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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I'm making a project that involves a solid-spoked wheel, much like many car wheels are today without hub caps. To cut down on the modeling I used some lathing and duplicate techniques. I based my lathe outline on a rotoscope diagram. I used two CPs at every corner to make a sharpish but still-beveled edge... This wheel has 8 spokes (with 8 holes in between) and a bump on each spoke. The easiest way to model a round bump or hole is to stitch it in on splines between two other splines. That means a minimum of four splines across for each instance of a hole and a spoke with a bump... To support 8 holes/spokes, i need to do a 32 cross section lathe. (You set that at Tools>Options>Modeling)... However, the five-pointers around holes and bumps prefer not to be stretched very far or around large turns. I'll need extra splineage where I've drawn it in... To create those spline I put some extra CPs in the lathe outline where i wouldn't normally need them for a straight spline. I broke up one spline crossing and spread the edge splines apart to start the pie-shaped hole... Connect the front and back edge splines... The corners are 6-points and need to be split into two 5-pointers. I add a CP to the middle of each front-back spline with the Y key and stitch in a middle spline... The five pointer patches are still visibly wrinkled from having to turn a large angle. I stitch in a new spline around the hole between the middle spline and the old square edges and hook in a new radial spline at each corner at the wide end of the hole... Now the 5-pointers don't have to do much curve work. I stitch in the oval spline for the bump on the spoke and that gets me one finished hole and spoke... I could do this seven more time around the wheel, but there is an easier way... I cut out the 5 lathe sections that contain this new modeling and deleted one lathe section on the edge to leave hanging splines... I grouped that, set its Pivot to 0,0,0, the copied, pasted and rotated the pasted part 45°... I connected each hanging spline to its immediate neighbor in the old section. This new quarter section gets copied, pasted, rotated 90° and connected to make a half section. The new half section gets copied, pasted, rotated 180° and connected to make a complete wheel.
  2. Here's a tidbit from Mark Largent. It doesn't sound exactly like your problem but give it a try...
  3. Now the forum looks normal again. Thanks!
  4. Steffen is working on 19g. I don't know what the ETA on releasing that is.
  5. There may be some permissions setting for A:M that has been altered.
  6. Turn alpha OFF. It's the thing you don't want, right? What happened when you used the preset I attached above? We need to know that.
  7. 50% will make for weak toonlines but i do get toonlines with this preset when i try i on the scene you sent me... ToonPreset.pre Try that and let me know what happens.
  8. In Render to File Settings>Output>Buffers do you have Alpha OFF?
  9. Somewhere around here, Yves has some commentary on how to ascertain the right settings for radiosity renders.
  10. Great Pumpkin, John!
  11. I don't understand that story but the mention of the word gives me an opportunity to show my 4-door batmobile.
  12. Here's a bit of medal insanity. Watch your fingers!
  13. It looks festive! A radiosity render with parameters set for higher quality would probably take many hours.
  14. Hi Kim. Snap to Surface was indeed introduced in v17. Our forum Search is inoperative at the moment but there are discussions of Snap to Surface somewhere here. I would be curious to know where you heard "a lot" about Snap to Surface. I can't imagine it.
  15. If you really need the animation to be in an Action, you can do it in a Chor and then save the Chor Action out as an Action. That ought to accommodate all your rotoscope needs.
  16. i can't reproduce that. Open or closed, the rotoscope returns.
  17. A quick test on my own... If the action is in a PRJ and i save the Project, the Action will retain its rotoscopes when i reopen the PRJ. An Action saved by itself seems not to retain rotoscopes unless it is loaded by a PRJ it was made in. So... if you need rotoscopes, use Actions in the context of a PRJ.
  18. Hooray for weirdness.
  19. "Overshoot" in animation is when something moves out to a point then retracts a bit. It's a way of making something seem like it got over-stretched, that it reached the end of its rope, that great effort was involved Here, some herons exhibit overshoot in their mating dance. The head reaches far out for the big squawk, but settles back to a more relaxed position. I not a bird expert but I think the male bird on the left is trying to impress the female bird on the right with how far he can stretch his neck and she's showing him how far he really needs to go before it's a deal. She's not going to jump in the nest with just anyone!
  20. Something is wrong with the "Activity" tab. It shows lots of people's profile changes but not threads that have been started or updated in the same time frame.
  21. For the moment, I would suggest doing a PRJ save before you bake. and then if you decide you need to re do it again you can go back to the unbaked version. When you rebake, what are you doing about the existing baked decals?
  22. I'll note there is a SHIFT option for Bake Surface. Hold the SHIFT key when you select Bake Surface to get an options panel. I don't know if this feature was in v15 yet
  23. I recall there have been some bug fixes to surface bake since v15. I don't know if that was one of them. In a quick test in v19 I was able to bake and rebake without a freeze.
  24. Don't miss it. Check out the Fall 2018 Image Contest.
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