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Oz Contest WIP

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I'm posting my WIP for next months contest here as I think this is an exceptional one. The contest...not necessarily the model. :D It would be great if everyone started wips so that comments can be made to make each individual design the best it can be.

So, here's mine which is based on Richards design located here:




Comments/improvements welcome.


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Don't have much to say , it's original to me because it looks like he may have a beard ,thats a tinmans beard or as close as he could get to one, by the way you have the jaw flared out..pretty cool and clever, I think....

I dont have anything to show as of yet,



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WOW! Great shape! Yet so few splines! I hope you're not hired, because when I become a billionare, you'll have yourself a job, Mr!


The odd thing is, this guy looks both sad, bold, happy, grumpy and satisfied at the same time. He needs a heart... BAD!

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Thanks Joakim. I'm open to taking your money anytime. :D


Here's a little more. It's going to be more detailed and have a compartment to hold his heart and workings. I'll continue it tomorrow....


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For practical reasons, I'm going the ball and socket route. I'm not sure how to add a compartment to his chest as it will upset the flow of the splines. Maybe it could be a seperate "close up" model or booleans?


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Ken, love the wireframe!

It appears you've made the jump to "getting the most out of your splineage!!!"



Maybe show the wireframe of the torso so we could see the if theres a solution to the chest compartment issue.


Mike Fitz


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Niiiiice! I like this guy even more and more. I have one crit, though, he looks a BIT too beefy, yet he's slim when you look from either side. Then again, that may just be me and my eyes, but he just seems to "broad shouldered".

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Hey Ken,

I felt compeled to layout splineage how I might add the compartment.

This aint our grandads tinman, this guys modern!

I'd open up the whole chest, but this layout can be put to a more smaller area...



Mike Fitz



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Thanks Mike I'll use that for adding more detail on the chest. But there's still the problem of when I "take away" the hatch door, the splines loose their curvature a little (as do the door splines) and don't match up when the seperate door is replaced.

However, the difference isn't that noticable I've just discovered and the door thickness will probably cover it up.

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When you extrude inward for the cavity, don't forget to "Defend the edges" as I repeat to myself when doing this.

Extrude a loop close to the edge, then extrude further in....


But don't think I don't think you know this.... I'm just saying:)


Mike Fitz


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Something about the hat throws me off a little. It seems too "thick" like its 1 inch thick , but tin would be rolled and a little thinner I think. It might be the rounded bottom.


Also how about tiltiing it to one side. Give him a little attitude.


The head is great but it needs something to make the eyes pop more. The tin is too light to show some of the details. That might make it difficult to see some of his expression.


this is of course my "buck and a quarter" oppinion.


Great work! Keep it up.



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Mike: I'm actually not sure what you mean by "defend the edges". :) Maybe add another spline loop to preserve the curve? In any case, I peaked the splines to get more of a line and that means the edges aren't dependent on splines outside the doors. A happy side effect.


Rodney: Someone noticed! :D I'm also going to add another touch like that were his oil can is in the shape of a flower with a stem. It'll be located in his lapel.


Colin: Thanks! Not sure what you mean about the eyes, but the rest....no sooner said than done.

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Done. I think I "poped out" the eyes.


I've unsure whether to add another seperate small compartment for his heart (up in the heart position) or just lump it in the big one....


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He just keeps getting better and better! His new eyes look great, though I still think he's a bit beefy, but it's not something that really bothers me... I think :P Anyway, it... well, I keep saying "good" "nice" and positive stuff, and francly, I'm running out of words.


Can't you do some bad improvements for once? :P

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I still think he's a bit beefy,

Yeah, his shoulders are fairly wide and he's got a thin stomach. It's kind of stylized look I guess but I kind of like it. I'll see how it looks with the rest on him. Don't forget he's a "strong" woodsman and he doesn't eat! :D

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I think what Colin is saying about the cap/funnel hat has merit.

When I was sketching the Tinman and the Scarecrow the other day I noticed I was making both of their hats too much alike. There are a lot of characters with big floopy hats in Oz I guess. ;)


Keeping the funnel hat fairly close to his head will create more of a difference in look between the scarecrow (big floppy hat) and the Tinman (funnel).


Just a though atcha...

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Really fun design you've got going. You probably haven't gotten around to texturing, but the uniform shiny tin is a little dull to me. What about using some kind of specularity bump so it's shinier in some parts and not others, more like a used tin object instead of brand new.


Not nearly this old, but along similar ideas.



I keep thinking about the old fashioned toys made of tin, especially for Tin Nimmie Annie.


I think I liked the bigger hat better, maybe just a thinner brim on it.


It's looking good!



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This is how he looks in his castle. Pristine....and very convenient! :D I guess as he goes along the path, some rust spots and tarnish might appear. Not for me to worry about. :)


I'll probably leave the hat as it's closer to the original design now.


Thanks for the comments!

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Hey Ken,


Nice model (I particularly liek the design of the head/face). Given that you have modelled joints for everything else, how do you envisage tin man will bend and twist at the waist? How about facial expressions?



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That's cool! I like him! Its a really good original take on the tinman too, nice job. The jaw and the eyes add a lot of character, I like it. The only thing that stands out to me is the way the stomach looks in relation to the rest of the torso. But that's more of a matter of preference and style than anything else. Great job though, I can't wait to see more!



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how do you envisage tin man will bend and twist at the waist?

Very good point. He's "gotta" have hips that move seperate from the torso.

I don't see him bending at the waist at all. His compartment is in his middle so it's not physically/AM possible. I figure it will add a sort of "robotic restriction" to him. But maybe small invisible movements might be good and that's possible.


Cheers all.

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Great Model!


I really like the material / materials which convey different finishes of he tin surface...


As for modeling: you really captured the essence of the sketch and improved upon it - that is as good as it gets, I guess - no matter about other entries - you have my vote for the contest!


Keep on good work!!!



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As for modeling: you really captured the essence of the sketch and improved upon it - that is as good as it gets, I guess - no matter about other entries - you have my vote for the contest!


Keep on good work!!!

Thanks man. :) But I wouldn't write off what you haven't seen just yet. ;)

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OK, I think he's ready for rigging....


For any directors: Is there a standard rig you want to keep to or can everyone use their own? I'm going to use TSM 2.


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  • Hash Fellow

I was more imagining a smaller door (since it's a small locket that is his "heart") on his upper left chest (where we traditionally imagine that heart to be.)


The asymmetry might make for interesting design too.

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Holy cow! You're insane man, doing all that in three days? It'd take me, like, months!(and it wouldn't look as good either :rolleyes: )

I think he looks awsome.

Garçon has a point, about a smaller door. Although I do think it looks cool as it is. I guess he could keep other things in there as well. :D

Anywho, keep up the great work.

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Thanks. :) Well, yes it's a big space, but I'm also going to put in other things like cogs and stuff that drive him. In the middle is the heart....which I envision as glowing red and the "power source" for the mechanisms around him.

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