It couldn't hurt to have a common model to compare notes is a conundrum at the moment. The only model like that that I've thrown out there is the modification to Thom, Squetchy Thom. Since he doesn't have a face, that leaves out any of the face rigging. I have Trevor, but, I wasn't planning on releasing him to the community because I wanted to use him in an animation that I hope to get started on sometime toward the end of this year (I was trying to kill a couple of birds at once when making the tutorial). If we could come to an agreement on what model to make the community test installation model, I'm all for it. Whatever we decide on, let's make sure that we Copy/Flip/Attach as much of it as we can, ideally the whole would help if we use the MirrorWeights plugin, which brings up another point.
The next problem that I'm wrestling with as far as installation goes is that the MirrorWeights plugin that Steffen has 98% finished would cut the time in half. It only has one issue, the SDK needs to be updated to include the ability to mirror nulls. If that problem gets cleared up, you would only have to put in half of the bones, use the plugin to copy/mirror those to the other side of the character, weight one side and then use the plugin again to mirror those weights to the other side. There are a couple of places that I would still weight both sides, but the plugin will still save loads of time.
Things develop so fast it's hard to keep up with the changes sometimes...I haven't even finished the tutorial and it needs to be updated.
I'm trying to get started on my rigging model, but family things keep getting in the way. If I ever get it done I'll be giving it away free.