sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. try RMB>Save Video As
  2. You already know more than I do! I just finally found the cloth wizard. If you create a bone for each CP you can attach the CP to a bone and constrain the bone to the mass. But are Masses like bones?... if you select a mass then you select the CPs that are supposed to be attached to it? I haven't had much success creating springs from scratch. Do you have this problem... SpringTest.mp4
  3. See if the new one works.
  4. Another one... Pillars000.mp4
  5. Some soft body effects can be done with Simcloth. PRJ: SpringCloth005 SIMMED.prj Cloth set to "Springs" and suitable stiffness will try to return to its original shape after being deformed. The outer edge of the grid is an Attach Group, to prevent the cloth from being knocked away. @ivanbryan82
  6. @ivanbryan82 Look at pg 182 of the TechRef for info on spring systems. If you know anything about Spring Systems I'd be eager to hear it.
  7. The camera needs a clear view of the motion. A camera facing you, or you facing the camera would have worked better. It's legal to do this stuff outdoors where you have more room. Don't stop! Give it another go!
  8. The tools are still there. If they do not show in your interface, you can add the Dynamics Motion Mode button to a toolbar from Tools>Customize>Commands. Add Mass and Add Spring... In a Pose I was able to RMB>New>New Spring System So the tools seem to still be there. I've never used them and am not sure of their potential. Bullet Soft Body? I'm not sure that's possible since Bullet animates the mesh to be independent of any bones it was attached to. Maybe Spring System is for squishy meshes? I've never tried it!
  9. I've heard several people say things like, "...but my character isn't rigged." Bring it in. We'll get it rigged!
  10. Steve @Shelton and I looked at an interesting problem a few days ago. Steve had rigged a new character of his and was SmartSkinning several joints when he realized he had been doing the SmartSkins on control bones, not geometry bones. Why is that undesirable? Well... control bones are created to consolidate the manipulation of multiple (geometry) bones into one (control) bone. For ease of animating. In the case shown below, TSM has two geometry bones in an upper arm. the first swings around to move the arm forward/back/up down while the second only rotates on its long axis to handle the twisting of the upper arm. this helps mimic the motion of the skin on the upper arm... the skin near the elbow is what moves most when you twist your arm. The TSM2 arm control manages both of those bones' particular motions via constraints, but that means it will do twisting motion the first geometry bone never does. Additional SmartSkinning COULD be done to compensate for this but... it's easier to do fewer SmartSkins than more. So, what to do? It is always possible to delete this undesired SmartSkin and redo it on the proper bone. That is entirely doable. However, after some experimenting we found that some text editing could transfer the SmartSkin information from the wrong bone to the right bone. Loading the MDL file into a text editor we searched on "smart" and paged through the instances until we found the one associated with the control bone "1 left upper arm". Smart Skins are held between a pair of OBJECTSHORTCUT tags. We copied the name of the correct geometry bone "1 left upperarm1" (note the slight difference in spelling) in A:M and pasted it over the undesired control bone "1 left upper arm". Then we saved the altered text file into a new model name, loaded it into A:M and tested the arm motion. SHA-ZAAM! It worked! Be careful not to change anything about the spacing before or after your copied and pasted bone name. That can created odd corruptions of your file.
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  11. I'll just alert @Jason Simonds that you've sent a transfer request in. Maybe he can get to it this weekend.
  12. In the Chor or in an Action you can >Bake Dynamic Systems. Note that the results of Baking tend to be quite stiffer than the real-time result. You will need to esperiment with settings to get a Baked result you like.
  13. But you have it working on your mac, right?
  14. the period key inverts the current selection, so if you want to explicitly select CPs to be hidden, select them, then press period to select everything but those CPs. Then Hide.
  15. I think we ascertained that Windows 10 won't work. If you've already tried the Windows 7 work-around on Windows 10 and it doesn't work, then I don't know of any other option.
  16. The turn-around on that will not be instant. It will happen when Jason has time to check that email.
  17. Have you done this?... https://www.hash.com/faq/index.php?action=artikel&cat=13&id=17&artlang=en
  18. Usually... Leave them all checked. Install the SSE4 (and/or) AVX Version... Unless you know your CPU can't use these leave them on. Almost all modern CPUs have these features. You can usually look up your CPU on Wikipedia to find if it supports these, but even if your CPU doesn't support them the OS seems to have fallback provisions. If you install A:M and it doesn't run you might try running the installer again with this unchecked Create Shortcuts... These are the icons programs put on your desktop. Register Extensions... you might uncheck if some of the three letter file type extensions need to be reserved for some other file type. This is rare. The only collision I've personally encountered is that an A:M Action and a Photoshop Color Table both use .act as their filename extension, but the functionality of either program is not hindered by the overlap. Don't install additional Plugin... Some people had trouble with the "Time Logging" plugin. I'm not even sure what it does so I leave it uninstalled.
  19. Do you mean the text "tooltip" that shows when you hover over the icon? Tooltips can be turned off at Tools>Customize>Toolbars...
  20. I have seen it. The PRJ is looking for some asset that is gone or has changed location but the directory window for you to locate it is hidden behind the main screen. A)Try clicking in the windows desktop B )Try opening in another version and ascertain what the problem asset is.
  21. On the "stepping off" motion... you can convey a greater impression of weight by having the body continue downward for a bit after the foot hits the floor.
  22. If you get stuck on something, the forum is here for that and if you get real stuck we have Live Answer Time every Saturday.
  23. A guide to new features introduced since v16 can be found here...
  24. The interface of the program has been consistent since v10.5 Nearly all the old training material will be relevant especially that regarding modeling. v19 will be the last that supports Mac so you definitely want a Windows PC going forward. Get something with at least four cores so you can make good use of NetRender.
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