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Everything posted by Zaryin

  1. Thanks alot for the comments guys. Like I said in an earlier post I'm just trying to finish him off. He's been sitting on my hardrive forever and I figure I better finish him off. I would have made a more muscular version, but I used the olvder body I had. If I did add more muscles I would have to redo all the decal work *sigh*. I don't even want to think about doing that. Maybe in anotehr few years, haha. Ugh Rodney, I love those goldish eyes, but next render I do, I'll make them white just to see what they look like. EDIT: I might just tweak the existing splines to see if I can get it more to the shape of the one you posted, Patrick. I should be able to sdo that without causing too much warping with the webbing -- I hope. Remember also that camera focal length can do alot to give that comic look.
  2. Your animation has improved along with your texture skills. Looks great to me.
  3. I'm glad you're starting this one up again. I love the textures and the character.
  4. I still try not to adjust either if I don't need too. Nice model you got going so far.
  5. Love the character design. I think the chin dimple and divot under the nose should be modeled, not textured. Other than that I love him.
  6. I agree whole heartedly. I can't wait until my modeling of the female form comes even close.
  7. Thanks Trajce. I made the claves bigger, but I am leaving the head size alone -- at least for now. Front torso and boot webbing is basically done. I might tweak it to get it better, but it looks alright for my purposes (which is to finish it, haha). I also figure that since I am redoing the Original Costume I might as well redo my Simbiot Costume. I am basing it off of the pic I saw for Spider-man 3. Since there so similar, it only takes some color tweaks to change it. I always seem to like the black costume better. I wonder why that is? Black's just cooler I guess. Anyone think the webbing on the red/blue one is to dark or to highlighted? Let me know. Thanks everyone.
  8. Ugh, after seeing Patrick's great Iron Man thread in the Radiosity section I couldn't help but dig up my original Spider-man. I remade the head and made it larger to give him a shorter, and more of a teenager, look. I also wanted to change the eyes to these. I'm using the same body, but I tweaked the proportions. Webbing will be added with Normal Mapping. I rendered this in v13 with AO and one Spotlight. Eyes have an enviroment map on them. The costume has projection maps and a ambient gradient. I figured I might as well finish this guy, since I keep coming back to him. The webbing is going to be hard, but I plan on finishing him this time. I can't get it out of my head.
  9. Ok, my friend's birthday is tomorrow so I decided to take my character and put a very basic skeleton in her and pose her for a birthday card. I didn't have much time to tweak the pose since I had other stuff to do, but I am surprised how well she moved with just a basic skeleton. I know it's not the greatest, but I thought I'd post it anyway since I haven't posted in a while.
  10. That is looking great, Colin. I guess the nipples would be an extra that may add realism to the character to those who don't even realize why they think he look more real. I think either way would be good.
  11. That is crazy cool. I love that second image.
  12. Holy Crap, you're right! That is pretty cool. The idea of building a dungoen is something I always wanted to do, but never got around to it. Now I stopped playing roleplaying games and haven't had the need. Good Luck with this.
  13. CLOWN!!!! *faints* I actually think he looks awesome. Great job.
  14. Here's a render of the sword. It's a 1 1/2 hand scimitar with wing guards and the star motif on the hilt. I've decided to go with two throwing axes for her secondary weapons on a belt around her waist. WHen I am done with the axes I will move onto spurs. And while I am doing those things I will tweak the cloak to fit again voer the sheaths for the swords.
  15. Thanks Dhar, but that's not the anwser. I have no "nan" area is my settings. They're all numbers. *sigh*
  16. Does anyone know why my sword is rendering all blacky-like in v12t? As you can see, it's the same in the render as it is in the action that I put my swords in. Both are rendered images. I don't really want to have to make two models for my swords being in and out of the sheaths. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Thankyou, again peoples . Stian: I used the technique that Frank Silas has in his Beauty and the Brute Thread here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&sh...ndpost&p=163443 Now if I can do mechanical modeling like you I'll be set for life .
  18. Thanks alot, guys. Will: I wish my friend was a client. If I had any idea of how I could get paid doing this, I would do it, but I'm not very business oriented. . Ken: Yeah I was thinking of just a dagger, not the whip. I think my friend wants me to sexifier some more. I don't think she needs it. I am making this in v12 so there are no displacements. I'm keeping the clothing underneath, becuase I might have need for her clothing in the future and didn't want to save a seperate model with the clothes gone in some areas. I have already decided that I will make two swords that cross her back. They will poke threw her cloak, so I will have to make two versions of the cloak. *sigh* Thanks again.
  19. I like it so far. It's got a nice "Futurama-esque" type feel.
  20. Thanks alot, guys. My friend wants me to make a whip for her. "She needs a whip!", he says. *sigh* What does everyone else think ... whip? It might be a little too hard. He also wants me to finish the back armor, add the hood to the cloak, etc, etc... He can be a real ba***rd somtimes . He just doesn't understand how complicated it is to rig a high patch character. Thanks. Now if I can be as awesome with the lighting, like you and your brother, I might be somewhere . Anytime .
  21. Yeah, I definately like it. The composition is great.
  22. I actually think the image lok more sad than scary to me. It looks like they're drowning in the there own wieght. Reaching for the only light they can get. I like it.
  23. Dan: I made a two point spline. Selected that spline. Locked that spline. Then deleted it. I hope that was a good explanation . Well thanks to Jody (YES! ), I didn't have to go insane finishing my armor. Here she is with the finished armor. Now I have to make her swordbelt, sword, and dagger. Then I will be done with her modeling. Here is the patch count. There are two models. Tyanna (girl): 6,068 Armor: 4,700 Total: 10,768 I haven't even built the inside of her mouth. I might not. I don't know if I will have her mouth open for the final image. And then with the sword and stuff I'm expecting somewhere near 13k of patches when the model if finished.
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