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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Needs mucho work - but I like the way it's progressing. Been playing around with creating a model with hair, and trying to get something that might have reasonable rendering times for animation - - so I've been keeping the density low (lower than I'd really like) -


And hoo-Boy have I been struggling with the grooming (yikes what a spaghetti nest of string!), resorted to fakey lighting, shadows, 1 pass, etc... BUT this image at 640 x480 rendered in 37 secs! I could live with that...(I'm really really impatient)


Will be working on cleaning up the face (too confusing - image wise) - fixing the bald spots...


comments welcome


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  • Hash Fellow

That does look wild!


The yarn must be an image map applied to the hair, right?


Only suggestion i would make is maybe edit the yarn map so it ends less squarely.


Great cat looks like it would have one very large hairball though.....have you tried to animate it


thanks for the comments y'all -


Robcat: Yes the yarn is an image map - I'll give some thought about "unsquaring" the ends. I was thinking originally of going for the look of cut yarn - as if to suggest someone had actually "sewn/knit him up"... might try using two image maps for emitters so that the strands don't look so regular


Johnl: Yes I'm starting to animate him - using dynamics so that the hair moves, as well as giving the red tie dynamic constraints as well - might have some tests to show manana - so far render times have been reasonable (20-30 secs/frame at 640x480) ...



Still having problems with grooming - very tricky, scary, tedious - the old adage of 80% of the work takes place in 20% of the time is turning out to be very true of course...it's that remaining tweaky stuff that drives me crazy -

  • 5 weeks later...

Mr Fwuffy has grown up...Shall we say: More manly, More of a Pwofessor - here is a FatCat walk test with hair (developed for Bootcamp ex 6b) - will have to work on tail action - still working on facial expressions, phonemes, smartskin (cp weights). Yarn Cat type will transform into some other creature eventually...



I love the stlye of these! I particulrly like the first one. I want to see him move. Actually, you kinda beat me to it on that one - making a character just out of hair.


I would suggest setting the angle limit of the hair to about 60 degrees as this should stop the hair from going right through the body.


Really nice!


I also like the background - only 2D flat orange. It questions the belief in 3D. Perhaps the cat is out walking on a very huge orange fruit... Who knows....

But red together with orange - that is not my favorite combination of colors... Blue instead of red?!.,


I had a Google search on: color meaning

perhaps something for your imagination -








Now that is a great character! So refreshing to see something like that. I don't think you should worry about the render times so much though as he deserves more then 30 seconds to render :ph34r:


Thanks again for the comments y'all


John - good idea to change the angle - I wondered what that was all about - I like the hair a bit colliding with his body, stylized sorta - but maybe its a bit much the way i have it - I tried collision detection and couldn't stand the render hit - tho I did use it for his top locks - and it worked relatively well


Mr MM - thanks for the links - Color palette is a very subjective, emotional thing - My paintings (when I was exhibiting) were known & loved for the explosive color palette (and bold expressionistic style) that I used - tho those who were more reserved hated them for the very same reason that others loved them - As artists - We each have to choose what speaks to us personally & hopefully there are others out there who speak a similar language. The further out we get - the smaller the audience - If we want to make a living at it - we sometimes have to sacrifice personal taste for "more familar & commonly accepted imagery". Lucky for me, I'm not trying to make a living at this...


JL - No I don't currently have a particular animation in mind (tho, funny enough I I did do "Alice in NutcrackerLand" on AMFilms). I usually never know where my characters will lead me - eventually something clicks - never know when...


Dagoos - you're right - I will have to learn patience - but, but ...that would take time - :lol:


great cats. I love the yarn fur cat,(that's me being a sucker for designs that are different).

The sashay is pretty cool too. :D

Bootcamp sounds like fun, and seems to be getting great results.


Realy nice work. It's got a unique style. One crit though. I think the hair maybe a little to thick. If maybe you took the diameter down a bit it might look softer on the ends. Or maybe you could round off ends in a channel editor. Just some thoughts.

  • Admin
Excess is Never Enough


Oh dear. :blink:


Nice characters Nancy! :)

Did I miss any revelations on your plans for these characters?


Rodney - I haven't revealed anything, yet - BUT... I am thinking about the moooood animation contest ....hmmmmm.....perhaps I shouldn't say anything - it's so long off tho.

Another new friend for the Pwofessor: - Ms Marlene D'Eeektrick


What it is this going to become? A triangle drama?



I am just waiting for a new pwofessor to turn up.... a Master of Love to go waltzing around with the first pwofessor - a Master of Jealousy?




Just a remark - the ears - on the new figure - are they not too big?

Will they not be flapping a lot then she does the can-can?


The original had not got that big ears! :D


Just a remark - the ears - on the new figure - are they not too big?

Will they not be flapping a lot then she does the can-can?


It's not her ears that are a problem - it's those big oversized, out-of-proportion thighs.


The thighs get all twisted when she does an arabesque, or any high kicks - need to work that out...I have been so negligent in figuring out fan bones, smartskin, cp weighting - I know the answer lies somewhere in the tweaking of those features.


I hate iddly-piddly-tweaking.


(I'm hoping for that tutorial from the Mr. Amazingly-Brilliant Tight-Defying Colin Freeman.).


As for THE Marlene - I've already downloaded a few of her original songs in mp3 form to spurr me on - especially "Falling in Love, Again" from "Blue Angel", I believe it was the first talkie made in germany in the 1930's.


Just about finished with tweaking of my characters, going to start animating a short silly thing next - tho I am finding it hard to work with 3 hairy creatures in 1 scene. Sorry I don't have something more controversial to present. :lol:


Family photo of all three - From left to right: Heidi Fleece, Marlene D'Eeeektrick & the Pwofessor.



LOL What a hoot! Some of them look abit threadbare. The image took forever to download!


Thanks for the feedback Ken - I forgot to "compress for the web" - so I've resubmitted a much smaller jpg.


Threadbare, hmmmm.... I was trying to go for a stylized look - but I guess it didn't come off that well. My choices for density & thickness obviously doesn't show the full extent of what AM is capable - I was sorta going for comedic. Might be better in an animation - but then again it might not - will have to consider Rogaine therapy.


Ah....much better downloading. The fur isn't that bad. Just mainly round the cat mussles seems to be the most balding.

Threadbare, hmmmm.... I was trying to go for a stylized look - but I guess it didn't come off that well. My choices for density & thickness obviously doesn't show the full extent of what AM is capable - I was sorta going for comedic. Might be better in an animation - but then again it might not - will have to consider Rogaine therapy.

I know it's just my opinion, but I think the density and thickness you've chosen makes for a 'wonderful' stylized look. I'd vote that you stick with it.


My only other thought is that the faces of Heidi Fleece and the Pwofessor are a bit too similar in appearance. You might consider tweeking their faces some to differentiate them a bit more (their glasses don't count). Now if they are suppose to look alike due to family resemblance (whether biological or too many years spent together) or by the artist's choice (yours) then please ignore my comment.


Regardless, just wanted to say that I love the style you've got going here.

My only other thought is that the faces of Heidi Fleece and the Pwofessor are a bit too similar in appearance. You might consider tweeking their faces some to differentiate them a bit more

Thanks Dean for the feedback. You are soooo right. I've been struggling with that.


At first I thought they might be Mr. & Mrs (you guessed correctly about the "too many years together") - The problem is: I don't have my story straight - not sure of their relationship, yet - even so - I agree they should look more different from each other - I've been staring at them for too long and have lost the ability to "see".


However - Perhaps I can see a nose job in somebody's future.


To tell you my opinon - it is a genius work!




My opinion is the whiskers are to big. They take to much of the interest.


And the eyes are to small. They gets to little of the interest. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. So big eyes are mirroring the soul better. That is my belief. And someone elses too:



So curious waiting for the first trialogoue or will it be a dialogue? perpahs a monologue? For sure a catalogue!




My opinion is the whiskers are to big. They take to much of the interest.


And the eyes are to small. They gets to little of the interest.

Thanks for the feedback Mr. MM - I agree - Eyes should be more prominent on the cats - usually I do focus on eyes - so that has been bothering me as well - and yes I was wondering if the whiskers were too prominent . But, but - waaaaaaa - I like them - sniff - sometimes we have to give it up. Not sure what I will do about them.


So let me see: Nose Job, Eyelift, facial hair makeover - ok...BUT no Boob Job, I definitely draw the line at Boob jobs (sorry Mr. BigBoote).


Why not let the whiskers be "flexible"? to express different emotions!


Shrinking, growing, stiffening, softening, having different colors....




Actually I do already have pose sliders to animate the whiskers on the mouse to express emotions - I've been focusing on her more, as she will probably be the star in my next flick - will also add them to the cats...whew.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just posting to keep myself honest & off the streets - Have started animating (will be about 3 mins)- slow, slow going - here's a still of Marlene & the Pwofessor in Concert - Heidi will probably make a cameo appearance.


I'm using this an exercise in lip synching & working with multiple personalities (other than the ones in my head).


Piano is from Hash free model library - Amazing Job Dylan Perry, thank you - I've created the bench, curtains, & candelabra - will donate them - but they are nowhere near the quality that Dylan did... (I skimp & take shortcuts - so I don't know how useful they are to all the meticulous modelers I see out there...)


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