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Everything posted by Vertexspline

  1. Ilidrake-----nice job and both but for me I like the girl better as well.....and I think Rodney's thoughts are spot on for the other dude. To me he is close to being as good as the girl but she just looks ready to go.....(and i wish I could do either as well )
  2. yes Thumperness ---i thought the flower one really brought a nice combination of items to learn and in a doable fashion. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
  3. Love to see these older threads rise to top and get a glimpse of what some folks can really do with Animation Master----------Gene-----wow ---just so inspiring --your modeling is awesome man. And I know why ---one you have talent for two people and second I noticed on one of your screen postings it was 330 am ----That's burning the midnight oil .......You obvious work hard at this and show the way its done ---- great work!
  4. smiles--- i just did the flag tutorial which looked pretty nice and then did it again and changed the size flag and then changed the texture of flag - then tried experimenting more and things started to get a little wonky and then I ran out of time and did not get a chance to dig into the tech reference stuff for help. but I must say i was pretty impressed with the speed of running the simulation on a simple item.
  5. Thumperness and Chris -----have to agree with you completely. Plus a video has voice and image working together focusing on the item to be focused about. Sometimes a written tutorial with a few images -its hard to tell sometimes what you are supposed to be looking for ..plus as Chris points out --with video you get those little tidbits thrown in( sometimes off topic ) that help so much ... Now that said --because of how my free time rolls --written tuts that i can print are very helpful for me as well as sometimes do not have access to a comp.
  6. Yes bobby--hope you solved that issue as I really like the looks of this scene --- that house rocks. Can easily see something pretty cool happening there.
  7. very nice model and animation --thanks for sharing.
  8. Johnl --that was pretty cool looking----any longer and might have been able to me into a trance......smiles
  9. Hey robert---thanks for posting the software for screen capture.. Might come in handy in future to post things. Awesome. AM forums go beyond great.
  10. really nice work indeed !!! and btw ----- Sonic the hedgehog rocks !!!!!!!!
  11. Nice demo Robert....very informative once again!
  12. chris ---- I do hope to be able to "jump into" the next forum project . I have been spending most of my time relearning alot of AM and in particular trying to get lots of practice modeling -i guess I should throw in some practice with TAOAM (I have reread it if not practice it all yet) (Also going through the David Rodgers book) --and some Barry Zunder videos . The joy and struggle of Animation Master is ---its all you. Its starts with a blank screen. Now that can be extremely fulfilling for the more adept and more than slightly frustrating for the novices. But Thumperness I can tell is undaunted and marches forward ---go Thumperness Go!
  13. Had never seen before and was completely drawn in....wow and wow again.
  14. Thumperness-----if it makes you feel any better I have many frustrating moments daily but also have some aha moments too as I am sure you do as well. This stuff is not easy.....if it was everyone could do it. I think you ended your post with the key words Practice ...practice practice........ I feel beginners think all the time " we are not getting it ". But imagine of what you knew four weeks ago and now know.....Its a big application...lots to know and more to practice ---but keep it up....you are making progress I am sure just not as fast as you would like !! (that's how I see it at least for myself).
  15. MJL........hey nice music video indeed!! Very cute and a pretty large project to do --kudos on successfully finishing this. ...I also would add I liked the whimsical approach it works well. anyhow --I registered and voted for your justly deserved video .....Love seeing these AM jewels !!
  16. hey rusty----welcome on your return (can relate well to that). The model is first off super . I feel odd giving any comments to someone who is well above my skills here but i guess i know what I might like even if cannot make it yet . To me the skin has a certain rubber like look and maybe if the lips had a little more pink/red/purple etc that might be good. But gosh ---as it is right now ----mighty nice !! Rich
  17. Rusty ---wow man--that's a bizzion splines in action. Awesome effort. The spaceships and equipment was very interesting to watch ...the concepts look very intriguing indeed. Liked the music too- added well to this adventure in the works. thanks for posting this --another inspiring effort for folks to see.
  18. Mark, ---WOW! indeed . very awesome scene/set you have been making . Very inspiring. A great looking city scene for any character to run around in for sure. Rich
  19. Oh being able to help someone would certainly be a nice yardstick that one was making progress indeed. But for now I did just want to thank all and anyone who has ever helped now and in the past (as those searches in the forums really bring alot of treasures.) This stuff is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of effort but the guru's do make things alot easier and faster to get along the learning curve...and Time is a precious commodity--and these guys save us beginners .....loads of it. More applause for those guru's. And more important help people move ahead with less frustrations. Rich
  20. Just have to give a shout out to all the great forum guru's here who answer and have provided such quick and helpful responses. I was a little worried when I came back here about three weeks ago that the forums appeared a little slow or sparse but what I learned is the wealth and quickness of responses answers most questions immediately and so not so much the usual fluff you may find elsewhere. These forums , and especially through searches , are an amazing resource and when you cannot find something you just ask and boom a few folks come in with help . And finally there is the posting of work and wip's simply awesome. So Thanks to all of you guru's ----you have no idea how helpful and important you are. Applause Applause. Applause. Rich
  21. thanks David for all that----So very helpful. Not just up to rigging things yet at least not seriously until I work more on modeling but post like these are so helpful. Rich
  22. as someone still working on learning modeling and splines I would not comment on that issue ---but really - the music , the dancing around --its was cute and funny and entertaining. I was having to much fun to see any issues . Very nice job indeed. Rich
  23. Vertexspline


    Gerry, those cute lizards look pretty good to me. BTW have read through the whole thread ...as was not active again only just recently. So - It was so interesting to see this project proceed and progress through the months. great effort Gerry ! look forward to watching more as you get to do it. Rich
  24. Very awesome indeed and scarier than ever. Not sure what kind of animation he is gonna be involved in but he sure will add darkness to any scene. great work ! Rich
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