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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Vertexspline

  1. Livewiresrus-----wow man you have enough to keep you busy for a couple of winters ......have fun ........and just another word......anytime you get stuck or cannot figure something come in here and post your question or issue ----the gurus on this forum are amazing. (And friendly too.)
  2. 14 hours left when I did todays vote.!!! Go Vote. Good luck guys.
  3. Well....I have tried a test simple blob into am from modo- exported obj from Modo--imported obj into am --placed a few bones ...moved them a little and exported the obj and mdd from am --imported to modo the obj and then mdd and yep--- it works!! Now I have no experience with mdd and modo before so trying to test some more things but so far ----pretty interesting indeed. thanks elmar.
  4. thanks Elmar---am going to give this a try today.
  5. smiles --today too.. becoming addictive watching my points grow ..lol
  6. Oh gosh ----so its not like riding a bike....damm. Not that I have even figured to do that here yet either. Anyhow... Steve--- hope you get flashes of recognitions so your way back is easier for you.
  7. Elm... So when you say you export the animated/rigged am model back to Modo for rendering via MDD -----how is that done. Is that a export plugin ?
  8. looked pretty cool........i mean who does not like things blowing up.
  9. livewiresrus.....Yes I have that version myself on cd and have to add That i highly recommend version 16 via subscription. Compared to 12 ----its like night and day. Now 12 is cool so do not feel bad about your purchase so much and give it a whirl.....if you connect with AM ...by all means give serious consideration to 16 . The plugins and gosh it just feels so much nicer.
  10. johnL ---a little scary but cool.
  11. Gothcha one more vote! Good luck.
  12. we will just have to make sure we can all get some votes in everyday. Did mine . Did you? Good luck Gene and Myron.
  13. Obviously two heads and hands are better than one ....and that said there are a number of things/ways to collaborate. Somethings lend themselves better to teamwork. certainly skype can help ---if time zones are ok. You can share the desktops and look at what you want to discuss. even work together I suppose on skype going back and forth with desktop views. Rendering can be shared. If one party has excess capacity etc. Not sure such an issue on a small project...but certainly on a bigger one. Then there is the ultimate advantage of leveraging two folks talents to use what one does better than the other as it where ....that might be the biggest single advantage for any collaboration efforts.
  14. Super Happy Birthday!!! And many many more. And thanks for all you do to keep Animation Master Rolling along.
  15. Hey Rodney--glad you had alot of time to play with Animation Master-------Now that's time well spent!. Thomcat ---smiles.
  16. Gene......well.....you got all the talent he got the looks. Smiles .
  17. He's dashing, handsome and smart looking. Is it a self portrait?
  18. Rodney- I could sit behind Robert or Fuchur and watch them for days and still be about where I am --but at least I would know that I was doing things with the right workflow. Smiles.
  19. smiles --yes I got mixed up on links with results --but -----got a good vote in on latest round ---Go guys Go!
  20. Gosh you guys just squeaked by this round. Good luck in next round. It does not look like can vote today yet.
  21. Ilidrake.....I think most folks understand that these wip projects take time to develop since most folks are doing things in their spare time etc. --- and hey I like the wings .....so post as you can ---we all will wait patiently for the next piece to show up. (Smiles.....when I get up to making a wip forum project I may stetch folks patience way worse.)
  22. Looking Nice Darkwing. Capt Kirk would be happy with such a lounge chair to battle all the evils of the Universe with.
  23. Robert---yes Modo is indeed pretty awesome and yet even for that 1000 ---they still do not have much in way of any character animation tools. Its hoped for in version 601 but that hope also ran in 401 and 501. Animation Master really is the best value in character animation going.
  24. And Today! --looks like two days left in the quarter final round.
  25. Now this prepares the viewer for what is coming up next!! nice .
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