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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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  • Interests
    Family <br />Lake<br />Drawing/doodling<br />Animating of course <br />Fiddling around (literally) and Mandolin :P<br />Those of you who know me also know I LOVE Pixar! (o:<br /><br />I love Blue Sky too and am currently working as a temp on Ice Age III!!! :)
  • Hardware Platform
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    imac G5 Tiger 10.4.6 1.8 GHz Power PC 768 MB DDR SDRAM (I want more)

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TeresaNord's Achievements


Prolific (6/10)



  1. Wow! That is a big discount. AM was a great program when I went through. I know they switched up their courses a bit, so I can't speak to that. There definitely is a lot of competition now with AnimSchool, iAnimate, and more recently AnimSquad. Competition to get a staff job at the big studios seems to be as steep as ever. I owe AM everything for getting my foot in the door when I did. I'm so thankful to have one of those staff jobs and definitely count myself lucky. Oh, I also had Dimos as a mentor and he was fantastic!
  2. Hey Ray,

    Hope ya get this... I got an email notification saying I had a new Personal Message from you...but it looks as if hash has disabled my access to pm's ( I haven't been on the site for awhile) ....so feel free to write me an email.

    Mona_Teresa (at) hotmail (dot) com

    of course without the spaces and such :)

  3. Happy Birthday!!!! :)

  4. Have a great trip to China! Hope you have an excellent time and congratulations! :)

  5. Happy Birthday!!! :o)

  6. Happy Birthday Odog 2020!!!! :o)

  7. Roger, Let me tell you this again...I have only modeled the flower in the a:m tutorial, honestly...I really don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to modeling and stuff. I prefer the animating side, and I'm just a beginner with that stuff too. If I were you I would ask somebody with more experience to look at your work. Really, it's up to you whether the penguin is uni-body or not? You're the director, right? About renaming a thread...I dunno...sometimes forums let you rename them when you add a new post to a thread that you are the original author of (in the topic bar)...I'm not sure you can rename threads on the a:m forum though? I wouldn't start a new thread for the sake of a title though, it would be more important to keep all your progress in the same place. Anyways, good luck with your film. Keep up the good work....and start animating!
  8. Start animating already!!!! I'm not one to know how to comment on models and stuff, cause I've only made the flower in the tutorial...but I have a feeling that once you start animating you will realize if you need to change something in the model and what that something is. You should definitely start animating though, even if they're just little tests! Go for it!
  9. Thanks for the kind words ruscular! I'm glad you liked my drawings!

  10. Happy 41st Birthday Rodney!!! Hope you have a good one!

  11. I end up here somehow, and I check out your drawings. I had to say they were nice and that I shall expect some great works from you in the future. I do have a preference to those that can do anatomy drawings.

  12. I'm not exactly sure when these snazzy new profiles came about, but they're pretty fun!

    College is going swell I guess. I just REALLY want to be at CalArts right now!


    Life's good though.

    Oh, you've gotta read "Story" by Robert McKee, you'd love it! I just got it for Christmas and can't put it down!!!

  13. Merry Christmas Teresa! How have you been? How's college?

    Great to here from you,


    P.S. Since when did we get these snazzy new profiles?

  14. Merry Christmas Josh! I hope all the college applications are going well! Anyways, talk to you later!

  15. Hey guys, I stumbled across this facial animation tutorial today on Victor Navone's blog! Check it out! It's really cool! He analyzes a 10 frame clip of animation he did on Dash in The Incredibles!!! http://www.navone.org/HTML/Tutorial_DashTake.htm
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