Sorry i didn't catch the hair question sooner. The stiff hair seems unnatural for what you are doing.
Has Matt (John BigBoote) weighed in? He does lots of hair stuff that flows naturally.
Here's a "staging" problem that strikes me...
The blue box get sour attention the most because it is in the center, but the side angle we see it at is the least useful for the sideways motion it is trying to show us.
That seems promising on the first attempt.
I'll try it again tomorrow after the Spiked Blue Razz wears off and see if I'm not just imagining it. Thanks David!
I have added a tut about scaling a Group to match one CP exactly, which is a fairly common need in mechanical modeling.
Sometimes you need to scale something and you need the center of that scaling to be exactly at some CP that is not the center of a selected Group.
There is a way to do that...
this morning I thought I had all the essential elements squeezed into place and then...
I forgot the surfboard that goes between Thom and the wave!
Try SPACE bar to force a redraw.
Try dragging the left edge of the window to force a redraw.
Try minimize and restore the whoel A:M window to force a redraw.
Do a Help>Reset Settings
If that doesn't help then we should screencam this crash and make a bug report out of it. It could very well be a Mac-only bug. We should try to get another mac user to try it.