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Hi guys :lol: , I´m working on a little animation with one of my characters, it´s the second pass and still need some work , but I hope you like it and tell me any comments for improve it ... I will post my advance until I finish.

Saludos desde México,...

and keep Animating... :P


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Nice job! The feel of weight is excellent.


The walk as he's stepping up to the weight and the way he initially bends over both seemed a little off. Other than that, fantastic!


Wow...really nice work!!! I love the way he adjusts his hands on the bar! Subtle movements like this really brought it to life! The only crit I've got is that he looks a little unbalanced when he lifts the weight up on to his chest as he's sqatted down. Other than that, its fantastic!!! Buena suerte!!!


The left foot slides a bit too far out to be believable. If that happened in real life, the guy would collapse.


I like the way you took the time to do the little preparatory motions. They really get the point across that this takes extreme effort by the lifter.

  • Hash Fellow

That works pretty well.


My main comment would be that when he first catches the bar he looks like most of his weight is behind his feet, which would make him fall backwards.


Ok, I working on everything you said , the idea is to have the best movement on it, Thank´s my friends...

Also see this pic of the final render I shall use... The texture Job was made by my friend CRONOS.



Great work Jaff!


I liked the little details you added, like flexing the fingers around the bar as your character works to get the best grip he can.


Looking forward to more.




this looks good. But there is no way in the world that his leg would be able to slide out like that during that kind of lift.

If you are going to keep that leg move, then the body has to react to the impossibly heavy weight by falling to that side

and regaining a foothold and new center of balance.


dont take my crit in the wrong way. overall its pretty slick!


Mike Fitz

Looking very GOOD...GREAT! I would love to see him drop the weight at the end though!


Agreed. And watch the barbells bounce and flex as they are dropped, and then the ring vibrate... hee hee hee


Very good.


In addition to the other comments,

I suggest that more weight

should be on his chest

when he's in the squat position.


Very nice work jaff. I am glat to see that Mexico is getting involve in 3D Animation. Arriba Mexico!

the left foot is sliding too much by the way. It will look better if you just make the left foot move to the left just a little.

I wood like to see "Una Lucha Libre".


Very good indeed! Just watch his balance though. There are a couple of places where he would have fallen over but, hey, I've seen worse crimes done in professional animations. Bravo! Keep pumping! :)

Very nice work jaff. I am glat to see that Mexico is getting involve in 3D Animation. Arriba Mexico!

the left foot is sliding too much by the way. It will look better if you just make the left foot move to the left just a little.

I wood like to see "Una Lucha Libre".



Thank´s to everyone. All your Crits and comments are very useful and Seduar, because you ask for it , I let you here a little animation of what I trying to do, it´s only the first movement of the "Lucha Libre " :D I will post newest when done. I hope you guys like it :blink:



". . . here a little animation of what I trying to do, it´s only the first movement of the "Lucha Libre "


Wow! That is some amazing action animation!


I do think the red headed guy needs

to be slightly more affected by the wrestler's weight

during the wrap around move.

But, that may be nitpicking.

It is very cool as it is.


Now there's real weight!


EDIT: Just watched "Lucha Libre". Wonderful! I was completely foxed by the wrestler turning the tables on the red-head.


Very nice jaff. very well done. You were born to be an animator. Defenetly you are gift it with it. I Know is not that easy since I've been trayin to learn Animation since the last 3 years. I have been modeling in 3D most of the time, and when i see the type of work you did makes me want go back on it.

Great Work!

Keep it up!

Saludos de Chicago a Mexico.


Jaff hey .. great animation, very smooth, only 2 minor remarks:

1 .- When the legendary legs takes over the head of the opponent are not very open press his head, maybe a little to close his legs to be seen to be really pushing this


2 .- when the legendary is pressing the opponent head and they are turning it means that the legendario is charged... looks like unbalanced, take care the center of gravity of them, just moving back the opponent, so, on having pulled the legs to knock down the opponent, the hands of the legendary cross the opponent and stay over as if legendary one was on him, takes care of these details... ... but very well done, I see a great improvement in your team of animators .. congratulations :)



hola Jaff..estupenda animacion, muy fluida solo 2 pequeñas observaciones:

1.- cuando el legendario lleva las piernas sobre la cabeza del rival se ven muy abiertas no presiona la cabeza, quizas cerrar un poco las piernas que se vea que realmente le esta presionando


2.- cuando el legendario esta presionando la cabeza del rival y esta girando se entiende que este lo esta cargando y se ve desvalanceado...cuida el centro de gravedad de ambos, quizas inclinando un poco hacia atras al rival...y cuando baja las piernas estas deben de jalar la cabeza del oponente para derribarlo, cuando lo hace, las manos del legendario atraviesan al personaje y quedan por arriva del aponente como si este lo cargara, no se nota cuando lo agarra solo hasta el final, cuida esos detalles...pero muy bien animado veo un gran progreso en tu equipo de animadores..felicidades :)

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