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I have been working on this for some time now, and i belive its far enough to show


Please feel free to give any comments and let me know what i need to change


Also, if anyone can tell me any better ways to render please let me know :)


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Very nice....I love the detail. is that modeled in or textured?


all of it is modeld so far, once im done im going to texture in details such as burn marks and rust


How about a wireframe? As far as a different look for an in progress render, change your camera background color to black, do the same for your ground color, but add about 75% reflectivity to the ground. Now place your model about 10" off the ground (depends on scale) and place the camera at an angle that will capture the model and the reflection off the ground. That render will be all black with a nice view of the underside of your model.


A small update here.


I now added a droid for the ship which took me all sunday to make due to program errors


I also changed the colours to make it look more like Obi Wans Jedi starfighter.


Something i also noticed is that my pictures turn out a little blury, so tomorrow at school im going to take it on photoshop and fix that



Really, really nice. I was kinda expecting R2D2 to be the droid, but the colors aren't right. When you say that your renders sometimes come out a little blurry, you might want to check if you have focal distance on/off. Turn it off for now just to have no roblems with these test renders. It maight also be that you are saving these renders at a low resolution, in which case that won't make any difference since the low res save will make any pic somewhat blurry.


I would still love to see a wireframe. Keep it up.


Few questions. What do you mean by wireframe and whats rong with the colours?


Also its not the program render that turns out blury. render turns our fine. its when i print the screen and past in on paint is when it gets blury


If he's dong Obi-wan's fighter than the colors on the droid are right. Obi-wan had R4 in the movie and Anakin had R2. Dark Jedi, I think he meant the colors were wrong if you were using R2 as your droid.


A wireframe is a screen capture of your model when not in shaded view. It's the actual cp's and splines you have to create your model.


Unless I am mistaken, R2D2 has blue color accents, not burgundy?


Since you are pasting to Paint, you must not have any other graphics programs? Photoshop is a must have, but I suppose you can start with PaintShopPro or there may even be other programs that someone could recommend. I don't use Paint, so I don't know why you would get the blurring.



If he's dong Obi-wan's fighter than the colors on the droid are right. Obi-wan had R4 in the movie and Anakin had R2. Dark Jedi, I think he meant the colors were wrong if you were using R2 as your droid.


your right leo it is obi wans ship. iv actualy been modeling it for ki adi mundi since hes in my movie but for now i wanted it to look like obi wans.


and eric ill show a wireframe pic when im done my ship :)


That's a great model Kevin. I love the detail work you've put into it.


Also its not the program render that turns out blury. render turns our fine. its when i print the screen and past in on paint is when it gets blury


Microsoft Paint, when you save an image as a .jpg, sets the image quality to low. This creats noticable noise around edges of coluor due to jpeg compression. In photoshop you can save a full quality jpeg which will have absolutly no noise present. The image I provided shows what paint did to a RGBCMY color pallet when saved as a .jpg. The pallete on the right is full quality Photoshop and the left is MS Paint's output.



That's a great model Kevin. I love the detail work you've put into it.


Also its not the program render that turns out blury. render turns our fine. its when i print the screen and past in on paint is when it gets blury


Microsoft Paint, when you save an image as a .jpg, sets the image quality to low. This creats noticable noise around edges of coluor due to jpeg compression. In photoshop you can save a full quality jpeg which will have absolutly no noise present. The image I provided shows what paint did to a RGBCMY color pallet when saved as a .jpg. The pallete on the right is full quality Photoshop and the left is MS Paint's output.


i tried pasting the image on photoshop yesterday but the image kept coming out to small. how do i make it larger?


I think this is no longer fuzy check it out


also a quick look at the bottom




Cant wait to see the cabin built :P


i tried pasting the image on photoshop yesterday but the image kept coming out to small. how do i make it larger?

crop the image, then go to Image>Image Size and there you go. Make sure it's set to Constrain Proportions.


Also its not the program render that turns out blury. render turns our fine. its when i print the screen and past in on paint is when it gets blury



It's probably the print the screen and paste into Paint that's creating the blurry image. The print screen creates a screen capture that's probably only 96 or 72 dpi (depending on your system). When you paste it into Paint, it's already a low-res image. If you do any manipulation to it, the image blurs out.



Instead of doing the screen capture, try saving your render as a Paint acceptable file format. Open the file in Paint and then manipulate as needed.


That might take care of the blur problem.


Looks cool.


something i noticed is that all my splines are at 90 degree angles... is there anythign i can do that will make the tips apear to be rounded when i render?


Choose CP, then click the Smooth (O) button on the right (under the peak button, above the lasso).



Choose CP, then click the Smooth (O) button on the right (under the peak button, above the lasso).

that will make it too round.. i mean it goes straight all the way till almos the tip and then curves


You could use the bias handles to adjust the curves til you get the result that you are looking for.


When you click on a CP a yellow handle appears(you have to have show Bias handles on) and then you can adjust the curvature using the handles. I attached a pic just in case you dont know where the button is.


Hope it helps.






I agree with you Dan. As a beginner, it's not wise to mess with the bias handles as they will affect the model in undesirable and unpredictable ways for a noobie (not meant to be derogatory.) I started tweaking bias handles early on in my AM venture and wasted a lot of time trying to fix and tweak the bias when in reality the tweaks were causing most of my problems. Stay with clean basic modeling and adjusting the magnitudes. Use bias when you've had a lot more experience under your belt.


I dont advise adjusting the bias handles. You should really only adjust the magnitues, which is a control to the right of the bias handle toggle


what are magnitues?


Magnitude is how rounded you want a spline to be. A high magnitude means more rounded, a low magnitude means more peaked. You can turn on the magnitude toggle here:



Here's an example of what changing the magnitude does. I turned on bias handles to show you what exactly it's doing.



Changing the magnitude to a low value will give your objects a more flat look, but at the same time you get a nice semi rounded look at the seams instead of a harsh and sharp edge if they were peaked all the way; however, your model has to have splines that if unpeaked have curves, or else changing the magnitues will do nothing.



Thanks for the help :)


Ok heres a small update. iv fit the cock pit in to give u more of an idea what its saposed to be like. id have more of it done except i was busy this weekend with other stuff so i didnt get much done


Once again please feel free to give any comments and let me know if im doing anything rong


EDIT: Heres an image edit



That is a rad model. I need to start paying that close attention to detail. Also, you mentioned rendering. To get that nice clay looking effect that seems popular, I usually slap down a ground plane, hover my ship just above it and add a couple bulb lights around the model, it will really bring out the shadows and the details.


Dark_Jedi - Great model so far. I really like the amount of detail that you are incoorporating into it. I'd like to see it placed in a scene with some good lighting so you can really show off that detail you have with shadows.


The detail is increadable (with extra letters in there to show how great the model is), and maybe when the model is done your model will answer a question I have had abou the jedi star fighter. Where is the bottom half of the R2 unit ?(I know that this bird has R4, but in episode IV they refer to them with a generic term R2) The wings look too thin to hold the whole robot. This isn't a complaint about your model, as yours looks very much like the ILM model and it has the same issue.;)


do remember i still have alot mroe work to do. i gota add all the detail on the outside of cock pit, make the back and its detail including the jets. then make the rest of bottom then move to the inside of the ship.


and i need this done by yesterday lol


also to nf12k, the droid dosnt seem to fit. iv noticed that myself. soo many things prove that it dosnt like the large droid holder on the bottom isnt long enough for the droid. and the slot it sits in is not wide enough for the feet .but life goes on :P

  • 2 weeks later...

YAY! Here it is every one, the outside modeling is now complete *other than a few small details on the back*


i will be starting the inside shortly but for now im posing the outside images.


do note that im not a master at lighting and it dosnt show off all the detail to good.


and once again any comments would be grand :)






Great job. The best way to go about lighting is to decide what environment it's in. Is it going to be sitting in a hanger or out fighting in space? Either way would mean totally differnent lighting setups.


A wireframe is a screen capture of your model when not in shaded view. It's the actual cp's and splines you have to create your model.


Unless I am mistaken, R2D2 has blue color accents, not burgundy?


Since you are pasting to Paint, you must not have any other graphics programs? Photoshop is a must have, but I suppose you can start with PaintShopPro or there may even be other programs that someone could recommend. I don't use Paint, so I don't know why you would get the blurring.


R2 has blue parts, yes.

But there's another one named R3 (for real), and its burgundy


HORRAY!!! almost all the modeling is completed :D only a few small things left that ill do later


i dont feel the cock pit is detaild enough so let me know what you think


P.S. i used a dif rendering method, lemi know if this way is better lol






Stupendous! Superb workmanship :D


That render makes me wish for more light. But great accomplishment nonetheless.

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