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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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ive had animation master since....the christmas before last and i dont think im good at all....i took most of the tutes from the manual and i cant make anything of quality. ive seen some posts from new guys who are already ahead of me. is there some secret super-tute that teaches you everything that i dont know about?? i want to get better at this. any suggestions?

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  • Hash Fellow
i want to get better at this. any suggestions?
start a project in WIP forum, post screen caps as you go, and ask for suggestions.


If you're making a model from some reference picture post that too so people will know what you're going for.


I know people will jump in to help.


Persistance. It will take most people, myself included-a good 5 years. You can feel good knowing that in a few more years you will be miles ahead of where you are now and Hash will have improved it's product right alongside you.


I started in 2000 with version 8. We are light-years beyond 8.


Persistence, determination etc.


Talent helps a ton. You have guys like Stian that are modeling Icons in a very short amount of time (but I don't think he sleeps :lol: ).


I have virtually no artistic talent, but am extremely determined to figure out how to do something.


It has taken me about 9 or 10 years to get to where I am today.

The curve has been steep at times, but bottom line is you just need to make up your mind to do it (IT is determined by you alone).


Keep at it!!




What kind of background do you have? I mean, have you done any drawing, any 3D work, anything along those lines? It really helps if you can visualize something in 3D before creating it. If that's not the problem, but rather the AM interface itself, then I agree with all previous posts (well, I agree with them no matter what) and advocate persistence and starting the WIP thread. Have you posted the chapter excercises in the beginners forum? There is lots of feedback and great examples there. Also, check out the projects and models that came with the AM cd. It really helps to reverse engineer them and see how other 3D artists have accomplished their work. One more thing, visit the Hash forum regularly and see what other people are doing and coming up with. If you come up against something that really has you stuck, you can usually do a search here and find that someone already went through what you are stuck on and has found a solution.


I believe everyone who is doing really great work here has gone through some frustrations in the beginning just like you are experiencing now. Get over the hump and you'll amaze yourself and everyone else.


I amaze myself every day. I haven't been able to amaze everyone else yet, but I'm working on it :P




ive had animation master since....the christmas before last and i dont think im good at all....i took most of the tutes from the manual and i cant make anything of quality. ive seen some posts from new guys who are already ahead of me. is there some secret super-tute that teaches you everything that i dont know about?? i want to get better at this. any suggestions?


Sounds as if we got AM about the same time. I did TAoAM with Rodney and a group of friends that were going through it at the same time. One thing that helped me is doing and posting your results in the Forum when you get stuck you will get help it never fails someone eventually helps you maybe not always the same person and sometimes people try but they missunderstand or we fail to explain the problem enough. The main thing I want to say is you state you are going througth the tuts but it sounds like you are not having fun? Join TAoAM I started racing, me and Mike we had a playfull thing about who would post the final results frist but we helped each other out as well. Rodney was and is great the amount of time he spends helping others is amazing and very generous then after that which intruduces you to the software get in with the Boot camp forms and start doing that and post and read other people post it helps to see others strugle and improve with you and it's FUN! Trying to learn this software/art form on your own is the wrong way to go IMHO Check out my stuff it IN TAoAM and boot camp now TWO/animating WIP's look at how far I have come and the main reason is I have been having a Blast! and I enjoy this and I am building freindships. Next after that pick one thing you enjoy the most Animation, Modeling,texturing, riging,special affects and try to concentrate on that then when you get tried or frustrated move on to the next. For my self I am staying with Animation but I wouldn't mind trying my hand at modeling more in the future and there some many teachers here it's just up to me to decide when to switch over to another area. Last Look at TWO look at WIP's look at models and the sets If you want a goal want to get your hands on this stuff then follow these steps and have fun and I will help you get into this Amazing experience of working with Professional quality stuff makine a professional quality movie that you can have and show off for the rest of your life. But as already said it's up to you to start and by that I mean posting your work stop trying to do this alone! :blink:


What kind of background do you have? I mean, have you done any drawing, any 3D work, anything along those lines?



well, ive done a lot of 3d drawings (vanishing points, ect) and i was very good at it and i dont think its the interface either. the only thing hard for me is splines and patches (kinda like someone saying "yeah im good at building houses, i just have trouble with hammers and nails") is there some basic tute that can help me get further and better at this?


thanks for your help


I don't know what tutorials you have seen, so, I'll list a few that might help:


The "Basic Splinemanship" tutorials on Jeff Cantin's site, here.


The "Understanding Gammas" and "Beveling Models" tutorials on Yves' site, here.


The mechanical modeling tutorials on Roger Reynolds' site, here.


The modeling tutorials on Matthew Krick's site, here.


The "Cooper" tutorials on Colin Freeman's site, here.



Hope those are helpful.


Don't get too discouraged... I've been working with A:M for over 10 years and I'm just now getting to the point where I am not scared to show WIPs to other folks.


My animation still needs LOTS of work. But that's the area where I was rough in to begin with.


Most of what I've done in the past is modeling.


All I can suggest is practice, practice, practice... find simple objects laying around and try to duplicate them. (spoon, fork, coffee cup, pen, pencil, paper clip, etc.) Start small and get comfortable using the modeler.


I hope that helps. Good Luck!


I've only had A:M for about 6 months, myself. I'm still not very good at it, but I feel like I'm improving a lot.


I completely agree with what the other posts say about starting a WIP thread. I've learned so much from other modellers looking at my work and giving me advice. The folks on here are extremely knowledgeable and helpful, so be sure and take full advantage of their expertise!


I get discouraged sometimes too, or I find myself in a rut that I don't know how to get out of. At times it feels like I am running into a brick wall and as soon as I finally break through it, I hit another one. What helps me is that I am working on a couple of different projects right now. When I get frustrated with one, I switch to the other. I've found I also do better when I listen to music while I work. (Remember, once A:M starts you can take out the CD and put in any other CD you like.)


Hang in there and don't give up. We're all in this together!


lol, me i find my self improving, then one day i take alook at other peoples work on the internet, then think about mine and then i say...."you know what...i coulda done better on that....hmmm i was to lazy on that one....omg...that one is so ugly!!! omg...i suck!!!Thats it i'm going to fix this right now!!!"

then i improve more, then the cycle gose again. the same gose for my drawing skills, i impove all the time on something, and its always after seeing some one elses work. in fact i recently started shading my drawings, they look so much better now. so don't let other peoples work get you down just think to your self "i suck and i gotta fix this!!!", it works for me anyway.


and also i agree with t-dogg(witch should soon meet my freind who will have A:M soon whos screen name is C-DAWG), i always listen to music when i work, but mostly music with out lyrics, i find lyrics distracting for me. so all said i listen to orchestral music.


heres a site i sugest going to


cheak out the "Final Fantasy", "Chrono Cross", and "Shadow Of The Collosus" songs. all you need to do is get an account add the songs you like to you playlist and play then while your working.


Whats nice about AM is there is always something to learn and try. If you are have trouble modeling then work on materials or read up on expressions or rigging there are lots of tutorials and maybe you'll find one you can do well then pick another etc etc. It can be fun and fustrating but occasionally you'll surprise yourself and others.

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I'm sure I sound like a broken record...

But the fastest I've ever seen people get a good grip on animating (modeling too) has been watching people work through the manual right here in the forum.


Its certainly not required as people find success in other ways too but I've never seen people brand new to computer modeling and animation find success as quickly in any other way. At a minimum it gives you a solid foundation to build upon.


The Art of Animation:Master


Thanks for all the support. i think what ill do is repeat some of the tutes from the manual (mostly the ones centered on modeling because i think i would be best at that) and look at my skill before and after. this way i can see how much i improved. ill keep you guys posted


No matter ur background u MUST put in the time so u can learn.... Like myself I can't make anything of quality but spending alot of time with A:M and experimenting and understanding the concept of modeling etc will help you greatly....


don't be afraid to try new things.........


Actually in the "Animator's Survival Kit" it recommends for you NOT to listen to music while you work.


I've tried both ways and I agree... you will stay MUCH more focused if you don't let anything distract you. The quality of my work has gone up significantly.


Maybe some tracks from that group ... 'white noise' ... :D

  • Admin
Actually in the "Animator's Survival Kit" it recommends for you NOT to listen to music while you work.


Everyone is different but I can agree with this. No music is best.

Music can do wonders to set the mood of a work but its a distraction I generally can't afford.

If music is playing when drawing/modeling/etc I find it best to use music without lyrics.


To each his own.


Note: This is not the same as listening to music... then stopping it and going to work.

Also when animating to a voice/music track its hard not to listen to the audio.

Thats not quite the same thing.


The more you practice and possibly screw up the more you learn. Go back in a few years and compare how you build then to how you build now and you'll be suprised at what wasn't 2nd nature before.


Don't worry, you will eventually "get it". There is this zen-like moment when it all crystalizes :) It happened for me while I was watching another experienced user. Suddenly it all makes sense....you will start seeing the world made up of splines--Kind of like Neo at the end of the movie "The Matrix" when he can finally SEE it!

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