sprockets Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot Rodger Reynold's Architectural WIP
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. That looks like two-headed giraffe in Nancy's post.
  2. Getting rid of the tangent helped. I'd suggets some further rearrangement that gets the horizon at the 1/3 or 2/3 level and perhaps moves the lion out of dead center. the mane seems a bit dark, is that based on a reference?
  3. How do you use the data-folder in the libaries? Objects in in the Data folder MAY be part of a library, BUT you dont' need to use Libraries for anything. Just load and use and save files the regular way like all other programs do.
  4. Suggestion for his left foot... either turn the foot to point the toe more away from the body and have a more likely line from the leg to the foot (and have it not exactly parallel to the right foot) OR tilt the bottom of the foot so it isn't flat on the ground and making the ankle look so bent. OR some combination of the two.
  5. That looks wonderful mark! The A:M CD image I have only has SmokeOne SmokeOne.tga (try it, but it's obviously not going to look the same as mark's movie)
  6. Yes, I will have to GetTime() This is only the first step in a more involved problem with expressions. Eventually I want to do crowd simulation but the first step is getting something predictable to happen each frame.
  7. Thanks for coming back to show it to us! You can upload models to the Shared Resources thread and I bet someone would find them useful.
  8. I guess the problem is that expressions are continuously evaluated and not once per frame?
  9. If i want to have an object decrement its Y position every frame I should be able to do a standard value reassignment like Y=Y-1, shouldn't I?
  10. When I on that link in Firefox i get "Save link as" in the menu. "Save as source" sounds like something in the Quicktime viewer.
  11. What browser are you using?
  12. The thing that's most not-clear is when the reflection comes to life. I know you're keeping the camera far away so we can see the guy after he gets hit but it may be too far away for everything else. His feet are sliding on the walk. That may be a stylistic choice but I wouldn't do it.
  13. When I was little there was a commercial for a terrible Christmas movie that ran so much we got sick of seeing it. I don't recall the name of the movie but it had a long list of things you would SEE like "SEE Santa's magic reindeer!" and "SEE his magic workshop!" and the last one was "SEE Santa's magic telescope!" So nowadays whenever I make a movie I like to claim you will "SEE Santa's magic telescope!" I've also used that for party invitations and company department meetings.
  14. - if you rip the DVD you should get 24fps files. - if you single frame in a DVD player you should get 24 frames for each second on the time counter.
  15. I just think it's so small that the next frame looks like a sudden pop
  16. I like those! My one practical suggestion would be to not do an "L" couch for the TV room.
  17. I think that looks too much like a flash of light. Too bright and too solid. The first frame of dust is so small that it's getting missed, it needs to be closer to the full size. I think the dust falling back down needs to settle evenly. Right now it's settling a little then collapsing real fast. If anything, real dust is slowest at the end.
  18. Long story short... everything about mine was ten times harder than i thought it was going to be.
  19. Take a look at the settings in my sample PRJ and see how I varied the size and falloff softness to make the cloud expand quickly then dissipate slowly.
  20. If you are going to just view something on your monitor, stick with square pixels, because the monitor has square pixels. 1900x1200 is not a 4:3 ratio but that almost certainly isn't framed in a 4:3 area rectangle. If you measured it you'd find it to be about 1.58 to 1 You can render at 1024x768 but that will take longer than 640x480. If you want to see a 640x480 movie larger, the easiest thing to do is full screen the player or use Quicktime's View>Present Movie option.
  21. Wow, you're really cranking these out! So the bees didn't want his nectar, they wanted his petals...
  22. Aw, come on... you really assembled that in 25 seconds? Looks great!
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