Welcome back Rusty!
The easiest way to do spinning rotation is to change the interpolation method of the bone from Quat to "Euler"
Try this. If you have more questions, ask.
Geez, almost ten years since that post Seems like just yesterday.
Hi Simon,
The second bones folder is visible because "Show More than Drivers" is on.
Turn if off and it will disappear.
Or you can close the folder and ignore it.
Hi David
i believe the simplest solution is to save a PRJ with all those files embedded.
Load your PRJ in A:M
Do Project>Embed All
Resave your PRJ with a new name
Use the new PRJ for Net Render.
There's a lunar eclipse going on now.
Go out and look at the eclipse but remember to wear your moonglasses. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/usa/dallas
Hi Guest Returning User,
The death of Quicktime is a problem.
One solution is to render to an image sequence of TGA or JPG and use an 3rd party video editing tool to compress that to a video format like MPG.
In Render to file settings click to the far right of "Format" to get the drop down list of available formats you can save in.
AVI is a video format you can still render to in A:M but it is poor and I don't recommend it.
If you merely need to watch your animation you can still load image sequences into A:M and it will play them if you have enough RAM.
It's a bit like cloth in that denser meshes can be floppier.
Sometimes slightly different settings can get very different results, so you have to experiment.
So far, I haven't detected that "Bounce" changes much
It's been sitting there for a year now but I've never tried Bullet Soft Body Dynamics.
It works very well!
Here is the PRJ if you want to try.
RubberDonuts05 unsimmed.prj
in the Chor and Choose simulate Bullet
Yes, it is Bullet now.
You add bullet behavior as a constraint to an object in the Chor. Select the object>New Constraint>Bullet Rigid Body
Here's a simple sample...
I once made video on using that feature to create 3D movie pairs
i haven't re-watched this but I think it will cover your question of video in the timeline
If you still have questions... ask.