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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hi all

I need some help on how to separate a photo into 2 parts and then, how to use the 2 new images with AM to create the effect of a model in the original photo. photo 1

An example would be of Victor Navone and his model in front of his computer. photo2

I have worked with Photoshop for several years but never messed with masks or alpha channels so does anyone know where I can find a simple tut. on how to separate the fence? Then to create a project in AM with 2 layers and my model?



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  • Hash Fellow

duplicate the whole image into another photoshop layer.


Hide the background.


Use the eraser to carefully erase all but the fence on the top layer.


Put your A:M image on a layer between the above two.


Turn your background back on.


Another method might be to use the pen tool to outline just the fence. Save the path by naming it in the paths palette. Convert the paths to a selection, blur the selection a suitable amount to match the focus of the fence and save that as a channel. When you want to insert your AM element, activate the saved selection and "paste into". It's a couple more steps but I think you might have more control and elements saved along the way that you can edit later.


I usually use the magic wand tool to get most of it ,paste it into a new file then erase the rest.Once Iv got it then I select load selection then select save selection then save as


  • Hash Fellow
I had a go at the fence,

butbut it won't load a psd or a tga file sorry


Photoshop won't load a photoshop file?


It's hard to cut objects out that are 'racked' out of focus. My approach would be to (in Pshop) use the 'polygon lasoo tool' which is the coat-hanger looking tool that makes straight line selections...cut-out the fence with a uniform estimation to it's edge... once selected, use the 'feather' tool to modify the selection's softness- then you could copy-paste to get the fence on it's own layer... and composite from there.

  • Hash Fellow

The out-of-focus fence is a complication. If everything was sharp it would be easier to cut it out, but it's not undoable


tiger.zip ( the psd file)






that's cut by hand with a fuzzy eraser brush, no magic wand or lasso selection.


Okay what I did was use the wand on the fence and held the shift key while selecting till I got the entire fence then copied and pasted into a new layer went to am and rendered shaggy against blue background so I could select then inverse and get shaggy brought that into PS then pasted a few times into image adjusted position and got this. I did not try to overlap model with the fence that would have required a fence layer with alpha in the AM window along with the background







background.zip same shot as photoshop file


I think the best way is to use a mask on a layer, than use the mask-image (black / white, make sure to select it before going on) and paint on that with a black or white pencil. (depending which you need... black = 100% transparency, white 0% transparency).


You can although use filltools with selections, blur-filters and so on with the mask (make sure to not use the image for the blur- etc operations)



Photoshop won't load a photoshop file?

Haha no I ment I couldn't upload it to the forum Robert

Some good ways of doing this ,learning all the time


I would use the quickmask in photoshop, then use a semi soft brush to make the selection and save it to an alpha.


Quickmask mode is at the bottom of the toolbar. Make sure your foreground and background colors are 0,0,0 and 255, 255, 255 (pure black and pure white). You can toggle between them with the x key and this will add or subtract your selection.


Paintshop Pro and Gimp have some nice masking tools that use edge detection but in this case where the fence is so blurry your probably better off doing it by hand.


Well, I went back and re-photographed the fence to get a sharper image. With everyones help I finally cut the fence out and placed it over a slightly different background.

Here is my final mov.


Thanks everyone for the help.



  • Hash Fellow

That turned out well!


Now you should blur the fence again to simulate depth of field.


I thought about that Rob, the fence seems to sharp now.

I am wanting to put Nevik into the ship, at lunch today I was playing with translating him to the ship but when I do New Constraint/Translate to the ship nothing happens.

I have watched the tuts. from AM but I think version 15 does not quite work like the ones they used in the tutorials.

So how do I get him into the ship and make him stay there as the ship moves?


Thanks everyone for your input.


I thought about that Rob, the fence seems to sharp now.

I am wanting to put Nevik into the ship, at lunch today I was playing with translating him to the ship but when I do New Constraint/Translate to the ship nothing happens.

I have watched the tuts. from AM but I think version 15 does not quite work like the ones they used in the tutorials.

So how do I get him into the ship and make him stay there as the ship moves?

  • Hash Fellow
So how do I get him into the ship and make him stay there as the ship moves?





Possibly you have constrained him to the ship's model bone and you are really animating the ship via some other bone.


looks cool

? can you add a little camera move to track that ufo


think version 15 does not quite work like the ones they used in the tutorials.

I think Robs right recheck what you are constrain g to it should work fine

I was playing with translating him to the ship but when I do New Constraint/Translate to the ship nothing happens.

I have watched the tuts. from AM but I think version 15 does not quite work like the ones they used in the tutorials.

So how do I get him into the ship and make him stay there as the ship moves?


You are right. Ver 15 does not work the same (as shown in tutorials) because compensate mode is by default ON. In previous versions it was OFF by default. Turn it OFF before selecting your target, if you want him to translate/move to the target bone/model.


I haven't gotten to work on it yet, having a job can really mess up getting any thing done here.


"? can you add a little camera move to track that ufo"

I used the photo as a rotoscope so I think if I move the camera I will loose the image but I will try it.


Rob I will try what you suggest to place him where I want him before I translate.



(how do you all cut out the quotes from others and place them in your comments?)

  • Hash Fellow
(how do you all cut out the quotes from others and place them in your comments?)


copy them, paste them. select them, hit the "Wrap in quote tags" button up at the top...


no, the one that looks like a word balloon...




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