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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I just tried notes in V15 and that worked too.
  2. Here's the form the bootcamp class might take: 1 Gravity and Inertia. Why the ball moves the way it does. 2 Simple bouncing ball. How to create this motion with A:M. 3 Squetching ball. Why the ball changes shape. 4 Jumping ball. Why we use anticipation.
  3. Here's a guy who tried a Keep on Truckin' walk http://youtu.be/PNYpLE20P3Y but it's still not quite like the original...
  4. To make a streak material , on a Material attribute>Change type to>particle system>Streaks
  5. brace yourself... it's called... sparks! You can try this but I just whipped it up from scratch and I find that you have to customize particle effects for each new situation. Sparks2.prj
  6. I haven't installed the darktree materials since I put this new computer together so i had to do this ... First, there should already be a "darktree" folder in the top of your V15 or V16 folder where your A:M is installed. It has 11 .dll files in it. This should be installed with A:M. Next I downloaded a repository from the darktree website like this: http://www.darksim.com/Repository/DTRep_thumb.zip I unzipped that to the top of my "Hash Inc" folder. Because of some permissions thing I had to unzip it to a spot on my data drive and manually copy and paste to my Hash Inc Folder. You should end up with a folder "DTRep" in your "Hash Inc" folder with numerous folders inside it. Then in A:M in the PWS I did Materials>New Then I did Attribute>Change Type to>Plugin>Darksim>Simbiont AM (That's gotta be the longest menu tree in all of A:M) In the properties for this new "Simbiont AM" material i clicked on "Load DarkTree" and navigated to the above mentioned folder to find one of the .dsts or .dstc files I had to close and reopen he material preview window to get the preview sphere to update.
  7. thanks for dropping in to clarify that, Yves!
  8. Looks Freaky! The guy in gray walking toward the cam... -he starts going back up immediately upon his heel hitting the ground. too soon. His mass will keep going down for a few more frames before he heads up again. It's slight but it's gotta happen. -his feet are pointed straight ahead. Almost everyone points toes out especially casual people. Devil: -same walk issues although we don't have as much time to catch it. - I tend to slap the foot down after the heel contact pretty fast , but for the devil's slow walk here it may be too fast . -is his left thumb supposed to look like a penis around 03:09? If it is, you might keep the right hand farther back so the silhouette is clearer. If it's not supposed to look like a penis... it looks like a penis. -if you did his right hand in FK instead of IK when he's doing the pointing stuff that would get you more natural motion in relation to his torso and easier to get the arcs right. -after he turns to his right we sort of lose his right hand action against his red body in back. Guy in Gray second shot... -I presume the shadow walking off without him is intentional... perhaps if the camera angle was lower we could see more of the shadow and it would catch our attention better? -the cigarette looks magnetically drawn out of his hand rather than being tossed away. that's going to need to be a bigger gesture for us to get what he's doing; I wasn't sure what it was until I watched it several times. -When he walks, his toes look more pointed out, that looks better. - same issue with rebounding back up too soon after the heel contact I was able to play first file but it didn't' scrub well, I'm not sure why.
  9. I didn't even know there were notes! i tried it and was able to save and reload a model with notes (v16), although I don't know what you would do if you had more than one line to enter.
  10. 216 downloads so far! That's quite a few for our little forum. The eyeballs are out there.
  11. I suppose it wouldn't have to always be a Bee. All sorts of creatures would have reason to go by a flower... bees, butterfly, worms, mice...
  12. I like the stop mo look. Have you tried this at 12fps?
  13. Is Stereo on by any chance? There's gotta be something out there at 46:12 that's causing it. You might try deleting elements and resaving (under a new file name) until the chor stay at the proper length. Then you'll know what you deleted was the culprit. Is there a sound file involved?
  14. "Bees and Flower" Different bees coming to the same flower trying to get pollen out. Everyone makes their own unique Bee.
  15. Cheshire? Looks cool! The eyes look a bit permanently frowned you might want to model them more neutral. I'm not sure about SSS on a cat, unless he's hairless.
  16. Rodney shows you how it's done. It's easy enough to make the hole small enough for any useful purpose. On this one the ring has been scaled so small that I can't even see a ring no matter how far I zoom in. That's too small. It's a matter of doing the technique properly to get a good result much as we need to do many things in life properly to get a good result. The only circumstance I can think of where a tiny hole wouldn't do is the 3D printing that people are doing that ostensibly need a truly closed shape. V16 will have an STL exporter so people may get to experiment with work-arounds for that.
  17. Show me a glitch and the model. It's like anything else, if you do it wrong or use it wrong it won't come out right.
  18. Hey, haven't seen you around for a while! That all-around drop shadow will be tough to do with one light. Here's a shadow done with no lights but with AO instead. This is done by having the camera point straight down at the letters which are just above the ground plane. AOShadow.prj
  19. The more octaves, the more detail in the noise pattern. Detail that is a pixel or less onscreen is very difficult for the renderer to interpret consistently as it moves around. For example both of these look gray from a distance but the top is really black and white dots. As it moves in front of the camera it's hard for the renderer to sample those black and white dots and produce the exact same shade of gray each frame. Less complicated textures might give the same final appearance but with less flickering.
  20. Discovered while messing with something else... this is made with a grid combiner, animated in the chor. The actual mesh never moves. DomePanels.prj Dome.mov
  21. The chair back looks uncomfortable, is that based on a real one? But it's looking good.
  22. yup, you got tons of small fine details there. That rusty texture on the rocket nozzles... that's got a noise component, what are the "octaves' set to?
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