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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by MattWBradbury

  1. To set radiosity, go into the Choreography settings and turn it on. Right click on your Choreography and select Calculate Radiosity. Radiosity takes a bit of time to render, and even more time to render, so be patient with that feature. There is a lot more to know about it, but I will let you know if you decided to get that far. You may want to increase the intensity on the point lights. It looks a little odd having the area lights almost as bright as the main lights. You may also want to set the ambiance intensity of the bulbs in those fixtures to 100%.
  2. I suggest changing the type of light inside of the light on the cieling to a klieg pointing downwards. It looks like there is too much light up there. You may also want to make the scene a little brighter. Something like this would be good:
  3. Have you tried using area lights? Basically, an area light is a bulb light in the middle of a room set at a fairly low intensity to try and give the feeling of bounced lighting. I rendered out an image using radiosity, and match the area lights up with the radiosity render, and the results looked pretty good. Here was the original radiosity render: Photons are bouncing off all of the geometry in the scene to reproduce real life lighting conditions. Here's the scene with only the point lights on: You can't see any of the areas that aren't being directly hit by the light. Here's the scene with both the point lights and area lights: The room's form comes into view, and it makes it look a little more believable. The lighting is a bit different, but further tweaking of the light intensities would get you a look very close to that of the radiosity render. Here is a picture of the light setup: The area lights not directly under the point lights are set to half the normal intensity to match the radiosity results.
  4. I imagine the bones were not exported correctly, which is why your model looks dismembered. Grab each piece individually, and move it into position.
  5. $2 for a tank of Gas? Where do you live? Out here, one gallon of unleaded gasoline costs about $3.30. I usually get around 11 gallons of gas, so that costs me about $36. How many miles per gallon does your car get? Something drastic has to be done with energy before the United States goes into a recession. I could really see solar panels on the tops of every house in America and millions of people driving an electric powered car. Free energy for everything in the house, and your car would really boost the economy. It probably will not happen until gas costs go up to $8 a gallon and we blame a scapegoat for the economic problems.
  6. Reminds me of head crabs:
  7. Your reflections most likely looked bad at that exposure because the reflection of the sphere at that exposure has quite a lot of black in it. You should try saving your renders as and Open EXR image, and then tone map that. You should get much better results that way. Do you have that background image in HDR formate or did you just take them of your mirrored ball? You'll want to tone map them the same so you can make it believable.
  8. None so far. You may want to upload a wire frame so the spline guru's can make sure you're not overdoing it.
  9. There is a limit to the size of Isometric Cameras, so you may need to scale down the extent of your choreography.
  10. That turtle animation needs more light saber.
  11. Very cool looking. That material effector can also control your ambiance maps for his flame hands. Have you tried using particles?
  12. Wow, those look really good. I'm looking forward to seeing some models. Are you going to go with toon render or just texture them with anime style maps?
  13. That really looks awesome. You should show Tippmann; maybe they'll give you some money if you let them use it on their site. Did you go with Nitrogen or CO2?
  14. I think the shot needs to have more time on the explosion. Normally when people see explosions, they tend to look at them for a bit longer than half a second. As far as the explosion is concerned, have you considered rendering out an explosion, and applying it as a different layer floating out in space? It will most likely be faster, and your explosion is not going to change much from your point of view.
  15. Are you using a reference picture? I found one on the web. Candle light is not white, but orange. Is it for a still? You might consider photon mapping if it is, but only if you're keeping the wall. Otherwise, most of your photons will escape the scene without bouncing back into it.
  16. Try this site: CG TExtures The candels no longer look like they are the source of the light.
  17. Can we see a render of him wearing his goggles?
  18. For those images, you need to brighten up the background sky. You also might want to use a higher quality texture or gradient. Here's what I came up with: You also might want to move the cactus behind the horse. It makes it look like a deer. Are these shots at dusk? Here's another two: Here's one that might be a little brighter, but the shadows don't look right for the time:
  19. How about displacement mapping or even a normal/bump map? With this you could even use this method to make it look as if it were carve into the pot.
  20. The bag looks a little too large as well. What is he for? Very cool model.
  21. Here's some clips of it on YouTube:
  22. There are only 30 frames. There would have to have been over ten thousand steps between 1 frame for me to get the same results. A:M now emits between frames correctly. That is in the standard choreography window, which is why you can see the camera and orange klieg light on the right. That white line you see are the emitted particles.
  23. Hmm... I was going to do a test, but it appears that this problem was resolved in A:M 2007. You're only $99 away from having your problem fixed. I just check, and they did this in A:M 2006 as well. What version of the software are you using? You may just have to increase the particle count.
  24. Shadows should be turned on for the volumetric.
  25. Yeah, this guy: Though I don't know if you want to use the absolute value of sine. That would create sharp peaks in the animation. Maybe sine plus one or sine squared.
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