cfree68f Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 OK.. so I posted some progress on this guy a loooooooong time back, and I've been back at him for about a month now. I've actually done his head 3 times.. Its hard getting the right mix. But I think I'm on the right track now (maybe) I've also got one other body thats not near as beafy, but I like him being more hulk like. I think this ones got legs ( goat legs but those still count right?) Opinions, rips, and general constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Ohhh and even though I love his skin.. its probably going to have to change (at least the method) this material took over 9 hours to render one frame at 16 passes [attachmentid=14239] C Quote
luckbat Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 Phew! You could carry groceries in those bags under his eyes. Seriously, this one's the best version yet, although I do miss the fur. Quote
cfree68f Posted February 8, 2006 Author Posted February 8, 2006 Quote Seriously, this one's the best version yet, although I do miss the fur. The fur will be back.. I'm just "re-jigging" him from the ground up. C Quote
Karl Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 Hey Colin - Cool! For what it's worth regarding his abdominal area... It almost looks like a cut away with a bigger body from lower rib cage and up and a smaller body from lower rib cage and down... However, from what I can see of the sides, there is a smooth blending there... Also, the joining between the head/neck and what would be the trapezius would look cooler in my mind if it was more continuous (like human anatomy) Also, one philosphical/theological question - DO DEMONS HAVE BELLY BUTTONS? Quote
luckbat Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 Hmm. He seems kinda knock-kneed, now that I'm scrutinizing. Would you consider something a bit more bowlegged? That tends to look better on heavyset hoofed-leg characters, in my opinion. Speaking of posture, is he the chin-held-high sort of demon, or more of a nefarious type? If the latter, you might want to think about more of a hunched-over silhouette. Just my two cents. Quote DO DEMONS HAVE BELLY BUTTONS? Well, they clearly do not have genitals, so I'm guessing no. Quote
DanCBradbury Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 wow... nice musculature collin. though, his sholder bone seems a little too pointy. Quote
cfree68f Posted February 8, 2006 Author Posted February 8, 2006 Yep I suppose I should have explained more. ;-) His head isnt connected yet because well.. I'm still working on it. but his head will indeed be hanging way out in front of his body.. very hunched over. He's 12 or so feet tall so I doubt he needs to look up much anyway. I'll look into that belly Karl. And you are right lucbat.. he is knock kneed.. but thats by design untill he's rigged. I figured he should have forward pointing knees so that when I go to rig him.. the IK won't be weird to set up. That said.. he will probably be bow legged and splay footed just to keep his balance. I'll post more pics as he progresses. Keep scrutinizing guys.. it really does help me allot. C Quote
trajcedrv Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 Brrr... Scary! I would agree with luckbat that he should be little bit more hunched (not necessarily now, better after rigging it, in animation) I would have made him longer in the abdomen area (his body looks too squat now) Drvarceto Quote
zandoriastudios Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 I would like to see some scales and bumps in the surface, so I hope you'll be experimenting with the displacement maps THe horns turned out nice! Quote
Bruce Del Porte Posted February 8, 2006 Posted February 8, 2006 Great model Colin! For such a ripped upper body, you may want to add some muscle definition on his thighs. If the legs are going to be furry, maybe it doesn't matter. I like it. Quote
lazz Posted February 9, 2006 Posted February 9, 2006 VERY cool colin. Awesome work. Any chance of a wireframe? The modeling is superb and it'd be really neat to see. Cool stuff. Later- Quote
Zaryin Posted February 9, 2006 Posted February 9, 2006 I would agree with Bruce on this one. Also the lower body seems just a tad underdeveloped to the upper body, but that's just taste. I alsways hated those guys who worked out only there upper bodies and had the skinniest legs, haha. Quote
cfree68f Posted February 9, 2006 Author Posted February 9, 2006 Heres a wireframe. The proportions.. upper to lower are intentional at this point.. though I may make his hooves more prominant. and He'll probably have fur on the legs like the original I posted.. I'm just working without for now. I am going to try and use the new displacement to really cut him up, but thats gonna take some practice. In the end I'd like to see him move around like King Kong on his knuckles. [attachmentid=14281] Quote
jon Posted February 9, 2006 Posted February 9, 2006 great looking fellow! my primary suggestion would be to enlarge his head. it looks a little overwhelmed up there. ' ' ) a very minor tweak would be to define his thigh musculature a little more. currently, there's much more detail in his upper arms. displacements might make up for this, but i dunno. -jon Quote
Admin Rodney Posted February 9, 2006 Admin Posted February 9, 2006 Looking forward to what displacement will bring out in him. That and seeing him animated of course! Quote
cfree68f Posted February 12, 2006 Author Posted February 12, 2006 Well, I was a little disgruntled with the render time on the first image using my demon skin Material, so I thought I'd look for possible alternatives to texture this guy. I found some interesting closeups of snakes scales and thought I'd play around with BitmapPlus to create an easy texture to work with. I'm thinking it might not be feasable in its current incarnation, but I like the results and the look. and I'm definately thinking about a dragon for my next model now. anyway here's a go with a more gorgon like skin. [attachmentid=14376] Quote
Dhar Posted February 12, 2006 Posted February 12, 2006 I could use that texture on my dragon. I didn't know there was BitmapPlus. Thanks Quote
*A:M User* Shelton Posted February 12, 2006 *A:M User* Posted February 12, 2006 Hi Colin I love the look of this guy / demon! The wire frame has helped me with the body of my comic character. Any way keep up the good work. Steve Quote
brainmuffin Posted February 13, 2006 Posted February 13, 2006 Amazing, Colin. I'm going to have to lock myself in a room for a few weeks straight and try to get myself up to your level of modeling... Your snakeskin texture reminds me that I've got some seamless lizard scale textures that I made with photoshop's pattern maker filter. I'm going to see if I can did them up and post them in the materials forum... Quote
cfree68f Posted February 13, 2006 Author Posted February 13, 2006 Thanks guys, brainmuffin, that would be awesome to get more seamless scales. I like whats going on with the ones I"ve got, but its always good to have options. C Quote
brainmuffin Posted February 13, 2006 Posted February 13, 2006 I used to have a few years worth of "Reptiles" magazine issues, but I lost most of them in my last move. I can dig up the few that I have left. That's how I made them. I scanned images of scales, and sampled small sections (Approx. 2-10 scales) and ran it through the pattern maker filter. It's actually one of the best uses I've found for that filter... Quote
cfree68f Posted February 13, 2006 Author Posted February 13, 2006 More progres, actually I tweeked allot of stuff at this point. I totally redid the arms and hands. I consider these my best arms to date, so tear them apart so I can make them better. [attachmentid=14424] a better beauty shot to show the rest of the progress. This was my initial concept for the neck, but I'm not sure I want to keep it this way. I may come back and change it later. Reswizzled the abdomen per Karl's input Totally tweeked the back to make it more anatomically correct (for one bullish overly steroidal demon) and redid a bunch around the neck (besides finishing it). I'm pretty happy with him at this point and will probably finish the mouth and eyes and start working on clothes and texture for him. Unless someone gives me some input that makes me want to change him (highly probable.. I'm easily influenced ;-) [attachmentid=14425] and a wire frame (sorta) [attachmentid=14426] thanks for all the crits to date.. as usual they help allot. C Quote
luckbat Posted February 13, 2006 Posted February 13, 2006 Man! Now that's what I call lighting. The new neck and arms are totally kickass. (What's with that weird dent on the back of his tricep, though?) The scales are, obviously, too uniform the way they are now, but I know they're just placeholders. Are you still using BitMap Plus for them? It's scary how much that looks like a material. If it weren't for the deep shadows, I'd swear I was looking at an expensive plastic model. My only real crit, and I'm reaching here: the nostril looks a bit... sharp, compared to the bullish rest of the head. Personally, I'd broaden the lower legs substantially, Clydesdale-style, as he looks a bit top-heavy to me. But I know you're going for a particular look. Quote
KenH Posted February 14, 2006 Posted February 14, 2006 Heh. I can see it now. The master demon comes out of his layer. He's bad-ass with a mean attitude. Except he has one weakness....a girly smack in the face and he topples over screaming in agony as the weight from his oversized manly biceps make his knee caps pop off like mini frizbees gliding off into the mid distance...... Just kidding. He's a very unique design (almost serpentine around the neck) and of course expertly modled. Is he for work? Or a short? Oh and I see modeled finger nails too. That's a change of tack for you. Quote
cfree68f Posted February 14, 2006 Author Posted February 14, 2006 Good call on the nostrils lucbat... you're right.. and I'm going to fix that as well (you are the observant one ;-) and as far as the legs.. I'm leaving them like this till I figure out whether I'll cover them in hair or not. The hair would make them more substantial and if his legs where allready big his lower body could become to big in comparison.. I want to hilite how bulky his torso is. He's still bitmap plus. Just for now though.. I'll probably do texture maps in the end. If I don't use hair.. and I'm seriously considering it at this point or maybe more patchy hair.. then I'll bulk up the legs. Quote Oh and I see modeled finger nails too. That's a change of tack for you. yep.. and I found a neat trick for that.. they are actually just attached into a finished mesh (ie not legal patch connections but it doesnt matter where they connect because they are supposed to be sharp anyway. I just like having contiguous parts for some stupid reason. thanks for the crits and comments guys.. they really help keep me honest. I find without someone pushing me to make something better.. I'll shortcut it more than I should, I'm just lazy at heart I guess. C Quote
cfree68f Posted February 14, 2006 Author Posted February 14, 2006 Putting some bling on him now! I'm liking the hair to.. I think I'll keep it. [attachmentid=14434] edit:: yeah, thats the one ring in his nose. Quote
MMZ_TimeLord Posted February 14, 2006 Posted February 14, 2006 Colin, I've been watching this thread since you started it... I am still amazed at your modeling ability. I hope to be able to model humanoid type characters with as few splines as you do and still get the muscle tone and definition that you do... just... WOW! The hair on the legs looks great! (Probably a bit more dense, but that would be my preference.) Take care... can't wait to see him roar! Quote
brainmuffin Posted February 14, 2006 Posted February 14, 2006 Ok, Colin, I've got a nitpick. The cheekbone is really pointy. I can't tell fron the angle, either, does it actually stick out, or is that where it attaches to the cheek? If that point sticks out, then I guess it isn't so bad, but if that's where it blends in with the cheek, you should respline it and try to soften it a bit... He looks really cool with the hairy legs and the bling-bling... Quote
zandoriastudios Posted February 14, 2006 Posted February 14, 2006 I love how it's looking Colin! The hairy legs are the way to go! I love the spline work in the arms--I agree, those are great. My only crit concerns the arm band. This is not uncommon, and I am facing it it something I'm working on too. Right now the metal conforms to the arm, as though it is the metal that is pliable and the arm that is hard. The band should be hard, and the flesh of the arm should bulge out around it. Quote
luckbat Posted February 14, 2006 Posted February 14, 2006 Love the new hair, but watch the flesh around the thumbnail. It's getting pinched in an unnatural manner. Quote
3DArtZ Posted February 14, 2006 Posted February 14, 2006 This is a great model! Aside from all the impressive things going on in the splinemanship, something has really been bothering me with the transfer between "humanoid - to - animal legs" area. I feel like the legs should run up into a more human type arse. I think glutes might really help the look, as it isn now, the trunk of the character appears to be the "weakest" strength wise, where it should be were all his power comes from..... Mike Fitz Quote
cfree68f Posted February 15, 2006 Author Posted February 15, 2006 good call again lucbat.. I fixed the fingers around the nails, mine where two square and pulled the ridge around the nail down. Will, yep I'm planning on either adding a bulge spline ridge around the arm band, or using the new displacement to create that.. not sure yet. Mike, He has a human arse.. you just havnt seen it yet. I'm leaving the proportions of the waist as they are for now, Its an easy thing to thicken up later. In fact his entire body is from my hero.. and I thickened him up using the distortion mesh in about 5 minutes. I've also used distortion cages to flatten his torso in poses for decaling. The distortion box is my friend! and I think its the most underated AM feature which is saying allot. Oh yeah.. brainmuffin. His cheek is a horn (intentionally for now). I had it in my original sketch of his face.. It's just one point pulled out on the cheek right now. I'm playing around with the notion of loosing it or fleshing it out more. I'm torn about which way to go right now with his mouth (wich will probably influence his cheek). I'm going to either leave his lips and add teeth or give him a maw with external teeth and no lips (more skull or aligator like. Opinions? I've also thickened up the nose a bit and started adding textures. What do you guys think of the textures right now? I'm still experimenting with skin looks. [attachmentid=14464] Quote
3DArtZ Posted February 15, 2006 Posted February 15, 2006 cfree68f said: Mike, He has a human arse.. you just havnt seen it yet. I'm leaving the proportions of the waist as they are for now, Its an easy thing to thicken up later. In fact his entire body is from my hero.. and I thickened him up using the distortion mesh in about 5 minutes. I've also used distortion cages to flatten his torso in poses for decaling. The distortion box is my friend! and I think its the most underated AM feature which is saying allot. [attachmentid=14464] Hey what a crazy thing, the distortion boxes are my friends too!!!! the ease in which one can create lip synch and other facial poses baffles the mind. Looking at this new image, I really like what your doing, butt or not. Mike Quote
KenH Posted February 15, 2006 Posted February 15, 2006 With a horn, I like to see abit of thick skin around the base of it.....then you have the horn growing out of it. I think it adds a bice bit of detail. Quote
cfree68f Posted February 15, 2006 Author Posted February 15, 2006 Quote With a horn, I like to see abit of thick skin around the base of it I agree.. he actually has that, but its not showing up in this bump. I'm going to go back and redo the horn UVs and map so I can texture it better. I rushed this one just to see it in black. How bout the skin? any comments? C Quote
luckbat Posted February 15, 2006 Posted February 15, 2006 Quote How bout the skin? any comments? In its current state, it sort of looks like he's wearing a T-shirt made out of human skin. Please finish the decaling, so I can get that image out of my mind. Quote
Dhar Posted February 15, 2006 Posted February 15, 2006 As much as I like the model, hell & demons really scare the bejeebees out of me. <sigh> I wish your avatar superhero would get animated in a mini movie, or a full feature Quote
cfree68f Posted February 15, 2006 Author Posted February 15, 2006 Human Skin tshirt? hmmm... I like that, I may have to work on that next ;-P I'm hoping to get him textured before I leave the country on friday. If not.. I'll have two weeks to think about it. Dhar, Its a thought. I actually want to have this demon and him duke it out in a parking lot or something when I'm done. But I have to finish the demon first since he's a being created for someone else and I'm about one million years overdo with getting him finished. Now that I've gotten a good head of steam.. there's no stopping. C Quote
luckbat Posted February 15, 2006 Posted February 15, 2006 As far as the skin goes, I'd urge you to keep experimenting, because the raw-turkey bumps that are there now just aren't that frightening. Maybe something more irregular? The veins, on the other hand... I can't even imagine this guy without them. Quote
cfree68f Posted March 10, 2006 Author Posted March 10, 2006 Finally some more progress. Added teeth and inner mouth. His teeth are based on a gorillas, specifically King Kong's ;-) I can't wait to throw the new face rig on him. Tweaked some stuff here and there and Added a torso down hair map. Oh and he's pretty much done as far as modelling goes except maybe for more bling. Now to completely texture and rig. [attachmentid=15064] C Quote
KenH Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 Lookin good! I wonder what a small black pupil would do for him? Also, the hair seems too thin and sparce in places. I don't know if you're done with it or not, but I was experimenting: And I found that if you add a little thickness along the length of the hairs it fills in the gaps. I used to just have the profile of the hairs going straight down to 0. But now it bulges out abit. Not like a real hair, but it's all about faking it. So, just to clarify I might have this along the length: 0%.....1 inch 50%....2 inch 100%....0 inch Quote
luckbat Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 Ooh, shiny! I assume you'll be shifting the color of his skin from red to brown as the hair gets denser? Quote
cfree68f Posted March 10, 2006 Author Posted March 10, 2006 Quote Ooh, shiny! I assume you'll be shifting the color of his skin from red to brown as the hair gets denser? Dammit I'm gonna find that camera you're spying on me with ;-) Yep thats exactly what I'm gonna do.. and i'm gonna try some tricks to fake the hair shadows and such. Stuff taks way to long to render with shadows (animation wise... not to bad for an image though) Quote Lookin good! I wonder what a small black pupil would do for him?.. yeah I have that as well.. but I have the an aditional Cornea group (ie.. contact) that is opaque.. just to make the eyes pop for now. I'm still thinking about what the face will look like in the end. Quote And I found that if you add a little thickness along the length of the hairs it fills in the gaps. I do that as well. but in this case its trickier since I'm using hair density and length maps. Having a fat base in sparse hair would look odd. So I'm gonna fix that with a fake fur texture under the places where the hair should be thick. (ie.. what Mike said above.) Whats your guys stand on Demons and nipples?.. I mean are they born and do they breast feed? I had nipples on the maps.. and then I got way to caught up in that philosophical question.. so I took them off to get my mind off the subject.. bluck. C Quote
luckbat Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 Quote Whats your guys stand on Demons and nipples?.. I mean are they born and do they breast feed? Kinda depends on which bible you're using, right? Quote
3DArtZ Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 Wow, very nice!!! Make us some cool animations!!! Mike Fitz Quote
Zaryin Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 That is looking great, Colin. I guess the nipples would be an extra that may add realism to the character to those who don't even realize why they think he look more real. I think either way would be good. Quote
trajcedrv Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 Was he breastfed?!? You guys are weird! Looking amazing so far, cant wait to see this guy move (it would be nice to see him animated with some human model, so that his size and menacing look would be more obvious...) Drvatceto Quote
Sharky Posted March 11, 2006 Posted March 11, 2006 Hi Colin! Wonderful model! I like your detailed model, plesae show me its wireframe. Best regards, Sharky Quote
cfree68f Posted March 11, 2006 Author Posted March 11, 2006 Heres is the spin.. you can finally see him from all sides. Thanks for the input.. I'll work on getting a wireframe up later. C Quote
cfree68f Posted March 12, 2006 Author Posted March 12, 2006 a wireframe... [attachmentid=15116] C Quote
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