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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. Here's what I get when I load and render. i cancellled out of all the TGAs. Does this look like what you get? The top is a Q render, the bottom is a Shift-Q render. The missing spots on the top correspond exactly to certain patches. So... what's different about those?
  2. Here are all the files I had to click thru as not found when i tried to load the model mamane1_v2_256.tga TAFbarkfront.TGA TAFBarkSide.TGA FLeaf.TGA ohia2_v3_256.tga MissionPositive-Gray.png Mountain Lightest Color.jpg Mountain Red.jpg Mountain Mix 1.jpg Test 7F.jpg Mountain Mix 2.jpg Mountain Mix 4.jpg Mountain Mix 3.jpg Mountain Mix 5.jpg Here's what it looks like when I'm done. Something is missing. when you're putting up decals with a model it's best to put everything in a zip so the names don't get changed.
  3. Now I see it! does that area correspond to a whole patch? or is it not related to a patch? If you don't mind posting the model and the decal I'd be curious to try it.
  4. It's like any other shape, you spline out the countours. Try to follow the basic direction of his hair.
  5. Something is corrupted about that BMP, i can't open it in anything. Post it as a jpg and well all be able to see it faster.
  6. I just saw the screen cap you posted. That's certainly "a small thing". I'd still like to see a screencam movie of that crashing if you can. I can do that all day and not have a crash so there is definitely something glaringly, gapingly, unimaginably, fundamentally odd going on somewhere on your computer. load this PRJ and tell me what happens. simplePRJ.prj
  7. Way too many upper lip splines, I think.
  8. Where in that do you actually edit CPs on the UV view?
  9. If you can post the model and the bitmap, someone could try it out.
  10. I don't think resources are your problem if your computer is otherwise working normally. A:M doesn't need much by itself. Definitely upgrade your Vista to whatever is the current current SP because there's no way they would have continued to develop and test v16 on an old version of Vista, but I don't think this is the significant problem either. Upgrade the SP if only because that has all the new windows fixes that you need anyway like security bug fixes. Lots of people are using Vista here, so it's not that you have to upgrade to Win7. When you say "the smallest thing"... what is that? to do: -Do the SP upgrade (what's taking so long on that?) -save your master0.lic file and do a uninstall/reinstall of A:M tell us what happens after you do those. I still think there is some video card problem.
  11. What was the "patch" that made v11 run on vista? I have v11 and ran it today and it runs fine on win7 which is not radically different from vista.
  12. I have lots of V11 projects and they load fine for me today. And they were made with 32-bit Win2000 so I doubt the fact tht you were on XP was a problem either. A:M files are just text files. There's nothing 32 or 64 about them. What is the "simple thing" you do that makes A:M crash? Can you screencam this? How about just uninstalling A:M and reinstalling it? Save (!) your master0.lic file before you do that and copy it back to the A:M folder after your reinstall.
  13. Here's a quick try just using the realtime camera mouse controls.... shake.mov It's not quite right; if the mouse had much more inertia and didn't change direction quite so easily i think the effect could be closer.
  14. something like this? bounce_w_flip.mov Yes, that's sort of what i was thinking! However, I'd have him continue to move as he rolls rather than spin in place as he does at the end. He might be spinning just a bit fast too.
  15. The shakycam could be done by aiming the camera at a nul traversing a small loopy path. An action could make the null do that and so it could be reused as much as needed.
  16. The time I find light direction confusing is when I'm looking at satellite photos of the moon. The craters always look inside out to me. I have to turn my head until i find an angle where the light direction looks right and the craters look rightside-in.
  17. interesting. I'm trying it in v13t and it doesn't make a hole but it does make an obvious discoloration. I'll look for some older A:Ms to test further.
  18. Anyone know about this.... I slapped my Al Capone rotoscope onto my model as a decal, and it looks OK until I move any of the 5 point patch CPs in the UV editor and then they look like a cigarette got put through them. They still look OK in a final render (left) but the real-time view is out of whack (right).
  19. I doubt that is the trouble (They did get installed into separate folders for V12 and V16, right?) I have V9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16 installed and they all seem to run. I'm doubtful about that too but it's easy to test. Copy some models (and any bitmaps or other assets they need) to your regular drive and see what happens. Definitely, even aside from A:M.
  20. Another fine Spleen-i-mation! I like the plane hovering at the outhouse.
  21. Thanks, everyone! One problem i hadn't quite solved was to be able to collect all the strings to one point as if being held by a hand. They are all offset a bit from each other because cloth can't let them get any closer. So that still needed a bit of R&D.
  22. I forgot... that looks real good Xtaz!
  23. Perhaps reducing gravity might solve that.
  24. I find I can get the continuously updating values in any view EXCEPT camera view (1). Side, front, birds eye all seem to work. Aha! Good catch. I wonder if this is a bug or a feature?
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