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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

The Wannabe Pirates


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Thanks for all the votes, guys! Doesn't look like there'll be a chance of getting into the top 100, but in the high 200s is definitely better than in the 5,000s!


Getting a late start at these this week, but here's #16!




This one plants a plot-seed for the next story that Ken was helping me with!

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Two down, three more to go for this week!


I did have to go back and make changes to the last one. Debating how many frames I'm going to rerender because of it. (McCrary busted me for having the sails on when the ship was in dock.)

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Thanks, guys! Yeah, I liked the second one better, too!


Here's 2 for today (so far). Might try to tackle the last of this week's tonight! Three in a day!


I did these simultaneously and that seemed to work out well!





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Thanks, guys!


Gerry, I do feel like it's getting easier as a I go and thanks re: the posing and acting. I've really been working hard at that!


Did #20 late last night, but ran into some technical problems and need to do some re-rendering.


I've let another Talk Like a Pirate Day sneak up on me (it's tomorrow) and need to come up with something for it today!

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Thanks, guys!


Steve, that Spidey was a project I worked on several years ago. It's designed to go on top of a drink machine (it was done for Dr Pepper). I didn't draw Spidey in that exact position, but the idea was that Spidey was sitting on top of the machine and had one hand that went down in front of it. Either they decided to change the pose I had, or were limited by what art they could get from Sony. I don't know how many of them actually went out in the world, but I know that Sony changed the release date, so that's not the actual release date for the movie. :-)


Thanks, Andy, that's part of my embarrassing DVD collection ( I included some of it to try to show scale.) The poster is 20"x30", which isn't enormous, but it's a decent size.


If I can get a decent price on getting them printed, I'm thinking about printing up a bunch to sell on the website!

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That's a beautiful poster, mark! You should check out some Print on Demand services before you go getting large quantities printed. CafePress, Zazzle and Lulu come to mind, and I'm sure there are probably others.


EDIT: Here's a review of Zazzle I just came across... http://emptyeasel.com/2008/04/22/my-review...ters-on-demand/

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Thanks, Gerry!


I took a look at Zazzle! I'm going to try and make a real effort to talk to some of the local printers around here in Dallas and see what kind of a deal I can get. I'd like to keep the price fairly low for the reader and still have a decent amount of profit for us!


Here's #20 from last week and #21 from today. I should make it to #25 by the weekend. That's the halfway point to the 50 strip buffer I've wanted to do!





There's a minor character who's going to appear a little down the road. Not important enough of a character to do a whole new model, so I gave Mr. Sneeze some plastic surgery and turned him into this guy:



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Like the building. Could use a path and maybe a little entrance at the top for the parrots to fly in.


PS Please let Flem earn a parrot suitable for him. Of course, I'm imagining a cross-eyed backward flying dim witted ninny of a bird. I'll have to wait and see!

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Thanks, Ken!


The building's an attempt to re-create in 3D what McCrary drew in 2D for the strip and there wasn't a path in that version. I had thought about a path, but any opportunity for me to take the easy way out, I'm taking it! :-)


No spoilers, Ken! :-)

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You are really hitting your stride with these.


The lighting and general styling is particulary interesting to me.

I've mentioned this before and you've hit that peak again. Its that look... you know the one where the mind relaxes and stops caring if its 2D or 3D?


I'm really enjoying the story.

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I am! I don't use projects, so everything is saved out and has a naming scheme. I normally have a choreography for each frame (the only exception was that one that was one big choreography that stretched across four frames.)


I have a folder for each strip, which contains the choreographies and renders for that strip. I then have a folder for models, one for actions, one for materials, etc. This lets me go back to any panel and adjust something and re-render it.


The strip launches the first Monday of November and I'd like to do an animated "commercial" to put up around then to try to lure in readers. I'm also doing a small webcomics convention on the 14th of November and I'd like to be able to have it running at my table.

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One thing bothering me is the sea colour. It's too white. It ain't called the deep blue for nothing. ;) Perhaps it's too reflective. And maybe the ripple size makes it seem like a smaller body of water. It could have such great character.

Also, in the last strip, Flems right hand is too similar for me in the first and second cells.

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Thanks, Ken! I'll have plenty of more opportunities to perfect the sea water.


Started modeling the first of the Starbuckler characters. This is Glimey's head. I put in a jaw hinge and a couple of bones to tilt his eyestalks to make him seem less mechanical. It was weird working on his head with just the mouth and no eyes. :-)






I spent the weekend preparing the Parrot Review Board for this week's strips. Here's a render of what it's looking like...



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