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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Fuchur

  1. The problem I see is that, you are using no 5-point-patches but instead a star-intersection (more then two splines crossing in a point between the fingers). That will result in the hard edges there... Have a look at my tutorial here... it is about a foot, but in the end, it is the same... . http://www.patchwork3d.de/erstellung-eines-fusses-181-de around 6:00min it starts to get interesting.
  2. I'll follow this . Very interesting workflow. See you *Fuchur*
  3. Why? Win8 was bad, Win 8.1 was a little better and I think Win 10 is good again. See you *Fuchur*
  4. You will need eighter 2 groups to do what you want or you need a higher density of patches / CPs in your model. There is no way around that. This is the problem with a "one-selection-mode"-approach, but I have to say I like the simplicity of that much more than I dislike the disadvantages and you will very fast yourself acustom to that and think in the "right" way when modeling stuff like that. In other software, you often can select many different things like vertex (cps), edges (a single spline) and polygones (a patch) by itself, but that makes stuff much more complex and you will often need to switch modes while working and you will often wonder why a certain tool is not available till you release, that you need to select the stuff in a different mode to get the tool you are looking for... if you are used to the "just select something and think about it later"-approach, that can be quite frustrating too... See you *Fuchur*
  5. It will be fun . Exploring really is what it is all about . Poses can be deleted fully by going to the User properties option on the model the pose is placed on. Rightclick on the posename there and delete it. That should get rid of it without any left overs. Deleting for instance the relationship itself under relationahips will not delete everything. (i think because you can do different stuff manually with relationships too...) See you *Fuchur*
  6. I'll write a feature request for that, but in the mean-time: Why not use action-objects or just a chor to get the funcitonality you want? In general build stuff from different "models" is done in the chor, not in a modeling-window. The good thing about a core is, that it references stuff back... that means if you realise, that you need an additional feature on all of your referenced models, you'll get it by changing the original model instead of all the different itereations you are using in the chor. (just to mentin it: Robert did recommend the renaming, not me ) See you *Fuchur*
  7. Very interesting! See you *Fuchur*
  8. I am not sure if that should work or if it is already as it should be... (I assume it should work the way you try it....) But you can do the same with Euler-LImits-Constraints... I would create a pose-slider (on / off) for that, select the bone and right-click on it. Choose "New Constraint > Euler LImit" (or what Limit you want) and set it up using the degrees on the axis. After the model has been dropped to the core, open the pose-sliders-view and set it to on. (if you can't see it initially, click on the tab-group in the pose-slide-view... this is only necessary if you created a new pose after dropping the model to the core...) See you *Fuchur*
  9. Did you install the "stuff"-file for the old version? Look for the file for your version here. > ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/updates/windows/ Concerning the trial: Did you download the master0.lic-file and copied it to your installation folder? Is it really named "master0.lic" not "master0.lic.txt"? See you *Fuchur*
  10. Hi Robert, it happened when I tried to add a group to the newly created folder... See you *Fuchur*
  11. You can create a group-folder. To do that, right-click on the "Groups"-element and choose "New > Folder". This should get you the possibility to reselect them very fast... but I would not use that feature at the moment... it crash A:M for me when I tried it. Just go with the option Robert gave you. It is not hierachically but I am not sure why that would help... what are you trying to do? See you *Fuchur*
  12. A PointCloud is something different (for instance used for 3d scanning to create polygonal data from it) and I doubt he was talking about that. What he is very likely talking about is CP- / vertex animation like it is exportable in the MDD format already. See you *Fuchur*
  13. Hi, I have it running successfully and without problems on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. It should not be a problem. See you *Fuchur*
  14. Fuchur

    The Signal Man

    Dickens, not Kafka this time? Very well done . I like the style and the animation and the whole flair very much . See you *Fuchur*
  15. Close to it... It is a version of "Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass" (a very popular child song for learning vocals in the German language... the first round is with the actual vocals and after that all the vocals are replaced by only one vocal like "e", third round "i" and so on. Roughly the whole song translates to: "Three chinese with a contrabass, sitting on the street and talking about something. A police man came a long and he asked: What is this? Three chinese with a contrabass?" >repeat over and over... this phrase is only choosen because it containts many and different vocals in one phrase in German...) There are fun little references to this when the woman orders chinese food at the wall for instance . But in this they do not teach about how to pronounce vocals but how to order food... and how dangerous it can be to order food by phone instead of doing it online using "Lieferheld". See you *Fuchur*
  16. *lol* Will this be broadcasted in Germany? That was much fun . Very well done guys . See you *Fuchur*
  17. This is a bug which is already fixed in the next version. Does not have to do with your graphic card. See you *Fuchur*
  18. As far as i know these are the mascots of the former years. Some are very old like version 3 or 4. Who made the animations? I am not sure... I think the creators of them. See you *Fuchur*
  19. Yes... we all need to go to p sometimes... See you *Fuchur*
  20. You can add stuff quite easiiy: 1.) Click on " View > Libraries" if it is not yet available. 2.) To save a material to the library, the material needs to be saved externally somewhere. That can be done by Right-Clicking on the material and choosing "Save as...". 3.) Now you can drag and drop the material-file on the Library View. Like that, you can put it in a folder in the library-file. The other way to do this is to right-click on the material and choose "Create Shortcut to Library". If the file is not already saved externally, A:M will now ask you if it should be saved externally now. After that, the file will be put in the library at the current position you have navigated to. Be aware, that the library only references files... that means, you need to save the stuff to a place, which is accessable when you want to use the library. Copying only the library file to for instance another computer without having access to the folders where the files in libraries are referenced from will not work. This will not only work for materials but for all the other files in A:M too... See you *Fuchur*
  21. Amazing model 👌 I'd say that the couple is there because they are just looking nice and because the beach is only reachable by car and the oil is the reason they could go there 😉 See you *Fuchur*
  22. Hm... Win xp will not be supported with v19. You may want to use win 7 instead. One of the best windows oses around and closer to xp concerning the interface and the stabillity or even better. And compared to win 8/8.1 it needs less resources. Win 10 may be a good one too... But i did not test it fully till now. Just heart that it ia quite nice too.
  23. Very cool Keep on rocking!
  24. I am using Win 7(64bit) and Win 8.1 (64bit) currently... I am working more on Win7 and just from time to time have a look on some stuff I do in A:M at my win 8.1 laptop... I can't say that I have noticed anything different. Are you using Win 8 or Win 8.1? (always use 8.1... 8 is horrible) See you *Fuchur*
  25. Hm... I used it with v18 32bit and it did not crash... It did not work as it should (did create something bit not perfectly) neighter... See you *Fuchur*
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