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Everything posted by Zaryin

  1. Here she is with clothing. I probably put too much detail into the shirt since I was thinking about putting armor on her. I'm also thinking about adding a cloak with a hood (that should be fun ). Comments Welcome.
  2. Haha, that was pretty funny. Was that rendered with AO?
  3. Here's a new pic in a new chor with the start of the boots. Thanks Ken. The jaw and brow are about where I want them for now. I might tweak them later on when I get the project to a certain level.
  4. Thanks for the comments, again. I have added a hair helmet with a ponytail for now just to see what see will look like. I also rounded her face more from the side. I don't have time to render it out just yet. Thanks again.
  5. Mwa hahaha! *evil grin*. Seriously though, I really love this story idea Will. I just think it syncs in well with what I would do if I had any imagination anymore .
  6. Wow, he is looking awesome! I agree with Luckbat about the shoulder. You have the back moving well, but the shoulders need more muscle movement.
  7. Holy Crap! THat looks complicated. He did a great job.
  8. Thanks for the comments, guys. Well, I was going for a styilized look, but realize that I'm dumb and you guys are right . So I made the head more "real" in proportion, and softened the jaw. Now I'll start on the clothing and armor, haha.
  9. It's looking pretty good so far. You are right about that white. You need darker surfaces to get good results.
  10. Went through my pc and came across an older project where I made a base female body (for something to work off from). So I decided to make my griffon project again which was why I was inspired to make the base body. Here is the finished head attached to my base body. Might be pointying her ears, I haven't decided yet. This is my first female head ever after I don't know how many years of modeling. I think it looks pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good. Next to build clothing and armor for my griffon rider. Comments welcome .
  11. Haven't commented on this yet, but this is great. I love mechanical modeling -- I just wish I was better at it .
  12. Hey Frank, love the characters so far. The brute looks like he could use a little cp tweaking, but the female looks pretty good.
  13. Didn't I see this on CGtalk? I was going to make this same statue (or one versimilar) for the last Image Contest for "Mars". Great job so far.
  14. But I think this kind of thing would ruin the metaphor of the story. In real life most people will run from danger than be the first to put themselves in front of it. And showing the faeries in their "home" being grabbed by the troll might give too much of an impression of evil menice with the Troll instead of the Troll just going fishing.
  15. Well I don't know what some of these people are talking about. I saw the meaning of this story from just the storyboards. I didn't have a problem understanding where Will was going. I love this idea. You just don't see enough of this kind of story. Go for it, Will!
  16. I would agree with Bruce on this one. Also the lower body seems just a tad underdeveloped to the upper body, but that's just taste. I alsways hated those guys who worked out only there upper bodies and had the skinniest legs, haha.
  17. Yeah, I used to put my darktree mats on to a plane and then I would render that for a decal to use. I was thinking aobut screwing around with Sweeper myself soon.
  18. That is great, haha. I am planning on making my own "basic" caharacter to start practicing animation. I was going to try the squetch rig and the FACE rig in mine and see if I can learn about contraints and things at the same time. I love the look of yours.
  19. I agree with Ken and Mark on this one. Great job.
  20. Hey Satyajit, I'm glad you're back. I love everything about this piece. I would leave it alone. I did like your first character, but this one is great.
  21. Wow Rusty, that's really coming along. Congratulations, it's looking great so far.
  22. Great character concept. I also love that pencil style you've been working on. But bass fishing as a subject might be too scary for a story. Those fish are freaky looking!
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