Jin-Kazama Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 hi there, i'm working on a nissan skyline car and wanted to share the proccess gere is what i got right now Quote
agep Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 Hi Welcome back Great looking car so far. The sidewindows looks a bit weird though, looks like they are to much sunken into the body? I would love to see more angles, and perhaps a wire? Regards Stian *edit* Very smooth and nice grill Quote
Zaryin Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 Yeah, I agree about those side windows, but the rest is great. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 6, 2006 Author Posted April 6, 2006 Zaryin said: Yeah, I agree about those side windows, but the rest is great. yeah i noticed that...i'm fixing it now....here is a wireframe image for agep Quote
DarkLimit Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 looking great so far jin...........nice to see you.. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 7, 2006 Author Posted April 7, 2006 very happy to cya roberto........thanx trajcedrv, sure i will like i did with my pourshe car before, i'm trying so hard to achive the same results for rendering realstic image, close to reality using AM y i do that? i donno.....maybe i don't wanna leave this software....it stucked inside my heart lol. Quote
arkaos Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 Very nice Skyline! I'm impressed. I noticed that there is something funky in the way the windshield meets the body on the driver's side. It almost looks like there is a little overlapping or maybe the way the specular is rendered. Here's a pic that shows what I'm talking about: Keep up the awesome modelling! Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 7, 2006 Author Posted April 7, 2006 i think i fixed that ...i re assambled some body parts...here is some images sure i will face lots of problems.....i need ur support..... one more thing....for the front light glass....how can i create those bumpy lines to show like real car light glass? Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 7, 2006 Author Posted April 7, 2006 as u may see here, i didn't finish the back of the car yet.....some adjustments should be made here if u have any ideas or suggestions please let me know Quote
Admin Rodney Posted April 8, 2006 Admin Posted April 8, 2006 Jin, No crits here. I'm impressed with the detail you've got with the simple geometry thus far. I'm sure you are heading toward the realistic look with lighting and paint. I'd say it looks like a Skyline I once owned but mine looked much older... and twas black. Keep it up. Great to see your work. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 9, 2006 Author Posted April 9, 2006 thanksalot rodney.... i feel prod well....hope to cooperate ith some forum memebrs to do a big tut about car modeling in AM.....what do u think? mechanical modeling is a challenge in AM....no polys here....manual splining and smoothing...... well work more on my skyline.....tata Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 13, 2006 Author Posted April 13, 2006 dear all as an exchange for all our skills which may help some other ppl, i made this flash movie showing a wireframe model of my car...this is how i start modeling my cars.....drawing around the body parts edges..i always come up with a shape flexable and smooth....also i start from that shape and build the entire body... if someone has another way...please post it so we can realy exchange the knowledge, and as we all know....no body was perfect from the begining.... regards jin kazama http://www.geocities.com/jin_kazama00110011/wire.swf note...i think u may display the movie after saving it to your HDD...save as target... Quote
MMZ_TimeLord Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 Jin, Nice flash, that gives me a better idea of how to start vehicles when I am trying to do that. Thanks! Quote
oakchas Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 okay, why can't I play the .swf file? I have Dl'd the latest flash player... but windows still does not recognize the file? It's me, I know it is... but, help? Quote
dborruso Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 Hey Jin! Nice to see you working on a new car. It is looking real nice. I hope to see you on msn soon See ya soon buddy. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 14, 2006 Author Posted April 14, 2006 hey,,,i'm trying to get msn....the flash file is ok.....i donno why u can't play it..i think u have to save as the file to your hard drive first.......i'm happy someone like what i do....i feel proud..thanx every one.....what's the next step should i take???? i posted this in another car modeling post...maybe would help I got across 4 car models before....and i learnt some few things that i wanted to share it with my Hash family (( u r a member of them )) 1- i should prepare my rotoscope (( very important )) this would help u for mesuring matters 2- i have to decide where to start (( was very hard at the begining )) cuz some ppl starting from the wheels area, some from the front pumper...depends on you 3- as we know, cars are seprated peices, there’s an edge between each peice, it’s good to draw a spline line around those edges for all the car parts, you will be able to define the parts easly (( what i mean by drawing splines around those parts edges is placing them in their right posation according to your rotoscope. 4- Don’t use much CPs...splines are very flixable and can have a good curve with 3 or 4 CPs for the windshild for eg. 5- Don’t forget the bias handler...this is how you fix your strange spline curves...without adding more CPs. 6- You can just start a head and draw the full car body then just choose the patches for each part and manage them in another modeling window. 7- In max and maya...they add a depth to thier surface after cutting each part...in AM. You can just bevel the body edges (( copy/paste the edged splines and move them a littel below or inward your body part then connect them to the body patches )) you will need to fix the curve flow with BIAS handler 8- After deattaching each body part...you can work on details for that part (( add more CPs )) As u know. I’m still a beginner in modeling...but those points were helping me alot to model my cars....if anyone else have other concepts better than mine,. Please let us know...we like to learn new stuff Aaaah....another thing....it’s enough to model one half of the car (( sure it will look ugly when u view it in your modeling window but u may copy/paste what u do in another modeling window and copy attache it then check the results in a chore )) Also if u want to adjust a body part that is already mirrored....hide all other parts and work on it usng mirror mode...then go and regroup the body part CPs again...it may be a bug in my version. But some CPs go out of my group after working in mirror mode. http://www.geocities.com/jin_kazama00110011/Untitled-1.swf I hope those points be helpfull for you Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 14, 2006 Author Posted April 14, 2006 hi again share share share and exchange.....this is the point here's the car body model which was in the flash movie...i hope it helps shape.zipFetching info... Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 14, 2006 Author Posted April 14, 2006 hi again.. i was trying to do the car fornt glass, the way i'm trying to use is to simplify the geomitry... but the problem is that the front glass bump is still not looking good...i donno if it's a problem with my settings or my modeling...here's what i got 1- here the glass object patch is very simple with a bump map..value=1000 2- here the same patch number for the glass but the map is displace..value=5 map size is 500x300 3- here i added more patch to the glass object as u can see in image 4, the map i displaced value=10 and map size is 1000x600 4- here is how i modeled the front light parts A= the glass object B= the light lamp C= the reflective inner part D= the body A1 is the front light, the glass bump is an object not a decal....A2 is the wire image what i can understand that if i increase the patch count then the displacemnt decal will look better... also...if i want my displace map to look good, then i have to make the image size big.... .is this true????????? ...please post me your comments and ideas Quote
DarkLimit Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Jin buddy ur amazing am so impressed with ur details and results.....very inspiring..... keep it up Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 14, 2006 Author Posted April 14, 2006 hi again thanks alot dark.....i'm doing my best and still long way to go here's another basic car model for a ford car...was build using the same method and very low patch count Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 16, 2006 Author Posted April 16, 2006 hi again... seems that car modeling isn't an intersting topic at all....i think i should do something else.....this is very bad.....what can i do...was trying to make a big study to help the others who want to create the relastic car rendering....i feel lost.. Quote
dborruso Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 Jin I think a lot of people will benefit from seeing your car modeling. Don't give up. You are doing it because you love it anyway Quote
oakchas Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 Jin, Don't quit! The forum has been a bit slow lately.. not as many posts... Spring has sprung and all that... I am looking at your elegant, low patch modeling for another type of mechanical drawing that has many compound curves like your cars... So please, keep posting... everything we share here can benefit many others even if unrelated to your topic. Quote
Admin Rodney Posted April 17, 2006 Admin Posted April 17, 2006 Its tough being in the lead. Hang in there Jin! Cars will be all the rage especially of the toon variety with the release of Pixar's 'Cars'. Quote
Scottj3d Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 Keep it going! I'm still waiting to see that motor. On those light lenses if you haven't already, try messing with the index of refraction at different values until you see what you like. With those bumpmaps it will give the lenses that slight distortion you would see in what's behind them. I had trouble with that on my recent car build. Nice work so far! Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 17, 2006 Author Posted April 17, 2006 Thanks alot my brothers...i feel so happy to have your cooperation and to know that someone is realy care about this subject well...this is my final test i made: 1- the rendered front light 2- the front glass decal, a displace map not bump 3- the glass object properties settings 4- the glass object decal properties as now...i know how to achive that look of front light glass, i made a mistake when i made the displace map cuz the real bump isn't stright lines the displacment value is better between 15-20, more than that it will look very ugly now i want to start with the back light glass..it's much harder than front glass..also the glass isn't very transparent...i will work out on that but for now i'm waiting for your comments about the front light thanks agin Quote
Admin Rodney Posted April 17, 2006 Admin Posted April 17, 2006 Jin, Your process of making the glass for your light is the first I've seen of such a thing. 'Amazing' is the word that immediately springs to mind. Amazing in its simplicity and execution. To me this is a great example and useful demonstration of how detail can be brought out in a model with intelligent thought and application. I hope I can recall it when time comes that I need to use it. Thanks for sharing this technique. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 18, 2006 Author Posted April 18, 2006 thanks rodney.....it's yours..whenever u want it....or anyone else...i'm happy cuz a hash fellow likes what i do....i thought i would never be good.... all of these examples and techniques will be gethered in one huge tutorial which i'm preparing now....it's not a tutorial....just a study....that's why i wanted to gether other members ideas and comments to put them in one place, so there will be a resource for any hasher want to model a car...i don't want them to feel lost as i felt when i was searching for a resource or a tut using AM....one hard time for one guy is enough. the completed study for the front light will be posted today....i got an idea while i was sleeping (( beleive it or not...i think of this in my dream )) the idea will return the front light into the same front light made in max and maya....it's the same basics...just another small adjustment......i'm sure u will like it..... thanks dark jedi.....still some steps to make it look realstic.... i will be here later.....gotta go to work now....cya Quote
Miguel Esteve Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 First of all, my congratulations for Jin, I think that your job is amazing and most important, very helpful for others who are interested in this topic. I modelled this car two years ago for using it in an animation for a website. Is a Fiat 500, a very popular car here in Europe. I modelled it in a way as simple as I could. These images show both the wireframe and the look it finally had after posproduction. This swf shows the car from every angle: http://www.kamestudio.com/car/500.swf The way I started modelling the car was the same as Jin, drawing silohuette and windows and others with the help of a rotoscope, but I didn't modelled some things accurately. You can see a part of the chasis next to the wheels that couldn't be there, the doors are not modelled, I thought in adding a bump to draw the edge of the doors but I think that drawing it with splines is better. How did you draw the edge of the doors, Jin? Did you use bias or something to make them look pieces apart from the body of the car? Could I see those splines and its bias values in detail, please? I like the way you did the lights. I find very helpful your notes on how you treated the glass but, how did you obtain the metal of the lights? I think it's an important part of the final look of the glasses... Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Quote
Dhar Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 As much as I like looking at exotic car models, I prefer real people cars like this Fiat 500 and Greg Schumsky's VW bus. One of these days I like to model my Ford Econoline, with the dents and scratches Nice work guys. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 20, 2006 Author Posted April 20, 2006 thank u so much Miguel Esteve, still long way to go about the door edges, infact they are seprated objects, they are not connected to the body,here is the full story: why do you have to draw splines around the body part edges....you do that cuz after you build your basic car body...you start selecting each patches foreach part as long as you have a spline line between each part...you take each part to another modeling window...and there you modify and add details, you save each part under a name....while modifying...you have to give th parts a thikness...as the real car parts...here i use BIAS..why?..cuz you need the bevel to look smooth...when u bevel...you copy/paste the outline edge of your body and scale them a bit the push them inward. then you have to connect them to the body...what happen is that when u connect them, the bias value of the original spline which is at the edge of your part will change...here i use it to correct the spline curve.. and for the edge between each two parts...nothing hard..just push some splines back and u will have a nice edge..but not to much....edge smoothness is very important too.. 1 year back i modeled a pourshe 911...i made a small tut about how i made the baisc body....you can check it...this is the post....it's long...u may see the process i made and also there's a link for a small tut i made about modeling the body parts http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15150&st=0 for the frontlight..as i said i'm preparing a full overview for it and i think i will finish it very soon....maybe today or tomorow...if u need the mdl files for any of those cars just tell me and i'll post them for u.... you bro jin kazama Quote
martin Posted April 20, 2006 Posted April 20, 2006 I reread your Porsche modeling thread, Jin, and now this thread is equally interesting. Thank you for sharing with the A:M community. BTW, if you would be so kind as to donate some models to the "A:M Extras II" CD, just attach the files in this area: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showforum=92 Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 20, 2006 Author Posted April 20, 2006 Dear\ Mr. Martin what a pleasure i had to read your comments in my thread...it's an honor to have your words here.....i would like to thank you so much for your invitation to have my models in AM CD....i'm proud ofcourse when i finish the car model i will post it...i'm just gethring some assistance to build a full car even with entiror design...and fully customizable.......i want to do with my lovley AM what the others did in max and maya....i wanna prove that AM is also can do realastic car rendering and modeling..... i will need some help...from hthe forum members....just after my littel research will be done.....i will start to make that car with cooperation of the forum members......please pray for me truley yours waheed sami ( jin kazama ) Quote
Paul Forwood Posted April 20, 2006 Posted April 20, 2006 Nice work, Waheed!! Show the rest of the CG world that A:M can do it all! I somehow missed this thread but I'll certainly be watching now. ;-) ---------------- I love your Fiat 500, Miquel! It has real charm and personality. ;-) You guys are doing some beautiful modelling and texturing. Keep it up. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 20, 2006 Author Posted April 20, 2006 thnk u so much paul....i realy need your cooperation with me.....u can say it's a comunity projects....i don't own it....i don't want to change AM to another 3d app....i feel so good...and i feel i'm controling every tool...sure many other apps presents fast ways in modeling...and i tried them...but beleive me....AM and spline headaech is much better for me than thousands of polys..sure we wish to see some plugins which help us in modeling and texturing.....and i can see many guys r programming stuff for AM....if we can just clear the difficult modeling methods.....then AM will be the first of choice.. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 21, 2006 Author Posted April 21, 2006 hi there these are two models i have.....one is my old carrera....and the other one is a nokia cell phone....do u think they deserve to be in the AM CD? well...i like the nokia.....donno why...it was a challenge between me and a max designer.....well....i didnt win, but the results were draw....me my self i was happy....cuz as a beginner...i go this result..that was about 2 months ago....now it's pray time....gtg.....but after 3 hours i will be back to post these 2 models (( the size is somehow big eh )) cya.... Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 21, 2006 Author Posted April 21, 2006 hi again....well...u made me search for something very old just wanted u to see how i started....this is after one year and a half of working on AM....and before 4 years from now.....don't mke fun those 2 were for a tv program...it was the opening sequance for it...nice for a beginner eh? don't remeber what was this for heheheheh ok car modelers....if u only know how many patches in each car.hahahahahaa..shaaaaaaaaaaame will the devil jin car was my first....then came the blue car...that was also 4 years ago... i felt strange when i saw them and wondered..eh...jin....u made that? Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 21, 2006 Author Posted April 21, 2006 hi all....i was playing around tires....this is what was going on.....i need your comments 1-i draw half section of the tire rubber using the front rotoscop of the car 2-i add more splines to create the tire grooves 3-then copy/flip/paste it 4-i check the tire radus using the right side rotoscope, y? cuz i need to rotate the splines and place them in the center to lathe them...selecting the hall thing then rotate it and place it in the center of the modeling window 5-here i placed it in the center...now i will delete the left cross section preparing it to be lathed 6- i lathe the cross section with 12 as a lathe value (( reduce the value in the options )) 7-here is how it looks in the chor window...nice isn't it? 8-back to modeling window i take a snap shot of the front view for the tire 9-in photoimpact or photoshop....u can draw the tire creases ..any shape you want...i draw only one cross section of it. 10-i copy/paste and position them on the snap shot. 11- i take this into a new window and dublicate it verticaly (( dublicate it 4 times that's better 12- i added some details in the sides but i donno why i didn't see them hehe, anyway....after finishing...save the file as TGA...close and reopen it again, this time just rotate it 90 degree in any side. 13-create a new projection map material, cylindrical type, leave it as color cuz we will position it for now.. 14-drop the material into the tire group...eeek...what is that?? needs more work 15-in the short cut to material...change the settings as shown in the image...how is this now??? good isn't it? 16-after giving the group a black color ( not very black ) and changing the map type into bump with 5000 as a value this is what i got.... Now i know that bump map doesn't work this way...they need to be blured a bit...so i opened the TGA map again and give it gussian blure ( value=3 ) after that this is the result.....nice? the bump percentage was set to 800,also in the tire group specualr size=20 - specualr instensity=30 does anyone know better way to do it????? Quote
Dhar Posted April 21, 2006 Posted April 21, 2006 You're not only a great modeller, you're a great teacher as well Waheed. I very much like seeing your progress and your methodology. On your bookshelf project, I like how you did the Kufi style calligraphy, but you need to mix it up a bit, although I know how difficult Islamic calligraphy can be, that's a whole art form on its own. The Nokia phone looks great. The newspaper print looks too clean to be a scanned image, is it a .pdf file from the newspaper's web site? Keep up the good work. You are an accomplished artist. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 21, 2006 Author Posted April 21, 2006 thanks alot dhar....i'm only a beginner man... for the bookshelf...i made that opening sequance in 5 days...i had no time to make complecated textures....the asked me to do it before the start of the program in 7 days......it was a hard time...and i wasn't that good... i hope to be useful to others.... Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 28, 2006 Author Posted April 28, 2006 hi all.........the forum is very slow these days here's the result i got for the back light....need ur comments Quote
oakchas Posted April 29, 2006 Posted April 29, 2006 Waheed, I'm really impresesd with your ability to get the look of the light lenses accurately with bumps. Also, it may be accurate (from the car's actual lights), but the tail/brake light lens (red) seems to be too "unprismatic" no breaks in the straight lines. Great job! I really like how you did the car model with so few splines... I'm still tending to use A:M like some sort of a spline based poly modeler to get complex curvature. Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 29, 2006 Author Posted April 29, 2006 thanks oakchas.....it's not finished yet...today i have another backlight....the one i did was an old style...follow the nature...as they made it in the factory...i will do it in AM...but in another way....the new back light will be mazing....all i need is your support in my research in how to model a car in AM.....thanks alot Quote
Dark_Jedi Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 Very nice job. looks great. a quick question though, how did u make the decel on the tiers bumpy? Quote
Viper GTX2.0 Posted April 30, 2006 Posted April 30, 2006 I have tryed to make a car. Each time i try it does not look right or not smooth. I have made nice rims for a car but dont have a car to put the rims on Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 30, 2006 Author Posted April 30, 2006 thanks guys tomorow i will answer all ur questions...now is this good? not the final and here is the results Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted April 30, 2006 Author Posted April 30, 2006 dark jedi ok, if u go back and read what i did again, u will notice 2 things: 1- when i was drawing the cross section of the tire, i made some creases and groves, so the geomitry will have them 2- when i finished drawing the tire bump in photoimapct, i gave the map a gussian blure..why? because i noticed that if u didn't give your bump map a blure, the bump won't show well and will be a sharp and not clear bump, but if u apply a gussian blure with 2 as a value, the bump will be able to show up..the map scale is important too...the bump won't be good in a 300x200 pixel map...but it will be very good in a 900x600 pixel, one more thing..it doesn't mean that u will have a strong bump if u increase the bump value to 15000...it needs some balance...u may set the value to 800 and go to the short cut of your material properties under your tire model and place a value in the bump percent..test and test till u get the result u like i hope i could answer your question... Viper....go back and look at my first car model...a crap..why? because i was missing some modeling basics.... a huge number of patches doesn't mean a very smooth car...if u go back and check how i did the car basic shape...very few patches...very low... how you can do that? AM doesn't use polys...it uses spines...so splines doesn't need to have many CPs on them to be smooth...why? cause CPs themselves can be smooth by many ways...u can draw a nice curve with 4 CPs on a spline..u can draw bad curve with 10 CPs o a spline...there's something about the distance between each CP...if a CP goes somehow a way from another CP, the curve get's smoother, but sometimes u may need some CPs to be close to eachothers....what to do to make them smooth? use the bias handler.. in general...try to get your model shape with the lowest patche number u can.... and keep modeling...even if u model 100 bad car...maybe car number 101 will be good...and u must learn from your mistakes...and before u draw your splines, it's good to imagine how u would draw splines around ur rotoscope (( thanks DARK LIMITS for your advise )) never give up VIPER as u can see....i'm doing a study about how to model a car and get a realastuc render in AM....after i finish, i will make a big tutorial which will be very detailed...and u all are welcome to help me out. thanks and keep your work up Quote
Jin-Kazama Posted May 3, 2006 Author Posted May 3, 2006 hi all as i finished my study in cars body..front lights, back lights....now it's time to rendering GL or global illumination is a very improtant thing....as u know....AM has no brazil plugin, as a result, this should be done manualy... i've tried a method and here's some pix for my results.... if u think that this is a good fake for GL, please let me know so i can post the steps i did to get this results thanks and wish to cooperate with me by the way....this is the last study....after this one...i will start writing the tutorial.....i hope to get the most help i can from everyone...please help...as this will be for all...and ur names will be placed in the credits, also among the tutorial steps...your notes will be there as well with your names.... Quote
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