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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Kamikaze

  1. Super nice, Thanks
  2. Don't forget to save Mr Washington for your Mount Rushmore project!.....that would leave only? what? three more heads to finish.....just go done watching a Mnt Rush. docu.....and thought of this post.....Keep-r-go'n...... I had a dream about your dollar......nothing sick mind you......
  3. Matt, that absolutely blew me away, you are talented Sir! It'd be cool for you to make some bucks with that buck.
  4. John, I know that's good advice and it does have me wondering. There was a time when I use (back in in $99 cd upgrade time) say, upgrade, shoot it's only $99. And we all know that this animation package is worth well over the $299 once upon a time initial price. I never though things could get so bad that $79 a year could seem be like an arm and a leg. Well we are at that point in this economy, I could and have tried to scrape together the upgrade price but either something comes along (like car repairs etc.) or I can't justify the cost considering I may not even use the software before it expires. I haven't used A:M for over a year now, I'm tired of the older version, can't justify upgrading to an expiring version, and simply can't get the $299 version period. So I'm hoping the economy rights it self to where I can see $299 as I use to.(Im a CD guy, not a sub. guy.) So for all of you out there in Hash land, that can afford the upgrade, PLEASE DO!, I do worry that once things straighten out economy wise and I can afford those luxuries again, they may not be there....... Keep up the good work, I visit the forums now and again and do enjoy what I see and read here, I seldom post due to my lack of hands on participation....but still regard the community as a friend. P.S. I see there is a section for donating models, I want to dig around and help out there, I do have a few donated models that have been posted long ago, Stage Coach to name one. I believe I can find a couple more that I have not donated before...... Thanks All , I do enjoy seeing and reading about your projects, And thanks Martin for your superb software, worth far more than you have ever asked for it !!!
  5. Fun animation! Rock the Blues!!!!!!
  6. Welcome to the jungle! love the look....
  7. Oh My! That was so fun to watch, superb work!.......
  8. I'm a likin this project, lookin good!
  9. Knowing the past work of the so said, this will be an exceptional model, shoot it already is....
  10. Those are absolutely GREAT! Man! one of these days Ill have to dust off my V14
  11. Holy Day music scares the "hell" "out" of me , regardless of the volume.......smile..
  12. Any suggestions on the best way to swap out antler types ? Im trying action objects at the moment..... Thanks
  13. Thanks for the encouragement fellas, I watched a hunting DVD where they shot the Buck when it was taking a crap, I would have waited tell he was through with his business before I did ..........
  14. Thanks Mark, wayyy! coool!
  15. Of late About all Ive done is work on this scene (just for fun), The trees in the background come off of the TWO models, and the corn is from leaves from a plant off of the extras DVD with a stalk I modeled. Same image twice, one with 35mm blur PE, seems to blurry to me, the other is the reg. render no PE.
  16. Super Job on the model ! Carl, love that animation also!
  17. Hey that is a neat experiment, keep it going....
  18. Nice! and Im not a hockey fan, but was compelled to watch and cheer...
  19. That IS! super cool, looking forward to more....!
  20. Looking very nice and impressive, have you tried the Darktrees (Darksim) materials, or EnhanceAM materials ?
  21. I believe I read that one can use bias adj. in a smartskin, may help with muscle definition in animations, like animals? I may have to give it a try!, Im using a lot of smartskin on my deer model but havent attempted any bias adj. yet.
  22. You are coming along great on your project, nice scene too...
  23. Hey! that is super cool, keep up the good work....
  24. Rodney, Ill have to admit when I first saw that pic I thought , what? deer do that?, I have seen them in the wild running fast in flight of a deer dog, but as you know ,it is all a blur at reg speed., It is becoming difficult to rig this thing so be able to get good full extent motion from it just for posing, never mind animating (yet) I set up some smartskin for the rear legs and had to do some spline geometry correcting before hand. The neck is another story all together. Thanks for all the help and heads up, Im always appreciative... Mike
  25. MTspeak2, Ill check out that patch, I always seem to have probs with hair and 5pt patches, just changes the color of the hooves to blackish, later I will put more texture to it, thanks for the heads up!(checked out the 5pter its normal is correct, may have to increase the density of the hair there) Wow! Rodney, that will help alot, such great info...As far as the leg, I did pose it from some images I DLd from the net, but from the pic it was hard for me to tell exactly where to place things, the pic showed the rear legs going outside the front, and that was a bugger to pose, Ill attach the pic Im talking about. mikracken, I too , well, use to hunt WT here in Arky land, but Im not sure what part of the season this buck is, I hopefully will make ones for all seasons and including doe's and fawn's. Along with varying antler shapes and sizes, differing body shapes etc, but I may tire of this and start a new model and come back to this later once I have an animatable version. I working on getting different hair colors and looks at the moment... Thanks for the info, Ill use it as reference, The pic ,straight pose (working on a new bones setup, cant get the neck to full extents, head and neck up and head down for grazing) new hair attempts ,decal color , hair property changes, thinned the legs out a little, still have plenty of problems though. And the Ref. pic...
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