shy-guy? I came up with a part for him during the scene at the beginning where mario is jumping through pipes. I'm working on that scene right now, then when finished it will be combined with the bathroom scene.


So if you have shy-guy email it to: jequed@aol.com


You betcha...it's on it's way.




Whew! This next scene sure has taken a while. 26 seconds worth of animation and so much more to go. Okay, this scene is part of the intro where mario is jumping through several pipes. Hope everyone likes it since I didn't tell the details ahead of time. Tell me if it's a little hard to follow because it was hard to show 3 things happening all at once. And if there's any little thing wrong with it, say it. The more criticism the better.




I've tried to download this QT Movie and a few weeks ago the one on post 425 and they both lock up and don't play and I have to "end task" the browser. I have no idea why, I just thought I'd let you know that it was happening. (I'm using QT 7.5)


I've done some thinking and thought: How is the animation going to fit the music in the background if we havn't picked out the music yet? Well, I came up with an idea. Instead of restraining each shot to a certain length, each shot should be longer than needed, so that when the film is going to be edited, we can crop each scene to make it shorter or leave it at its full length to fit the flow of the music. So from now on, when I show a progress video, it will be several long shots without any cropping to them. When it's finished, the animation will stay the same but the cropping of each shot will change according to what works best.


Thanks, I was looking around the internet for some good music to use but couldn't find any that fit well enough. Here is the site I looke through the most, it had a lot of music to choose from: http://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks ...But whenever I tried to find what I was looking for, the music was either out of style with the theme, too over the top, or too video-game-like. Trying to find something that fits the theme, has some quality, but not too over the top. I'm going to try looking some more but so far animating the film seems easier than finding the right music :wacko:


Might I suggest Newgrounds audio portal? Most of the songs are generously released under a noncommercial license for use as long as you credit the author in the credits. The license allows for edits to the music as well. Just be sure to give the original author due credit.


They also have a specific section for game music. (Just check the dropdown menu)

Here's what a quick search for "mario" brings up


Stay frosty. d(^_^)


Now back to the animating. In one of the scenes mario is going to jump out of a pipe then land on the ground and start running. So how would I transition an action of mario jumping out of the pipe to a run cycle action?


Assuming that "Mario jumping out of the pipe" was animated in "Choreography Action 1".

Drag the Run action onto Mario and make sure it is *under* Chor Action 1 in the PWS.

In the Run action's "Chor Range -> Start" enter the frame you want him to start running.

In the Run action's "Repeat", enter numbers until the "Chor Range -> End" value is near the frame on which you want Mario to stop running.

Set the Run action's Blending Mode to "Blend".

Go to the frame where Mario starts his run action and set the "Blend Ratio" (_not_ the Ease) to 100%. This effectively turns the Run action off.

Go forward in time about half a second and set the Blend Ratio to 0%.

Now his movements from shooting out of the pipe in Chor Action 1 will gradually transition over a half second into the Run action.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for all the tips. The blending actions were very useful. This next video shows a few extra scenes including some adjustments to the bathroom animation I showed eariler. Some of the scene transitions are a little slow but I'm just focusing on the animation for right now. So if there's anything wrong with the animation, I wanna know.




Wow this has come together so nice.

it looks really good even without a final render.

jequed. this is very good. these animations amaze me.

  • 2 weeks later...

I havn't been doing any animating for a while but I'm glad everyone likes it so far. Anyways, after watching the video I just posted, I noticed that there isn't much indication that the pipe mario is running in is connected to the bathroom. So, I've mostly been working on how to make it look like it's connected.


For the very beginning of the film, the sun will be rising and the castle comes into view (peaceful music will be playing). And a koopa (we could use him after a few adjustments to the model) will be walking peacefully along then look up and the next thing you know he'll be laying unconcious. (music switches). Then the rest continues from there.

Then later, before mario jumps into the pipe that leads to the bathroom, he will do the same thing except be running towards the castle with a pipe that has caution signs around it.


So for the first part, where the castle comes into view, I wanted more depth to the scene, so I added some mountains far away, but right now they look close to the castle instead of far away. So how do I set the scene up so that things fade away with distance?



  • 1 month later...

hey everyone i am going to be getting an update on A:M pretty soon

so i am going to try and help you guys out again.

who all is still working hard with this project. i am willing to come back and work hard to get this done.


It's great you want to work on this some more. I thought everyone else gave up trying to finish this. Right now I'm trying to remake a lot of the scenes so that they will be more interesting (mainly the scenes at the very beginning), and when I'm done I'll need someone to light and texture the scenes. So if you think you can do any lighting or texturing it would help a lot since I'm not very good at either of those.


Oh, and I also finished making the koopa and piranha plant, if you have any ideas for scenes they could be in.


Here's a couple pics:


koopa.jpg piranha_plant.jpg


Good models man.

Uhm those are not my strong suits man. I prefer modelling and a next is animating.

I am not that great at lighting or texturing.


Most of the modelling is done already, but here are the things we still need:

Some props for the hallway in princess peach's castle

The clown copter

A TV and couch for bowser

...or you can look through the script for anything else that needs modelling.


And if you, or anyone, has any ideas for what could go on at the part at the beginning (before mario goes down that one pipe), please tell me. It is seriously the hardest thing to do right now.


Okay, I've had this video for about a month now:



But then after wathcing it enough I realized that the very beginning was uninteresting since all that happened was a bunch of close-ups of characters, and it didn't have much of a flow to it either. So I'm replacing the beginning up until the part where the shell takes off with a much more interesting/ambitious intro. You'll have to see it for yourself after it's all finished. Also I'd like some crits on the video above even though it's not final.

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