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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Dhar

  1. When you imported the model, did you also import the rest of its jpgs, maps, bumps etc..?
  2. Which tutorial is that?
  3. This is so untrue it makes me want to laugh. If one dose not have a particular market in mind for a project, and/or are not willing to throw one's self into marketing it, the only place it will ever show will be the creator's living room. Just because you put something out on the market, does not mean that folks will flock to it. More than likely they'll never know it exists. I could be wrong & am willing to accept it. I was looking at it from a pioneering spirit, a "salesman" approach. It isn't good enough to just have a good product, you gotta sell it, that's why i suggested "marketeers". But, your point is well taken
  4. I beg to differ. If there is no market then you create it. Remember the addage "If you build it they will come"? Leave the marketing to the marketeers, you just keep creating this great artwork.
  5. Thanks Rodney. I'm a sucker for one button operations
  6. What a nice idea for a project. Nice work too. Love to see the whole board and pieces.
  7. Dhar

    Singing Santa

    Why not model Diana Krall? She's a babe herself [attachmentid=12865][attachmentid=12866] [attachmentid=12867]
  8. This is amazing work. It even looks like it's inside a shop where you can see the car inners. I feel like that kid in the Jaguar commercial where he's standing in front of the window of a Jaguar showroom with the caption: "Someday". Someday I'll be able to model cars like that...someday.
  9. Nice! I'd love to go & meditate in that room - aaa-ooo-mmm
  10. hey Rodney, check your messages
  11. :::::hi-lite...Ctrl C... open Word...Ctrl V...save in A:M folder for future reference:::: This is valuable info. I'm so glad I stumbled on this.
  12. So I'm working on my A:M projects all day and into the night on Monday (Jan 2nd 2006) since it's a holiday, and with the bad weather we've been having here in Northern California, Comcast was out of commission most of the day so I couldn't log on to see who won the contest. Now it's Tuesday (Jan 3 2006, 7:30am) and I'm using the computer at work to check e-mails and the A:M Forum..... you guys have no idea what a susrprise it was to see my name as the winner of this contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't usually win anything - holy moly - my heart is racing at a hundred miles an hour What a great way to start the new year. Thank you guys for your well received well-wishes, thank you Hash forum members, thank you Rodney for all your help, you are an inspiration, thank you Hash Fellows for all your valuable help, thank you Hash admin, and thank you Steve & Martin, and thank God for this nice gift. God bless you all and good health and prosperity to you and yours.
  13. Stupendous! That's some really great looking smoke. I'd like to know how you did it. Keep up the good work.
  14. Hey jo b., what are your computer specs.?
  15. Thanks Wade; I'll try the 12 thing. Right now I have the rulers on inches because I'm not sure how to change the grid to feet.
  16. Hi Ramon; It's called the five point patch. There is a five point patch button on the right side of your A:M screen that you can utilize to patch. Choose the five points and then click that button. If more than five patches then you need to divide it. You can't go over five patches.
  17. I've upgraded from the original Win Me edition to Win XP Pro and that seems to improve the performance tremendously. I'm sure I could do better with faster cpu & memory, but until then, I'm OK with what I've got.
  18. Dhar

    Singing Santa

    Oh yeah! bellissimo. The breasts area is excuisite I like to see some animathion sometime, especially that jazz singer, with Krall's voice
  19. Happy New Year to you too. Excuisite workmanship. If I take one of your xtaz pills would it make me as good a modeller as you? Way to go man. Excellent job!
  20. Thanks for your input Jody. I'm taking a break from that bad boy. Here's an update. [attachmentid=12803] Part of the same project is the taiko drum [attachmentid=12808] and its stand [attachmentid=12804] I'm having a problem patching [attachmentid=12805][attachmentid=12806][attachmentid=12807] Any help will be appreciated.
  21. Thanks Curtis, that did it, I had to change the units to inches.
  22. Grid spacing default is .16' I played with it but no change. [attachmentid=12784][attachmentid=12785]
  23. Is there an option where the grid lines would match the ruler markings? Like if it's inches then I expect each grid line to line up with the inch marking? [attachmentid=12779] Better pic [attachmentid=12780]
  24. Isn't that what is referred to as a 'suicide bomber'?
  25. LOL I laughed so hard my chair almost did the same thing. LOL Oh...haha...LOL... that was good. Happy New Year to you too. LOL
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