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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Ill be adding about 2 seconds longer contact with the ground for the main landing gears in my next clip......:)




Well, Ive added some time delay from nose liftoff to main landing gear liftoff but I cant tell if its enough, maybe cause Ive played it back so often Ive become numb to the change...

take a look if you please and tell me whatyou think, Im guessing it still isnt enough of a delay, need another second or so?


the clip is short but higher resolution to help notice any change.






A little better, but it suddenly jolts off its front tire then hangs there a bit. Make it so that it's constantly rising off the front tire and tilting higher up as its hanging on its back tires.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok here my last take off attemt for awhile, Im going to try my hand at landing next ,then I will have to go back to additional modeling details, decals texturing and more pose controlls.....

This take off test is slightly slower liftoff time and I also have the sprite exhause smoke emitters in the tail pipes...:)


Take care,




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Very well done, Kamikaze! I especially love the shot from the ground viewing the tail. Nice banking turn and AWESOME jetstreams. Can't wait to see the landing now. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little update, this shot is decieving, the c130 is on a path but due to camera angle it doesnt look its moving much and the shot starts late and misses the initial rear touchdown, Im working on getting a little smoke from the tires as it touches down, Im not sure how to approch it, sprites, streaks, materials...






That's a really nice piece of film - my big crit however is that the hercules seems to lift off without the tilt backwards you often see in airplanes. All the wheels lift off at the same time?


the "land 1 675 775. mov" that you posted, looks like the plane isn't really moving, it's wierd, but after a looking at a few times, it does move, but maybe next time, put some sort of landmarks on the runway, such as lights on the ground, cause i'm pretty sure they do have lights. or something on that order, but other than that...


Keep up the good work, It's cool watching your progress on this plane


Good Job!!!

  • Admin
Im working on getting a little smoke from the tires as it touches down, Im not sure how to approch it, sprites, streaks, materials...



This might be an excellent application for dust effects.

Like the one outlined in Exercise 15: Eat My Dust




Im working on getting a little smoke from the tires as it touches down, Im not sure how to approch it, sprites, streaks, materials...



This might be an excellent application for dust effects.

Like the one outlined in Exercise 15: Eat My Dust




Use sprites, it'll work out much better.

There are smoke particles on the AM CD.

You can make the tires be emitters for the particles and add a force to blow the smoke around.




Thanks for the comments/help all.....I'll try them.....

but for now here is a new landing clip, I added some old hangers (hangars?) (I can't believe I dont remember the spelling)

I modeled them but as usual they still need more work....I put them in the background to help show the c130 movement..... no smoke effect on the tires..........

I also need to figure out how to simulate? accurate speed of the aircraft...if I can figue out how many feet per second the c130 flys when landing, I counld do it sense I modeled it close to scale.





Also wanted to put this clip here that I had originally posted in the Cloth forum.....I'll start putting all my c130 related clips and stuff in here regardless of how much I stray off course...LOL... Im kinda using this thread as my progress report.



the "touchdown A" clip, the plane touchdowns the front wheel really slow, i think it would look better if it happened faster.


And the the "runway lines" clip is crazy cool. That is an awesome effect!

:) :)


I totally agree ,it looks like it's in slow motion or something....Im tring to figure out how to get the speed of the aircraft to look normal to the ground..making the front wheels touchdown faster will be a simple task in the timeline.

I saw an effect on some tv car commercial that had the road lines do something like what Ive attempted on the second clip...Im an effects nut, not that Im good at it I just like to try to figure out how to do what Ive seen elsewhere but in AM.


Thanks for the comments and advice.




OK a quick update, taking a breather on the modeling and attempting some animations of sorts....here's a prop slow spin-up ,it is a combination of 3 action files and a prop rotation expression?


Had my HD crash on the computer that I usually do my internetting on so until I get it fixed I'm on a purter that I cant stand, so updates my be long in comming.




Another start up rotation without the actions,


Next I will be adding (hopefully) smoke via sprites and sound,




the second animation...how did you make the spin turn into a blurred motion like the real thing?


also, I think you have have the timing right...you just gotta make the plane faster....the front wheel lands at the perfect time. Landing must happen very gradually. That part is fine...just speed up the actually speed of the plane




If I recall correctly, I have 4 modeled propeller blades and a circle patch (spin decal patch) with a decal of a propeller in motion on each engine, it starts off with the prop blades 0% transparence and the spin decaled patch 100% transp. then the action file starts rotating the prop and I increase the transp% of the blades and Decrease the Transp. of the spin decal patch.


Still tryin to figure this whole aircraft speed in relation to the ground stuff.



the second animation...how did you make the spin turn into a blurred motion like the real thing?

Hey Kamikaze Im glad to see your progress whit C130.... I writed a simple tutorial about MUFOOF and how to create a prop spin, I sugest you to visit http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18443

... but your way to create this effect is very clever.




Yea ! I Like what youve done there . and will incorporate your method, Ill be using a variety of methods, mixing and matching to see what works best for different applications/situations,

Thanks for the post you made on this method...so cool



Still tryin to figure this whole aircraft speed in relation to the ground stuff.
The best way to get the impression of motion is to place things around the moving object, providing a frame of reference. The trouble is that runways usually have vast, featureless expanses of flat grass surrounding them, with no strong reference points. You might be able to overcome this by putting a slight grunge map on your surrounding grass (maybe with a corresponding bump map) so that apparent variations in the grass provide the reference frame. Your final animation might also show midground taxiways, which are usually accompanied with small signs, notices, and lights. If your camera is moving, provide some foreground objects to emphasise this.


Or are you simply not sure what the landing speed of a C-130 is? (I don't know what it is, but I'm sure it's a lot less than the 190 knots we used to do our science flying at.)




Thanks for the tips, my last clips the camera was on the same path as the c130, I wanted to get a good shot of its touchdown, that may be alot of the problem with motion along with sparse scenery. And I was wondering about the speed of the aircraft at landing and I did find it out...appx. 110 mph (if Im remembering correctly), or appx 170 fps (if I converted correctly/close) which will help me get the realative speed correct or at least close, well thanks and onto my next attempt....:)




Ok here is another shot a landing, Im using a different camera setup in this clip, also I adjusted the speed of the c130 to be in scale with the model and surroundings and compareable to real life specs. and I have the rear tires smoke at touchdown, I didnt put any smoke on the NLG tires, Ive been watching some clips of c130s land and don't see any smoke comming from them, there must be a little but the clips I have with low resolution it doesnt show up, may add a little next go around (whenever that may be, will be going back to modeling touchups next). I also have the c130 slow down after landing, but this time the camera angle doesnt help show it. Also still need to add some tubulance to add to the realism, along with sound.


On to modeling touchups..New Eng cowling comming up next.... :)




P.S. I just noticed the clips says "Takeoff" when its actually landing...LOL


I also have the c130 slow down after landing, but this time the camera angle doesnt help show it.
I've no idea how short a typical C-130 landing is (they can do *very* short!). All I do know is that they usually slam the brakes on with some urgency very soon after all wheels are on the ground, burying us poor passengers deep into our seats. (Yes, *into* our seats - RAF C-130's have the passengers facing backwards - you're more likely to survive a crash that way.)

As mentioned , I'm on to re modeling the Engine cowling.....my intent was to have the side and top side cowls open and then have decaled the t-56 engine itself on a patch...well things got out of hand beside the images I had are to low resolution for me. Its not to specs and Im no where done but here is a pic of where Im at so far........

No materials just surface properties, as of yet....wont be long before Ill need some JP4 to get this thing running.........:)





I feel really bad not having commented your Hercules before, because It is really impressive. Keep up the great work.





Thanks for the comments, Ive finally found a project I am sticking to.

Matt, Ive been reading your work in the thread, interesting and I sure will attempt something once my head gets a grasp of the process, Im slow to understanding lighting technics in AM .




What a thread! What a model! What alot of great test animations!

Great stuff, Michael! It makes me want to fly.


I haven't read all the posts, so excuse me if this has already been suggested, but have you tried using fog to give some depth to your animations? It would help to create the illusion of aerial perspective.


Keep it going.


Well I'll be, Paul , I don't think that has been suggested yet and I sure hadn't thought of it. Thanks for the suggestion...:)...will give it a try when I get back to animating.....




Latest update of the eng and cowling, Ive taken a break on the modeling of engine componetes (the hoses are render as lines splinage, unfortunatly RAL gives a flat 2 d look. ) Ive added bump and color decals , finally learned how to flatten with my eyes closed, well ,with one eye closed :) , Im still not done with the Eng yet, just a few more this and thats.


Happy Hashin, Mac or PC :D





I do hope you're not making extra work for yourself. You do realise you only need to model one engine, and that you can attach the four copies you need as action objects within an action...? Create an action using the main plane, and then drag in the engine model four times, position them as you wish, and voila! - a fully engined C-130! Even if each engine needs to be slightly different to the others, you can create those differences in poses, which you tweak for each instance you bring into the action. So, to see the full plane, you simply drag the main part of the plane into your choreography, and then drag and drop the action on to that.


On yes, I realise. I dont think Id have it in me to model 4 of those buggers....LOL..i model in one window them copy/paste into the main model.....Im still debating about putting them in place within an action, I have my original c-130 all done in a model window but this action technic looks interesting to say the least.




  • 7 months later...

Long time no update, Yes I have been working on the model and have made tons of improvements, many of which are hardly noticeable, lately I've been working on the cargo/troop area adding seating and some overhead ducting etc..........have also done some decaling on the fuselage, I'm not happy with the bump decal of the panel lines, to jaggedy, will have to work at getting it to look smoother, so much more I want to do to add detail inside and out, I realise I'll never get done, thanks again Rodney for those pitures, I used some of them to make decals of. Ive also been busy setting up a web site, and I've also been getting back into music/audio thanks to my sister for help me get my interest back in music......

I have also been inspired by many of the mechanical models posted lately, this is helping be keep my interest in my own mech projects, so thanks to you AM mechers

So onward with a pic or two,






Your C-130 is looking good. I am glad to see progress. I am still working on the B-36 but it had a few interations and I am presantly side tracked on another project. I hope I can get back to it.

  • Admin

Outstanding update Mike.


I just got the urge to hook my backpcak and A bag up right there... I've got my seat picked out too unless the Flight Commander moves me.


Beautiful work.



It is looking really good!!


The thin sheet metal parts look like they don't have any depth to them, you know kind of like they are paper thin instead of say 12 ga aluminum.


Is that just an illusion?


The model looks like you have made mountains of progress on it!!




Thanks All......


Hey I get side tracked at times too....

Pick any seat Rodney, it's yours..how about in the crew cabin, there is a bed uo there too....

David, Yep, a few low patch count stuff there (seats too), trying to occupy space until I get to a more detailed mind set, and then there's texturing too....pretty much light weight so far.


Well it's bedy bye time, thans for the look see and comments..


Hey !! I beefed up those hangers...smile...




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