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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. -Gene, what part of looking at the settings on the cloth material in the materials folder is not working? -Is there a deflector material on her legs?
  2. Open your properties window Select the Chor. That's where chor properties are. But surely you can see the blue bar, no?
  3. First thing I'd check is if the Chor length is only 20 frames. The blue bar will show that. YOu can either extend the blue bar OR... in the properties for the Chor>plugin properties>simcloth.... turn "Use Chor Time Range" OFF and set a desired time span below that. Simcloth need some time span or otherwise it would not know when to stop
  4. I'm not aware of any A:M viruses, but there's always a first.
  5. That looks like something seriously amiss. Can you save a PRJ with that light in it and post it? Delete that light and make a new one. What version are you using?
  6. Heres' one of Jesse's (aka FrostEternal) creative threads http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38926 Happy Birthday!
  7. Copy your master0.lic file from the v16 folder to the V15 folder.
  8. It is possible to Copy from one light and Paste to another. If you just want rotation and not translation, turn off the the Translation filter before you do the copy/paste. Have the ETC filter on to get other light settings like color and cone angle. The "Fill" light in the default chor is a Sun light which illuminates over an infinitely wide area. If you need to light only a small area, use a Kleig light. If setting a low % for the intensity of your "Fill" light has no effect, try deleting it and putting in a new one.
  9. Yes, the Barry Zundel tuts are well-regarded. Welcome to A:M!
  10. One light could control other lights if the others had an expression (looking at the first light) for their cone parameter. Do you need to animate this value? If you just need to set it and leave it and the lights are all instances of the same light in the objects folder you could set their cone values to "not set" in the chor and set it in the original light in the Objects folder instead. Does the roll really matter for a light? It's a light like any other. Set it lower? I think its default is 45%. That's a lot of fill. Of course, relighting from scratch is best for fine work. Mystery. need to see more.
  11. You're getting way better at this stuff! (I'm not sure I see the volumetric effect, however)
  12. I was curious about how to keep using an old version. My first subscription that started with V15 and was also running v16 just expired. My new subscription lets me run V15 again in addition to V16. So I think the plan is that if your sub is up to date you can run any subscription-enabled version on that computer.
  13. One way to do that is to have extrude offsets set to zero, do an extrude and then forget that you have done an extrude.
  14. It was the drink that did it! I've not seen anything like that, but can you post that model here? Someone will take a look.
  15. In another thread, the problem came up of how put a ragged edge on a cone shape without disturbing its general cony-ness. A picture of the desired effect is shown in post #6 http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=356215 Doing it the A:M way in post #19... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=356235
  16. You may be familiar with using Distortion boxes to reshape a mesh in the model window, but you can also use distortion boxes to temporarily warp, squash, stretch a model in a Choreography... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=356311
  17. Well, it ain't quick... Passing_Thru_a_Distortion_Box.mov
  18. I always get rounded corners like this... What settings are you using?
  19. What exporter did you use? I tried PLY and i couldn't get the corners not get rounded when I brought it back in, no matter what setting I used for the "peak if greater than" angle.
  20. I suspect there will be some resplining to do, but do the eyes before you bound further.
  21. Those look cool Rodney. Could you explain more how you got from the first to the second?
  22. that looks sharp! How's the render time on a frame like that?
  23. Cookie cuts have been around longer than multi-pass so they ought to work. Someone should make an AMReport if it hasn't been done for V16 yet.
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