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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Roger last won the day on March 23

Roger had the most liked content!


Previous Fields

  • Interests
    Tropical fish, animation, computer graphics, film/movies
  • A:M version
  • Hardware Platform
    Win 10
  • System Description
    Thinkpad laptop and Intel desktop, 20+ GB RAM, Win 10, Nvidia 1060
  • Short Term Goals
    Place in or win an AM contest
  • Mid Term Goals
    Complete rigging both characters for my movie
  • Long Term Goals
    Complete my short film
  • Self Assessment: Animation Skill
  • Self Assessment: Modeling Skill
  • Self Assessment: Rigging Skill

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Location
    Somewhere in the midwest...

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47,273 profile views

Roger's Achievements


Animation:Masters (9/10)



  1. Hmmm Windows Media Player doesn't support the encoding you used for that .AVI file. Anything else I should try to view it?
  2. I like the caterpillar. Is he morphing into a butterfly?
  3. Wow! Very cool. I can remember seeing that box on display back in the late 90s at the local Best Buy
  4. Thanks for sharing your work with us, it is always nice to see what other people are working on.
  5. Roger


    I wish I'd seen this when you first posted it, this is very cool.
  6. Funny! Oddly enough, we had a very warm day today in my neck of the woods: it was 55 degrees.
  7. Happy New Year, Rob! Happy New Year, everyone!! 🎉
  8. Very cool watch. Sometimes when I see stuff like this, I wonder how far we are from a point where you can make your computer function exactly the way you want it to. Was your favorite environment something like 4DWM, OS/2 Warp or maybe Amiga OS? Just reskin your boring OS internals and away you go. Probably not terribly practical in reality, but it's interesting to think about.
  9. BTW what is the name/handle of the streamer? Looks kinda like someone that is in the music space on YouTube.
  10. Cool model! Didn't see this until just now. 30 hours to render is quite some time, did you use a very high resolution? I wouldn't put too much stock in the negative comments, everyone is a critic it seems like.
  11. Nicely done, only thing I might add is to have him sniff the flower, like really inhale it. Good job!
  12. Yeah it seems like that would be something that would be present in the software, but I guess not? Was still interesting to see a pro at work, though.
  13. I attended as well, I thought his technique was interesting but results in a lot of extra work, especially if you aren't already a decent 2D artist or animator. Still, very interesting webinar.
  14. My mind immediately went here when I saw the topic: (It's an old newspaper comic called "Shoe" for those that may not be familiar) Silliness aside, that's a great start to a gym shoe model!
  15. Boris Yeltsin?
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