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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Holy crap, REALLY nice job


I love the headlights . . . i hope my picutres helped :)


neither can i wait for a spin!!! good job


One thing ghouhm what about the grill?



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hi guys



bentothemax: sure the pix helped..but cuz i made a mistake from the start. i couldn't get the front light the way they should be....i tried another design instead.


iGeek: very good tut. but for decaling, not for the material i wish to use...i think i will use this once i fail trying the projection map...well..


let's go for something else, the material of the car itself,,,,does this mat is ok?? lighting also is very important for realastic pic....this is what i want to get as a result....if someone wish to post him the porsche model....i will.....this will increase the ideas that we can get to have a car render similar to other 3d apps....proving that AM is not less than other apps.... ;)



Jin - the car is looking good buddy........ A tut will be great!!! I do have plans on modeling a car so I look forward for your insight...


ok then...........i will start preparing the basic stuff for the tut...but pay attension that my english isn't that great....so i think robert should fix some paragraphs from time to time cus he's the only one understands what i mean...all the time.heheh...


Very nice, Jin! The only thing that I'm wondering about is the window on the door, it looks like one piece of glass from the door into the body behind the door (I'm not familiar with how this car's windows look, so, feel free to ignore me)...I could just be looking at it wrong.


I'm definitely looking forward to the tutorial!


itsjustme ....i don't ignore anyone....u r always welcome to say anything...i'm ur brother my dear...yes u r right. it's one piece...i didn't seprate it yet....well....now i'm preparing a tutorial..or a how to, and will explain in details how i made this porsche, during the steps i will do every singl part....by the way...this model is number 4...guess what...i remodeled it from zero 4 times....this made me discover many mistakes and try to avoid them evry time i model a new car...therfore...now i'm going to post how i did everything..and i want the support from everyone....i will post the last step as MDL file so everyone can take a look and modify it...i'm not perfect and u should know that the main goal for this car is to come up with great car modeling methods for A:M ..when i look at other car modeled in other 3d apps i feel bad..i want to get the same result here in A:M so i beg everyone to share this tut..write it even....i will post my ID and password i'm using in this forum so u can modify and repare my mistakes....guys....let's go together.....i will need every singl help....



thanks for all in advance


hi there.........i'm now writing the tut....i hope i do it the right way....dark limit (robert) will handel the correction and grammers mistake i may have....and i would like to ask bentothemax if u can join us...please try to collect us some pix for the car from many angels i f u can....and keep it with u....i will start a new thread in the tutorials section, then will tell u how to upload the,...i will try to make everything in order....any other ppl who wish to help are welcome...





thankx dennis....for all who wish to take a look at the tutorial of the porsche car...u may check the tutorial forum...i will start to post each chapter every day...as it's hard to capture images every minute and edit them....i'm working on uploading the images to the server to start a new thread in the tut forum....this tut is supported by:







Jin this is fantastic stuff... when we next talk we will discuss any errors the tut has....


thanks so much for doing this tut.. :)




Great job modeling the car! It's nice to see other A:M users doing some mechanical modeling.


We used A:M the first year of our Dodge contract to model their line of trucks and found it to be pretty nice (low patch count is NICE). We now get he CAD dataset (polys) direct from Dodge (the same file is used to produce the actual vehicle) so we now use Cinema 4D for our Dodge project, but building from scratch, I'd go back to A:M in a second. I feel we could achieve the same quality as our Cinema 4D stuff with all we've learned over the last 3 years.


Dodge Truck in A:M 2002



If you want, I can help with some of the materials (paint, chrome, lights), just let me know if you would like me to give it a shot.


Headlights are tricky. To get real good ones without using maps, you need all that crazy geometry that's actually in a headlight. I really haven't found a way to fake having the real stuff in there.


Dodge Durango in Cinema 4D 2004



Anyway, EXCELLENT job on the car! Great splining!


Can't wait to see more shots, and more of your tutorial.


- pjc


jamagica: thanx man


dark: u can fix any language mistakes, ask dennis, he has the user anem and password of where i uploaded all the files, take the html files and update them then upload them back..only replacing the html file..me and u are one person brother..


patrick_j_clarke : sure u can do anything u want....start from now...i will upload the mdl file contains the final step i made...now i'm working on the next section of the car...i will upload the mdl file so u can check and do whatever u want...do the tuts u want...i will try to take sometime to design a good home page for the tutorial...that link is only the start of the tut...as many friends asked me to hurry up writing it ( what do they think i would write anyway ) just give me 3 days to finish the home page and arrange all the sections...i will try to make this site as A:M vehicle modeling site....u and others will share writing tuts...i like that car....crazy idea to compare mine with this one...eeeeeeeeh....a small noob...anyway...just give me 3 days and i'm ready...or u may send your e-mail to me so i can send u the mdl file or the complete PRJ file...this is my yahoo e-mail: jin_kazama00110011@yahoo.com



thanx for all support....i love u all brothers....we will keep it up :P


Sounds cool jin!


BTW, on both Dodge projects, my main modeler and animator, Kevin Lyon modeled most of the A:M truck (I spent most of my time on the cargo and the wheels) and in the Durango version, Kevin did an excellent job on the environment.





- pjc


aaaaah...bad days left....we were busy in the company cuz we've changed our old GSM system into a new one....was a nightmare...

yeah patrick, i loved those cars....very smooth, smoother than mine...when i compare....mine look like an old car in a garage...hehehe

u r good modelers and i wish to be in your level one day....bye the way..i saw some tuts previewed in flash player...i wanted to do my car tut using this way....very very cool way....does anyone know how they did those tutorial files???


keep us in touch and send me your email address brother....



love ya



hi there....


i'm so sorry guys cuz i had to stop writing the tut...but guess why???

there's no arrangment for what happened, i was modeling a porsche car...and now i'm going to do a commercial add for prosche carrera....i was very happy to be choosen and the company in my country asked me if i can do them a tv add for the car....i'm happy and scared as well....not an easy job for a noob like me...so i may need the most help u can offer....here's the latest steps i did for the car....if there's any comments about smoothing please give it to me....i will need to model this car very well....also for the material i have to use....settings and stuff...



thanx alot and i'm happy to be a member in hash family






WOAH !!! :D Congratulations! thats really great to hear. I think the carrera looks really good so far!



If there is any help you need that you can get from me, by all means just ask! :)




Great job





WOW! Congrats!

And don't be scared, cuz from what I've seen you been able to do just through this thread, I'm sure the result will become awesome! Good luck


congratz man!! i know it sounds like oh my god how am i going to do this, thats how i felt when i got my first ad design job, just do the best work you can and all will be fine. remeber we are always here to help :)


Wow! That's great to hear! We will be able to help you better if you give us wireframe combined with shaded imges so we can see what's going on with splines. But it all looks good to me at the moment.




here's the shaded wireframe image for the car....i hope it help


i tried to use the minimume number of patches....is this correct.?



thax alot and will keep posting new steps as it finishs.






Looks just fine. There may be one or two splines that aren't necessary, but I can't see them. :)


I would have thought porche already have a 3D model of their car?!?


man its coming along great.

this is going to be an amazing model

what did porche ask for anyway if you dont mind me asking?


till now nothing....a friend of mine..who knows the owner of the company whitch toke the distrbution rights from porsche saw my porsche 911 and asked me if i'm able to do a commercial movie for porsche...i sayd said sure...then he talked to them...they welcomed the idea and the manager called me to insure my ability to do the add...this add would coast them alot if they made it outside of the country....so at the moment, i'm preparing the 3d model of carrera....there's no idea in thier minds...i thought about making it 3d not a camera add cuz i will do some morphing and effects that can't be made on a real carrera...changing from a spaceship looks somehow like the body of the car into the carrera shape....( came directly from future) this is the basic idea i have...i thought to do the modeling in A:M then do the animation in C4D....i changed mymind as i want everything to be done inside A:M...with adobe after effect support..one of the concepts they asked for is to give some localize look in the add..like the porsche standing and an old yemeni building in the back....not sure yet what will i do....i think i have to finish the model first then i will have the material which will help me to do the add....




sure i will add tires...not now....let me finish the car's metalic body first...i found some mistakes in the frontlight area...i detached it and will rebuild it again.....when all body fixing progress is over....i will start with tires then will move to model the chairs and cabients (the intiror car stuff).....sorry for the bad english.........




Bad Engleezi is no problem akhi, your work is worth a thousand words.


Hey, forget regular tires, how about the wheels that turn downward and anti-gravity light comes out of them and the Carrera flies away? Kinda like the DeLorean in Back to the Future ;)


Great work!


All this progress "from zero to 120" in a month and ten days! First post June 7... last post today! Wow! Fantastic....


I hope I do 1/10th as well....






I hate to jump in on this thread so late, but I couldn't resist. Jin, excellent modelling. For everyone, www.3dtotal.com is a great resource for all things 3D. While they're not aimed particularily at A:M stuff, check out the tutorials section (Free stuff>tutorials). There is an EXTENSIVE car modelling tutorial under the tutorials>Maya section.


Happy modelling


guys............u made me realy cry....never find all this care from anyone else....u r welcome to ask me anything....to give u anything...to help u with anything....my email and this forum is open for every one...my new family....today i will post something...after maybe 5 hours...i just came from work....will continue modeling.....aaaaah.....well take some rest and will come back later cuz i want to write something to some lovely ppl who wrote me here....cya after 5 hours...





Darn! good work. How about showing us an wireframe, so that we all can see how the genius lays the splines? :)


i'm not a genus....i'm only a noob.......is that ok? don't feel good about the way u asked for the wireframe image...looks like somebody's making fun on me....it's ok....i wish to be wrong...i will post u the image


Ohh, sorry if you misinterpreted what i wrote (english isn't my native language). I think your car is great, and I have been following this thread with a great interest, its fun to watch such progression. The reason that I ask for the wire is that I'm curious in how you solved it, hoping that I could pic up a tip or two :D


Keep it on





hi there

this is the latest steps i made




My Webpage


My Webpage


dear AGEP


for the wire frame....i made a flash file for you AGEP....and.. (I'm curious in how you solved it, hoping that I could pic up a tip or two )




My Webpage


what are you talking about....i'm the one who should ask u tips not u....me my self..i'm not sure i did it the right way agep....looks good...but even...splinging in some places goes wronge...also i'm facing problems cuz the modeling window became very heavy....i don't know y...maybe many objects are cuzing that...also i model one thing 3 or 5 times to insure making it better :blink:


yr car and another AM user (noa1) is the best i've ever seen,,,,tell me how do u do stuff guys...


Jin - to quote Bucky B. Katt "Scheet! The only thing that would make me drool more would be a bowl full of tuna", VERY nice and I love them front-lights!


BTW, I'm wondering: How many passes and what resolution did you rendered at?

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