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Everything posted by Zaryin

  1. Sorry for doing this to you, but the tail should go right about where I put the red dot -- I think . Other than this tail the character is excellent.
  2. That is pretty cool looking. How long did that take to render?
  3. Been awhile since I posted, but he's really coming along.
  4. THe character is great, but the -- um -- "tail?" should be higher placed than it is. Above the gluts.
  5. *drools* Thanks for the post, Will.
  6. It's great to see you back! The image is awesome.
  7. Great model. I can't wait to see it textured.
  8. Wow, he is really coming along. Great job so far.
  9. I like the knife, but something about the camera angle is making it look a little too 2D instead of 3D.
  10. Hey John, that might be perfect for background actions in TWO for Woot walking to the castle. Nice.
  11. Nice character, and enviroment. I love the mood.
  12. THat was pretty cool looking. I love the color changes along with the displacement.
  13. Haha, I remember that guy. It's always nice to see some "old school" stuff .
  14. I love it! I would also like to know how you lit this scene. Beautiful.
  15. Great ape. Will you be adding more hair?
  16. I agree totally with Paul (above). Both on his critisism and his compliments.
  17. I love the idea for your film. I hope you figure out your lathe problem.
  18. Great model so far. I also agree with either a light list, or lights within the model itself.
  19. Great start so far. Especially for only 800 patches. I lost two of my friends through the years. Both because of drunk drivers. It sucks.
  20. That was hilarious! Thanks for posting that.
  21. It's looking great. That's way better than I would have done. Keep this thread up. I'll probably use it as reference if I ever finish my Dragon-man.
  22. I love those muppets thingys! The mouse one looks great too. When that gets done be sure to let us know.
  23. Hey Pengy, it's all looking great so far.
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